My .obj model loader

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7 comments, last by Soulstormgr 15 years, 8 months ago
&bHello. This is my first post in this forum. I hope I find all the help I need here... This is the problem I have. I am trying to create a .obj model loader (from .obj files). Searching the internet, I found the specification, and I started programming based on that. here is what I have done so far: ObjLoaders.h

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>

using namespace std;

typedef float vector3f[3];

class OBJFileInfo{
	unsigned numVertices;
	unsigned numTriangles;
	unsigned numVertexNormals;
	unsigned numTextureVertex;
		numVertices = 0;
		numTriangles = 0;
		numVertexNormals = 0;
		numTextureVertex = 0;

class Triangle{
	unsigned TriangleEdges[3];
	unsigned TriangleTextureCoords[3];
	unsigned TriangleNormals[3];
	Triangle(const Triangle& otherTriangle){
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			TriangleEdges = otherTriangle.TriangleEdges;
			TriangleTextureCoords = otherTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords;
			TriangleNormals = otherTriangle.TriangleNormals;
	void reset(){
		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
			TriangleEdges = 0;
			TriangleTextureCoords = 0;
			TriangleNormals = 0;

class OBJModel{
	OBJFileInfo fileinfo;
	vector3f* vertices;
	vector3f* vertexNormals;
	vector3f* textureVertices;
	//Triangle* triangles;
	vector<Triangle> triangles;
	OBJModel(OBJFileInfo info){
		fileinfo = info;
		vertices	=		new vector3f[info.numVertices];
		vertexNormals =		new vector3f[info.numVertexNormals];
		textureVertices =		new vector3f[info.numTextureVertex];
		//triangles =			new Triangle[info.numTriangles];
	void vertexAtIndex(unsigned index, vector3f resultBuffer){
		resultBuffer[0] = vertices[index][0];
		resultBuffer[1] = vertices[index][1];
		resultBuffer[1] = vertices[index][1];
	void drawVertexAtIndex(unsigned index){
		vector3f vertexToDraw;
		vertexToDraw[0] = vertices[index][0];
		vertexToDraw[1] = vertices[index][1];
		vertexToDraw[1] = vertices[index][1];
		glVertex3f(vertexToDraw[0], vertexToDraw[1], vertexToDraw[2]);
	void drawFaceAtIndex(unsigned index){
		unsigned triangleVertexPositions[3];
		triangleVertexPositions[0] = triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0];
		triangleVertexPositions[1] = triangles[index].TriangleEdges[1];
		triangleVertexPositions[2] = triangles[index].TriangleEdges[2];
		//cout << triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0] << " " << triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0] << " " << triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0] << '\n';
		vector3f v1, v2, v3;
		v1[0] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[0]][0];
		v1[1] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[0]][1];
		v1[2] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[0]][2];
		v2[0] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[1]][0];
		v2[1] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[1]][1];
		v2[2] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[1]][2];
		v3[0] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[2]][0];
		v3[1] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[2]][1];
		v3[2] = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[2]][2];
		cout << v1[0] << " " << v1[1] << " " << v1[2] << '\n';
		cout << v2[0] << " " << v2[1] << " " << v2[2] << '\n';
		cout << v3[0] << " " << v3[1] << " " << v3[2] << '\n';
			glVertex3f(v1[0], v1[1], v1[2]);
			glVertex3f(v2[0], v2[1], v2[2]);
			glVertex3f(v3[0], v3[1], v3[2]);
		delete [] vertices;
		delete [] vertexNormals;
		delete [] textureVertices;
		//delete [] triangles;
	unsigned numVertices(){return fileinfo.numVertices;}
	unsigned numTriangles(){return fileinfo.numTriangles;}
	unsigned numVertexNormals(){return fileinfo.numVertexNormals;}
	unsigned numTextureVertex(){return fileinfo.numTextureVertex;}

void firstPass(char *filename, OBJFileInfo& info);
void secondPass(char *filename, OBJModel *model);


