weird zoom-in behavior

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5 comments, last by obx 15 years, 9 months ago
My world has a coordinate system that represents the earth using the ECF (earth-centered/fixed) coordinate system. I can pan around my earth, and zoom in/out of my earth. I pan by calling gluLookAt(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), where x, y, z is the center point of my canvas in ECF coordinates. The user uses the arrow keys to pan, each of which change the center point by some small amount in a certain direction. I zoom by calling glOrtho(l, r, b, t, n, f), where l, r, b, and t are a function of my current zoom level, and n/f (z-ratio) is consistently between .001 and .002. As my zoom level changes, as does l, r, b, and t. That is, when I zoom in, the 4 variables get smaller, and vice-versa for zooming out. To test something, I am drawing a small square at the center of the screen. I call gluUnproject to convert the center-screen coordinates to world coordinates, and then make glVertex calls to draw the square. This works fine when I am zoomed out. However, when I zoom in very close, my square starts to get drawn inaccurately. It will be a quadrilateral, but certainly not a square. Again, when I am zoomed out, no problem, the square it drawn correctly. I noticed that if I am panned to a point that is parallel to a plane (xz, yz, etc) in ECF space, the square is drawn correctly at all zoom levels. For example, when I am panned to the equivalent of 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude, where the square is parallel to the YZ-plane, there is no problem. Same with 0 degrees latitude, 90 degrees longitude (parallel to XZ-plane). But if I draw the square at 0 degrees latitude, 45 degrees latitude, is it drawn wonky. Does this make sense to anyone? Why would I only see the problem in certain cases but not others? I have tried switching to using gluPerspective instead (just to test), and I see the same issues. I have tried all sorts of z-ratios, to no avail. If I can provide any other useful information, let me know.
Maybe this will help people...

This is my code for setting the perspective.

-mViewingAlt is changed every time the user zooms in or out.
-mCenterLat and mCenterLon are changed every time the user pans.
-geodeticToXyz is just assuming a spherical earth.

Again, the issue is that any time I am zoomed way in, and not aligned with an axis, my rendering gets all screwed up.

void setPerspective()  {    double near_plane = 0.1;    double far_plane = 63781377*1.1;    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);    glLoadIdentity();    glOrtho(-mViewingAlt, mViewingAlt, -mViewingAlt, mViewingAlt,             near_plane, far_plane);    double x, y, z;    geodeticToXyz(mCenterLat, mCenterLon, mViewingAlt, x, y, z);    gluLookAt(x, y, z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);        glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);    Refresh(true);  }

This is my init. code:

  void InitGL()  {    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);     glClearDepth(1.0f);    glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS);     glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);    int w, h;    GetClientSize(&w, &h);    glViewport(0, 0, w, h);    setPerspective();  }
I think you're on the right track with suspecting the problem is with perspective. It sounds like your X-Y ratio might be off, which would cause polygons to skew a bit when you change your orientation to them. Beyond that, I'm at a loss. I generally try to stay away from glu functions...
What can I do to check my XY ratio? What defines my XY ratio? Is it something I have control over, or is OpenGL handling it?

FYI, I tried putting in translate/rotate calls that were equivalent to gluLookAt, and I still had the issue.
this looks like it could be a problem

double near_plane = 0.1;
double far_plane = 63781377*1.1;

see here

if thats not the answer post a screenshot of the problem
I've tried many z-buffer ratios, and none of them fixed the problem.
The closer I zoom into my earth, the closer my camera gets to zNear. I don't think there is anything I can do to prevent this, unless I want to switch to using glScale to simulate zooming.

Here is an overview of my earth:

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Here is the camera zoomed way in on latitude 0, longitude 0. Notice that it looks fine.

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Here is the camera zoomed way in on somewhere in the southern hemisphere. Notice that it is distorted. There is no pattern to the distortion; as I zoom in further at this point, the "square" continuously changes shape.

Image Hosted by

I think I found a clue:

This is similar to what is happening to me.

I'm going to print it out and read it tomorrow. If I find the solution I will post it here.

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