Finding intersect of line segment and AABB

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3 comments, last by oliii 15 years, 8 months ago
I have a line segment and an axis-aligned rectangle and I'd like to find whether they intersect and if they do the exact intersection point. Can anyone suggest a general method for doing this? The most obvious method would be to convert each edge into another line segment and test for intersections between all of these and the original segment, but I'm sure there's a better way (perhaps one that takes advantage of the rectangle being axis-aligned) that I can't think of right now. Anyone any pointers?
Yes there are better ways. I like the dimension reduction one. Combining it and the SAT, you can do swept SAT.

// *untested code*// ray-aabb test along one axisbool rayAABBIntersect1D(float start, float dir, float min, float max, float& enter, float& exit){    // ray parallel to direction    if(fabs(dir) < 1.0E-8)         return (start >= min && start <= max);    // intersection params    float t0, t1;    t0 = (min - start) / dir;    t1 = (max - start) / dir;    // sort intersections    if(t0 > t1) swap(t0, t1);    // check if intervals are disjoint    if(t0 > exit || t1 < enter)         return false;    // reduce interval    if(t0 > enter) enter = t0;    if(t1 < exit) exit = t1;    return true;}bool rayAABBIntersect(Vector start, Vector dir, Vector min, Vector max, Vector& penter, Vector& pexit){    float enter = 0.0f, exit = 1.0f;    if(!rayAABBIntersect1D(start.x, dir.x, min.x, max.x, enter, exit))        return false;    if(!rayAABBIntersect1D(start.y, dir.y, min.y, max.y, enter, exit))        return false;        if(!rayAABBIntersect1D(start.z, dir.z, min.z, max.z, enter, exit))        return false;    penter = start + dir * enter;    pexit  = start + dir * exit;    return true;}

Everything is better with Metal.

this article has a similar principle. The pictures show how the 1D reduction works.

Everything is better with Metal.

Ah, that's a much more elegant way of doing it and works a treat. Thanks!
no problem.

In the link, they actually user a similar method, but a different logic, which can also work.

// *untested code*// ray-aabb test along one axisbool rayAABBIntersect1D(float start, float dir, float length, float min, float max, float& enter, float& exit){    // ray parallel to direction    if(fabs(dir) < 1.0E-8)         return (start >= min && start <= max);    // intersection params    float t0, t1;    t0 = (min - start) / dir;    t1 = (max - start) / dir;    // sort intersections    if(t0 > t1) swap(t0, t1);    // reduce interval    if(t0 > enter) enter = t0;    if(t1 < exit) exit = t1;    // ray misses the box    if(exit < enter)         return false;    // intersections outside ray boundaries    if(exit < 0.0f || enter > length)         return false;    return true;}bool rayAABBIntersect(Vector start, Vector dir, float length, Vector min, Vector max, Vector& penter, Vector& pexit){    float enter = -INFINITY, exit = INFINITY;    if(!rayAABBIntersect1D(start.x, dir.x, length, min.x, max.x, enter, exit))        return false;    if(!rayAABBIntersect1D(start.y, dir.y, length, min.y, max.y, enter, exit))        return false;        if(!rayAABBIntersect1D(start.z, dir.z, length, min.z, max.z, enter, exit))        return false;    penter = start + dir * enter;    pexit  = start + dir * exit;    return true;}

Everything is better with Metal.

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