#include "ObjLoaders.h"

void firstPass(char *filename, OBJFileInfo& info)
	char buf[128];
	FILE *filePointer = fopen(filename, "r");	
	while ( fscanf(filePointer, "%s", buf) != EOF){
		switch (buf[0]) {
			case 'v':
				switch (buf[1]) {
					case 't':
						fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);
					case '\0':
						fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);
					case 'n':
						fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);
			case '#':
				fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);
			case 'f':
				//NSLog(@"not implemented yet! %i", info.numTriangles);
				fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);

void secondPass(char *filename, OBJModel *model){
	char buf[128];
	FILE *filePointer = fopen(filename, "r");
	unsigned currentVertexIndex = 0;
	unsigned currentvertexNormalIndex = 0;
	unsigned currentTextureVertexIndex = 0;
	unsigned currentTriangleIndex = 0;
	while ( fscanf(filePointer, "%s", buf) != EOF ) {
		switch (buf[0]) {
			case 'v':{
				switch (buf[1]) {
					case '\0':{
						float a,b,c;
						fscanf(filePointer, "%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);						
						model->vertices[currentVertexIndex][0] = a;
						model->vertices[currentVertexIndex][1] = b;
						model->vertices[currentVertexIndex][2] = c;
						//cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << '\n';
					case 'n':{
						float a,b,c;
						fscanf(filePointer, "%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);
						//cout << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << c << '\n';
						model->vertexNormals[currentvertexNormalIndex][0] = a;
						model->vertexNormals[currentvertexNormalIndex][1] = b;
						model->vertexNormals[currentvertexNormalIndex][2] = c;
					case 't':{
						float a,b,c;
						fscanf(filePointer, "%f %f %f", &a, , &c);
						model->textureVertices[currentTextureVertexIndex][0] = a;
						model->textureVertices[currentTextureVertexIndex][1] = b;
						model->textureVertices[currentTextureVertexIndex][2] = c;
			case 'f':{
				Triangle currentTriangle;
				int v,t,n = 0;
				fscanf(filePointer, "%s", buf);
				if ( strstr(buf, "//") ) {
					sscanf(buf, "%d//%d", &v, &n);
					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;
					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0] = n;
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d//%d", &v, &n);
					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1] = v;
					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[1] = n;
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d//%d", &v, &n);
					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2] = v;
					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[2] = n;
				else if (sscanf(buf, "%d/%d/%d", &v, &t, &n) == 3){
					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;
					currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[0] = t;
					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0] = n;
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1]);
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[1]);
				else if (sscanf(buf, "%d/%d", &v, &t) == 2){
					currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[0] = t;
					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1]);
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[2]);
				else {
					sscanf(buf, "%d", &v);
					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d", currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1]);
					fscanf(filePointer, "%d", currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2]);
				fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);

the code to draw:
OBJFileInfo objFile;
	firstPass(FILENAME2, objFile);
	OBJModel model(objFile);
	secondPass(FILENAME2, &model);

Although something is drawn to the screen, I only see garbage! The file is parsed correctly, and all classes end up in having the correct variables stored in them. So it must be a logic error, and not a programming one (and logic errors are hard to spot!). For simplicity reasons I haven't implemented texture or material support, and I am trying to load a file that only contains vertex and vertex normals data. This is the file, in case you want to run the code yourself:
#  Wavefront OBJ generated by GLM library
#  GLM library
#  Nate Robins

