which DirectX SDK version I should use ??

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4 comments, last by filterhead 15 years, 8 months ago
in some DirectX tutorials I have read , people mention about DirectXTimer class , or file dxmutmisc.cs in the SDK folder , or Microsoft.Samples.DirectX.UtilityToolkit namespace ( I just want to use these to create a high-resolusion timer ) . But I can't find those in the lastest DirectX SDK ( June 2008 ),it looks like Microsoft has changed something when updating SDK . So now I don't know which SDK version I can use to access those features , or is there any good replacement in the June 2008 SDK
What's wrong with System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch? I'd bed that DX timer class just uses that.

Besides...Managed DirectX hasn't been included in the SDK for a very long time.
I know Stopwatch class , but I just use that to calculate the elapsed time of an operation,
how can I use it to raise an event at intervals.
I expect something like Elapsed event of Timer class , but its accuracy seems not enough to me ( I use Timer class to make a time-based animation , but it looks laggy >_< )

anyway , thank for any help
anyone help ?? do I really need to download all SDK versions just to get enough DLL to follow those tutorials
You'll need an old SDK -- the Managed DirectX samples and documentation were removed from the distribution a while back because the API is deprecated.

You're probably better off finding different tutorials to follow, since you're going to have to go back to an SDK version that almost a year old before you get MDX samples again. There's no real benefit to that.
i recommend AUG2007. this contains the file you're looking for. it is also compatible with darkGDK, and contains managed tutorials.


i am currently working on a list of resources for game development in a blog here myspace.com/filterhead

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