std::list manipulation

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8 comments, last by chairthrower 15 years, 8 months ago
Hi. I need help with manipulating an unsorted std::list object to end up with only one of each duplicate element and all lone elements removed. Example: 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6 // the original list (sorted for display purpose) => 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6 // remove all lone elements => 1, 3, 4, 6 // remove duplicates Can anyone help me out? Thanks.
You gave yourself the answer already...

First, sort the list with std::sort.

Then it's trivial to find the loners and duplicates, because similar elements will be next to each other.
It's surprising what you can find on Google:
Removing duplicates
Wow! Speedy replies :)

Thanks. But how do I remove the lone elements before calling unique()?
You could use a couple of sets to store information as you iterate over the list. Ex:
int main(int, char **) {  int data[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6 };  std::list<int> source(data, data + sizeof(data)/sizeof(int));  std::set<int> all;  std::set<int> dups;    for (std::list<int>::iterator i = source.begin();       i != source.end();       ++i) {    if (all.count(*i))      dups.insert(*i);    else      all.insert(*i);  }  source.assign(dups.begin(), dups.end());    std::copy(source.begin(), source.end(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));  return 0;}
Thanks guys. I figured it out.
I copied the unique() function and edited it to return the list without any lone elements. Then I can call unique() on it and I have my results :)

template<typename T>std::list<T> unique2(std::list<T>& list){	std::list<T> newlist;	// erase each element matching previous	if (2 <= list.size()) {		// worth doing		std::list<T>::iterator _First = list.begin();		std::list<T>::iterator _After = _First;		for (++_After; _After != list.end();) {			if (*_First == *_After) {				newlist.push_back(*_First);				_After = list.erase(_After);			} else {				_First = _After++;			}		}	}	return newlist;}
Sorry SiCrane. We posted at the same time :)

I think your method is better because it can work even when this list has 2 elements... also it looks better :P

Thank You!
An alternative approach:

int main(){   int data[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6 };   std::list<int> source(data, data + sizeof(data)/sizeof(int));     std::list<int> uniq;   unique_copy( source.begin(), source.end(), back_inserter(uniq) );   std::list<int> result;                     set_difference( source.begin(), source.end(),                   uniq.begin(), uniq.end(),                   back_inserter(result) );   source.assign( result.begin(), result.end() );}

I did not think about any space/time requirements though.. :)

It only works if by duplicates, you mean 'double'. If an item can occur more than 2 times you need to 'unique' the result as well. And you have to sort the list before doing this.
std::list<int>::iterator it = adjacent_find(sorted.begin(), sorted.end()), end = sorted.end();while (it != end) {  result.push_back(*it);  it = adjacent_find(find_if(it, end, bind2nd(not_equal_to<int>(), *it)), end);}
or generically using either a std::map or hash table to hold a tuple consisting
of the value and count

int main(){       int data[] = { 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6 };    std::list<int> source( data, data + sizeof( data)/sizeof(*data));//  typedef std::map< int, unsigned>    map_type;     typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map< int, unsigned> map_type;    map_type    m;    BOOST_FOREACH( int v, source)        ++m[ v];    source.clear();    BOOST_FOREACH( map_type::value_type v, m)        if( v.second > 1)            source.push_back( v.first) ;    BOOST_FOREACH( int v, source)        std::cout << v << " ";}
[edit]hash table should give O(n) behavior

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