mtllib lightcycle.mtl

# 91 vertices
v -0.675745 -4.181760 0.828977
v -0.675746 -0.260560 1.854730
v 0.677798 -2.070860 -0.100226
v 0.669888 -0.260560 1.854730
v 0.669888 -4.181760 0.828977
v 0.203011 3.536160 -0.847399
v 0.203011 3.851470 -0.511977
v 0.203011 3.207430 -0.525406
v 0.203011 3.536160 -0.150241
v -0.200718 3.536160 -0.150241
v -0.200718 3.851470 -0.511977
v -0.200718 3.207430 -0.538833
v -0.200718 3.536160 -0.847399
v 1.257510 -0.361758 0.887388
v 0.610035 -0.187286 1.704330
v 0.610035 -3.311140 0.887388
v -1.257510 -0.361758 0.888085
v -0.602038 -3.311140 0.888085
v -0.602039 -0.187286 1.705020
v 0.571984 -3.371230 -0.150160
v 0.571984 -3.692720 -0.507515
v 0.571984 -3.054550 -0.512684
v 0.571984 -3.371230 -0.847315
v -0.569690 -3.371230 -0.150160
v -0.569690 -3.054550 -0.512684
v -0.569690 -3.692720 -0.507515
v -0.569690 -3.371230 -0.847315
v -0.675746 2.560710 1.165440
v -0.675504 1.051360 -0.101380
v 0.669887 2.561520 1.165440
v 0.677798 1.051100 -0.101111
v 0.301519 2.480440 -0.547424
v 0.301519 3.536160 0.565185
v 0.301519 3.536160 -1.562820
v 0.301519 4.538160 -0.493712
v 0.002783 3.536160 -1.987540
v 0.002783 5.000000 -0.491226
v 0.002783 3.536160 0.989902
v -0.299225 3.536160 -1.562820
v -0.299225 4.538160 -0.493712
v -0.299225 3.536160 0.565185
v -0.299225 2.480440 -0.533995
v 0.002783 1.978340 -0.547779
v -0.545389 1.646580 -1.553560
v -0.545389 3.002350 -0.509387
v -0.544671 3.530940 -1.150170
v -0.545389 3.530570 -1.559590
v 0.548401 3.530670 -1.150440
v 0.547683 3.532990 -1.559590
v 0.547683 3.002350 -0.508849
v -1.074710 -3.371230 0.597294
v -1.074710 -4.529150 -0.143543
v 0.011553 -5.000000 -0.143341
v 0.011553 -3.371230 0.989982
v 1.077010 -3.371230 0.597294
v 1.077010 -4.529150 -0.143543
v 1.077010 -2.298130 -0.853935
v 0.011553 -1.807680 -0.867211
v -1.074710 -2.298130 -0.853935
v 1.077010 -3.840490 -1.664290
v 0.011553 -3.840490 -2.056980
v -1.074710 -3.840490 -1.664290
v -0.545389 3.529330 0.160689
v 0.547683 3.529330 0.160689
v 0.547683 1.646580 -1.553560
v -0.389670 3.132820 1.122540
v 0.392881 3.134730 1.125790
v 0.393451 2.943360 0.805744
v -0.389097 2.941480 0.802474
v 0.392881 -0.187721 2.056980
v 0.393451 -0.187888 1.694550
v -0.389669 -0.189631 2.053730
v -0.389096 -0.189771 1.691110
v 0.392881 -3.121660 1.598650
v 0.393451 -2.951540 1.251250
v -0.389669 -3.123570 1.595410
v -0.389096 -2.953420 1.247980
v 0.392881 -4.460940 0.882128
v 0.393451 -4.109510 0.815935
v -0.389669 -4.462850 0.878881
v -0.389096 -4.109460 0.815965
v -0.545389 -2.722760 -1.553560
v -0.542968 -2.722760 1.299390
v -0.545389 1.273530 0.348329
v 0.547683 1.273530 0.348329
v 0.547683 -2.722760 1.299390
v 0.549168 -2.723830 -1.553400
v -0.545389 1.905600 1.092650
v -0.545389 3.529330 1.092650
v 0.547683 3.529330 1.092650
v 0.547683 1.905600 1.092650

