3d camera rotation

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6 comments, last by iop 15 years, 8 months ago
Hello, First of all I'm working with DirectX9 and have implemented buffered input. In fact my problem is only a programming one ( I think so :-) )but the whole thing has to do with graphics, so I post my question here. I want to rotate my camera around my "lookAt" point while I'm holding down the middle mouse button. So I use the "D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(...)" funcion. After that I rotate around the y-axis (by using the new mouse coordinates as the angle) and set then the viewMatrix. Until this point everything works correct, but I have a fault somewhere because of this phenomenon: I release the mouse button after moving my camera and move the mouse afterwards to another position. When I push and hold the mouse button again, the camera jumps to another position (probably rotated around the new mouse position as a new angle). From here on I can move the camera around normaly. How can I fix the "jump" of the camera? I thought about it very long but I don't get it to run as I want to... your my last hope :-)
Do you have a code snippet we could look at that you think might be causing the problem?

To me it sounds like you have a variable or something that gets reset and when it does the camera pops to this default position.

=============================RhinoXNA - Easily start building 2D games in XNA!Projects

Hmm can't you set the mouse cursor to the center of the viewport when the middle mouse is pressed for the first time?Then when the mouse moves you will get the distance to the center and use those differences to rotate the camera.
And set the cursor to the center again.
I do it this way and I don't get any popping.

if(middleMouseDown && middleMouseFirstPress){
middleMouseFirstPress = false;

POINT difference = getCursorPos() - center;

//somewhere in the input code
middleMouseFirstPress = true;
Ok, so here is my code:

//input.cppvoid Cinput::detect_mousepos(HWND hWnd){  //...  case DIMOFS_BUTTON2:	if(od.dwData & 0x80)	{	  mbmiddledown = true;					}	else	{	  mbmiddledown = false;	}	break;  //...  if(mbmiddledown)    rangeX = CMainApp.getMouseCoordsInputX();  else    //nothing  //...}

//mainApp.cppvoid MainApplication::mainAppRender(HWND hWnd){  //begin scene, drawing my world...  //setting up the camera  D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&ViewMatrix,        &D3DXVECTOR3 (vCamPos.x, vCamPos.y, vCamPos.z),// the camera position        &D3DXVECTOR3 (vLookAt.x, vLookAt.y, vLookAt.z),// the look-at position	&D3DXVECTOR3 (0.0f, 1.0f,0.0f));// the up direction	D3DXMatrixRotationY(&matRotateY, D3DXToRadian(input.rangeX));	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&ViewMatrix, &matRotateY, &ViewMatrix);	pd3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &ViewMatrix);  //... end scene}

..hope, this helps to get a better overview.

Thank you!
Black Knights method should work I think. His method might be better than the following because his doesn't have the cursor all over the screen in the background.

@Black Knight: I think you need to add together the difference to the previous movement otherwise it will keep getting reset and re-rotating.

You also could store the position of the mouse when the button is released and then the next time it's pressed reset the mouse position to that spot.

if (middleMouseDown)
if (storedCoordinates != EMPTY) //Not real code :p
mouseCoordinates = storedCoordinates;
storedCoordinates = EMPTY;

//do normal actions
else if (middleMouseUp && storedCoordinates == EMPTY)
storedCoordinates = mouseCoordinates;

=============================RhinoXNA - Easily start building 2D games in XNA!Projects

Quote:Original post by Black Knight
Hmm can't you set the mouse cursor to the center of the viewport when the middle mouse is pressed for the first time?Then when the mouse moves you will get the distance to the center and use those differences to rotate the camera.
And set the cursor to the center again.
I do it this way and I don't get any popping.

Yes, its right but insead of the camera the mouse cursor jumps, or am I wrong with that? For example, you have clicked and released the mouse button and moved the cursor afterwards to the right side of your screen, then your method would let jump the curosr back to the middle, right?

I would like to rotate from that point on where the mouse is without any jumps.
First of all I want to thank you for supporting me!

But my problem still exists. I tried what you said but my code doesn't do what I want.

Could you please look again over it? Here is an actualized version:

//input.cpp//somewhere in the detect_mouse() functioncase DIMOFS_BUTTON2:  if(od.dwData & 0x80)    mbmiddledown = true;  else    mbmiddledown = false;  break;//....if(mbmiddledown && middleMouseFirstPress){	  CMainApp.setMouseCoordX(CMainApp.getViewport().Width / 2);  middleMouseFirstPress = false;}if(mbmiddledown){  rangeX = CMainApp.getMouseCoordsInputX() - CMainApp.getViewport().Width/2;  CMainApp.setViewMat();  CMainApp.setMouseCoordX(CMainApp.getViewport().Width / 2);}else   middleMouseFirstPress = true;//...//rotate functionvoid MainApplication::setViewMat(){  D3DXMATRIX matView, matRotateY;  pd3ddev->GetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &matView);  D3DXMatrixRotationY(&matRotateY, D3DXToRadian(input.rangeX));  D3DXMatrixMultiply(&matView, &matRotateY, &matView);  pd3ddev->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &matView);}

So thats it. Have you possibly another hint for me?

Thanks in advance!
Yeah, I got it!

Here's the code, perhaps someone else need it too...

case DIMOFS_BUTTON2:    if(od.dwData & 0x80)    {        mbmiddledown = true;	middleMouseFirstPress = true;    }    else	mbmiddledown = false;    break;//...if(mbmiddledown && middleMouseFirstPress){	  help = CMainApp.getMouseCoordsInputX();  middleMouseFirstPress = false;}if(mbmiddledown){  if(CMainApp.getMouseCoordsInputX() - help != 0)    rangeX+= ((CMainApp.getMouseCoordsInputX()) - help) * ROTATEMOUSESPEED;}

Thank you again for helping me! I think the "middleMouseFirstPress" was the right food for thought what guided me to the right direction... thanks very much! :-)

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