Creating a 2d world map with cities...

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1 comment, last by gameplayprogammer 15 years, 8 months ago
I would like to create a 2D map of the world with all the worlds cities on it. If you click on any country or city you will be taken to that country or cities info screen. I would like to know how can you position all the world countries/cities ( or say london and new york to start with ) correctly on a bitmap image of the world. - I think you can find out the gps point of each city but how can you translate this to an x,y on the screen. Do people just load their world map into photoshop and write down the x,y coordinates for each city on the map. I need the x,y point so i can draw a button there that will link to the city screen. - How to break up the world map into individual bitmaps? bitmaps are square while countries have jagged edge borders. Once i can break up the world map into individual bitmaps i can create buttons and check for the mousedown message on any country on the world map.
have looked into using image maps like in html, found a tool that will generate all the coordinates for a user defined area on an image. I can then copy them into a c++ array, then check my mouse points against that array to check if a country has been clicked on. Think thats the way to go.
*bumping this*
would really like some direction on this...anyone done this already on their own project?

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