# 161 normals
vn -1.000000 0.000043 -0.000164
vn -0.695529 0.228198 0.681296
vn 0.999989 -0.000698 0.004692
vn 0.999989 -0.000071 0.004740
vn 0.999985 -0.001397 0.005339
vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
vn -0.727607 0.485071 0.485071
vn -1.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000
vn -0.762493 0.457496 0.457496
vn -0.816497 0.408248 0.408248
vn 0.755312 -0.165813 0.634042
vn -0.650458 0.433360 0.623782
vn -0.751311 -0.166972 0.638477
vn -0.689812 0.328116 0.645368
vn -0.870411 0.348168 0.348085
vn -1.000000 -0.000013 -0.000146
vn -1.000000 -0.000000 -0.000191
vn -0.000037 -0.008133 0.999967
vn -0.000143 0.237274 0.971443
vn -0.000071 0.237306 0.971435
vn 0.999990 0.000592 0.004441
vn 0.999988 0.001182 0.004837
vn 0.990735 0.135771 0.003072
vn 0.990950 0.134093 0.006023
vn 0.991671 -0.000341 -0.128797
vn 0.990653 -0.000193 -0.136404
vn 0.989251 -0.053024 0.136276
vn 0.990060 0.038876 0.135166
vn 0.988948 -0.142679 -0.040308
vn 0.988451 -0.142925 0.050369
vn 0.718758 0.502329 -0.480679
vn 0.739721 0.481013 -0.470574
vn 0.697080 0.523144 -0.490306
vn 0.728037 0.492626 0.476741
vn 0.706889 0.503081 0.497209
vn 0.748475 0.481689 0.455807
vn -0.722445 0.499236 -0.478369
vn -0.743007 0.488333 -0.457681
vn -0.701182 0.509654 -0.498594
vn -0.716825 0.501381 0.484540
vn -0.694993 0.522259 0.494196
vn -0.737935 0.479999 0.474397
vn -0.989280 -0.052461 0.136279
vn -0.989474 0.041017 0.138778
vn -0.988451 -0.142924 0.050369
vn -0.988948 -0.142678 -0.040308
vn -0.991921 -0.001821 -0.126842
vn -0.990653 -0.001044 -0.136403
vn -0.990692 0.135907 0.007691
vn -0.990815 0.134357 0.015289
vn -0.734282 -0.467560 -0.492156
vn -0.709626 -0.491743 -0.504598
vn -0.757948 -0.442747 -0.479052
vn 0.740924 -0.460565 -0.488786
vn 0.722193 -0.469473 -0.507969
vn 0.759063 -0.451290 -0.469212
vn -1.000000 0.000107 0.000214
vn -1.000000 0.000176 -0.000228
vn -1.000000 0.000267 0.000534
vn -0.999998 0.000006 0.001754
vn -0.000984 0.999997 0.002385
vn -0.002214 0.999981 0.005674
vn 0.000247 1.000000 -0.000905
vn 0.000017 0.771683 0.636008
vn 0.000348 0.771406 0.636343
vn -0.000313 0.771959 0.635672
vn -0.256207 -0.536497 0.804070
vn -0.227626 -0.524786 0.820235
vn 0.002409 -0.555019 0.831834
vn 0.002659 -0.571153 0.820840
vn 0.260864 -0.535801 0.803036
vn 0.231834 -0.524251 0.819399
vn 0.270297 0.756003 0.596153
vn -0.082418 0.775548 0.625886
vn 0.107381 0.774012 0.623999
vn 0.214051 0.785420 0.580773
vn -0.281550 0.752851 0.594933
vn -0.335186 0.757543 0.560159
vn 0.261686 0.468109 -0.844034
vn 0.002771 0.505124 -0.863042
vn 0.002409 0.485013 -0.874503
vn 0.219633 0.453754 -0.863637
vn -0.257025 0.468725 -0.845124
vn -0.215624 0.454170 -0.864428
vn -0.249256 -0.857477 -0.450116
vn -0.147496 -0.900986 -0.408006
vn -0.105259 -0.870728 -0.480367
vn 0.074871 -0.872314 -0.483180
vn 0.282281 -0.847936 -0.448689
vn 0.373382 -0.845068 -0.382683
vn -0.613902 -0.614155 -0.495921
vn -0.660614 -0.603626 -0.446346
vn -0.564274 -0.621767 -0.543140
vn -0.826467 0.357975 -0.434519
vn -0.863654 0.374751 -0.337140
vn -0.780066 0.337209 -0.527055
vn 0.613898 -0.614158 -0.495923
vn 0.660610 -0.603629 -0.446349
vn 0.564270 -0.621769 -0.543142
vn 0.774472 0.417297 -0.475454
vn 0.831994 0.298993 -0.467322
vn 0.703497 0.528353 -0.475326
vn 0.620156 -0.494198 0.609241
vn 0.791443 -0.284296 0.541104
vn 0.400472 -0.665533 0.629832
vn -0.782366 -0.365083 0.504597
vn -0.840669 -0.393338 0.372237
vn -0.707072 -0.328899 0.625998
vn -0.828812 0.471259 0.301639
vn -0.872628 0.354766 0.335650
vn -0.771197 0.579907 0.262607
vn 0.828809 0.471263 0.301642
vn 0.872626 0.354769 0.335653
vn 0.771194 0.579911 0.262609
vn 0.000152 0.785917 -0.618331
vn 0.000304 0.786038 -0.618178
vn 0.000000 0.785797 -0.618485
vn 1.000000 -0.000267 -0.000535
vn 1.000000 -0.000105 0.000137
vn 1.000000 -0.000048 -0.000251
vn 0.999998 -0.000006 -0.001755
vn 0.000060 0.858295 -0.513157
vn 0.000037 0.858270 -0.513198
vn 0.000082 0.858319 -0.513116
vn 0.999999 0.000437 0.001549
vn 0.999999 0.000446 0.001573
vn 0.999999 0.000428 0.001526
vn -0.999999 -0.000439 -0.001557
vn -0.999999 -0.000430 -0.001533
vn -0.999999 -0.000449 -0.001580
vn 0.999999 -0.000245 0.001547
vn 0.999999 -0.000244 0.001521
vn 0.999999 -0.000246 0.001573
vn -0.999999 0.000246 -0.001555
vn -0.999999 0.000247 -0.001580
vn -0.999999 0.000245 -0.001529
vn 0.999997 -0.000888 0.002087
vn 0.999995 -0.001081 0.002875
vn 0.999999 -0.000695 0.001300
vn -0.999997 0.000899 -0.002123
vn -0.999999 0.000699 -0.001307
vn -0.999995 0.001098 -0.002939
vn 0.002240 -0.180194 -0.983629
vn -0.000049 -0.175279 -0.984519
vn 0.004529 -0.185104 -0.982709
vn -1.000000 -0.000202 0.000424
vn -1.000000 -0.000404 0.000849
vn -1.000000 -0.000135 0.000283
vn 1.000000 0.000116 0.000147
vn 1.000000 0.000124 0.000520
vn 1.000000 0.000232 0.000294
vn -0.003720 -0.154342 0.988010
vn -0.003714 -0.154344 0.988010
vn -0.003726 -0.154340 0.988011
vn 0.000000 -0.253076 0.967446
vn -0.429191 0.320573 0.844410
vn 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
vn -0.004658 0.269870 0.962886
vn -0.002503 -0.471736 0.881736
vn -0.002507 -0.471734 0.881737
vn -0.002499 -0.471738 0.881735

# 126 faces (triangles)
g  default

usemtl Hull
f 1//1 1//1 2//2
f 3//3 4//4 5//5
usemtl Chassis
f 6//6 7//6 8//6
f 9//6 8//6 7//6
f 10//7 11//8 12//9
f 12//9 11//8 13//10
usemtl Window
f 14//11 15//11 16//11
f 17//12 18//13 19//14
usemtl Chassis
f 20//6 21//6 22//6
f 21//6 23//6 22//6
f 24//7 25//8 26//9
f 26//9 25//8 27//10
usemtl Hull
f 1//15 2//2 28//16
f 28//16 29//17 1//15
f 4//18 30//19 28//20
f 28//20 2//2 4//18
f 31//21 30//22 4//4
f 4//4 3//3 31//21
usemtl Window
f 32//23 8//24 9//25
f 9//25 33//26 32//23
f 32//23 34//27 6//28
f 6//28 8//24 32//23
f 34//27 35//29 7//30
f 7//30 6//28 34//27
f 35//29 33//26 9//25
f 9//25 7//30 35//29
usemtl Hull
f 36//31 37//32 35//31
f 35//31 34//33 36//31
f 37//34 38//35 33//34
f 33//34 35//36 37//34
f 39//37 40//38 37//37
f 37//37 36//39 39//37
f 40//40 41//41 38//40
f 38//40 37//42 40//40
usemtl Window
f 39//43 13//44 11//45
f 11//45 40//46 39//43
f 40//46 11//45 10//47
f 10//47 41//48 40//46
f 42//49 41//48 10//47
f 10//47 12//50 42//49
f 42//49 12//50 13//44
f 13//44 39//43 42//49
usemtl Hull
f 42//51 39//52 36//51
f 36//51 43//53 42//51
f 43//54 36//55 34//54
f 34//54 32//56 43//54
usemtl Chassis
f 44//57 45//58 46//59
f 46//59 47//60 44//57
f 48//61 49//62 47//61
f 47//61 46//63 48//61
f 48//64 46//65 45//64
f 45//64 50//66 48//64
usemtl Hull
f 51//67 52//68 53//69
f 53//69 54//70 51//67
f 55//71 54//70 53//69
f 53//69 56//72 55//71
f 57//73 58//74 54//75
f 54//75 55//76 57//73
f 51//77 54//75 58//74
f 58//74 59//78 51//77
f 60//79 61//80 58//81
f 58//81 57//82 60//79
f 62//83 59//84 58//81
f 58//81 61//80 62//83
f 52//85 62//86 61//87
f 61//87 53//88 52//85
f 60//89 56//90 53//88
f 53//88 61//87 60//89
usemtl Window
f 24//91 51//92 59//91
f 59//91 25//93 24//91
f 24//94 26//95 52//94
f 52//94 51//96 24//94
f 57//97 55//98 20//97
f 20//97 22//99 57//97
f 55//100 56//101 21//100
f 21//100 20//102 55//100
f 60//103 57//104 22//103
f 22//103 23//105 60//103
f 27//106 25//107 59//106
f 59//106 62//108 27//106
f 26//109 27//110 62//109
f 62//109 52//111 26//109
f 60//112 23//113 21//112
f 21//112 56//114 60//112
usemtl Chassis
f 50//115 45//116 63//115
f 63//115 64//117 50//115
f 48//118 50//119 65//120
f 65//120 49//121 48//118
usemtl Hull
f 66//122 67//123 68//122
f 68//122 69//124 66//122
f 70//125 71//126 68//125
f 68//125 67//127 70//125
f 72//128 66//129 69//128
f 69//128 73//130 72//128
usemtl Window
f 74//131 75//132 71//131
f 71//131 70//133 74//131
f 76//134 72//135 73//134
f 73//134 77//136 76//134
usemtl Hull
f 78//137 79//138 75//137
f 75//137 74//139 78//137
f 80//140 76//141 77//140
f 77//140 81//142 80//140
f 80//143 81//144 79//143
f 79//143 78//145 80//143
usemtl Chassis
f 82//146 83//147 84//148
f 84//148 44//57 82//146
f 85//149 86//150 87//151
f 87//151 65//120 85//149
usemtl Window
f 76//152 74//153 70//152
f 70//152 72//154 76//152
usemtl Hull
f 4//18 2//2 1//155
f 1//155 5//156 4//18
usemtl Chassis
f 88//8 45//58 44//57
f 44//57 84//148 88//8
f 64//157 63//157 89//157
f 89//157 90//157 64//157
f 88//8 89//8 63//8
f 63//8 45//58 88//8
f 50//119 64//6 90//6
f 90//6 91//6 50//119
f 85//149 65//120 50//119
f 50//119 91//6 85//149
usemtl Hull
f 72//158 70//158 67//158
f 67//158 66//158 72//158
f 80//159 78//160 74//159
f 74//159 76//161 80//159

The result should be a lightcycle (remember the movie "Tron"?) or at least something that looks like it. But instead I see garbage... Can anyone help me?
Project Soulstorm -- Articles, Programs, Forums, 3D art, and many more.
Step through the program with the debugger and make sure the values are read in correctly. This will at least ensure that your loading code is correct. Then you can move on to the drawing code.

Also, your code can be made more simple by using std::vector and std::ifstream. It will also make it less error-prone (it will reduce the chance for memory leaks, buffer overruns, etc.).
I haven't review your code deeply yet. But perhaps you should know that OBJ face indices start from 1, so the vertex at position 0 is referenced with 1 and so on. May your code starts the index counting from 0.
I will look into it but I doubt this is the issue here. The result is sooo wrong that it can't be the fault of one misplaced vertex only...
Project Soulstorm -- Articles, Programs, Forums, 3D art, and many more.
Project Soulstorm -- Articles, Programs, Forums, 3D art, and many more.
Quote:Original post by Soulstormgr

Did you follow my suggestion?


void vertexAtIndex(unsigned index, vector3f resultBuffer){	resultBuffer[0] = vertices[index][0];	resultBuffer[1] = vertices[index][1];	resultBuffer[1] = vertices[index][1];}	void drawVertexAtIndex(unsigned index){	vector3f vertexToDraw;	vertexToDraw[0] = vertices[index][0];	vertexToDraw[1] = vertices[index][1];	vertexToDraw[1] = vertices[index][1];			glVertex3f(vertexToDraw[0], vertexToDraw[1], vertexToDraw[2]);}

Shouldn't the third index be 2?
Quote:Did you follow my suggestion?
To be honest, no. I didn't. But I am pretty sure (after extensive tests) that all values are read in correctly, and there is no memory leak so the problem lies elsewhere. I corrected the last mistake you pointed out, though. To no effect.

A guy in another forum has managed to have the correct output, but when I use his/her code, I am not getting the same result at all.

Here is my latest code.

#ifndef OBJLOADERS_H#define OBJLOADERS_H#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <string>#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>#include <OpenGL/glu.h>using namespace std;typedef float vector3f[3];class OBJFileInfo{public:	unsigned numVertices;	unsigned numTriangles;	unsigned numVertexNormals;	unsigned numTextureVertex;		OBJFileInfo(){		numVertices = 0;		numTriangles = 0;		numVertexNormals = 0;		numTextureVertex = 0;	}};class Triangle{public:	unsigned TriangleEdges[3];	unsigned TriangleTextureCoords[3];	unsigned TriangleNormals[3];		Triangle(const Triangle& otherTriangle){		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {			TriangleEdges = otherTriangle.TriangleEdges;			TriangleTextureCoords = otherTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords;			TriangleNormals = otherTriangle.TriangleNormals;		}	}	Triangle(){		reset();	}	void reset(){		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {			TriangleEdges = 0;			TriangleTextureCoords = 0;			TriangleNormals = 0;		}	}};class OBJModel{	OBJFileInfo fileinfo;public:		vector3f* vertices;	vector3f* vertexNormals;	vector3f* textureVertices;	//	Triangle* triangles;	vector<Triangle> triangles;		OBJModel(OBJFileInfo info){		setInfo(info);	}		void setInfo(OBJFileInfo info){		fileinfo = info;		vertices	=		new vector3f[info.numVertices];		vertexNormals =		new vector3f[info.numVertexNormals];		textureVertices =		new vector3f[info.numTextureVertex];		//		triangles =			new Triangle[info.numTriangles];	}		void vertexAtIndex(unsigned index, vector3f resultBuffer){		resultBuffer[0] = vertices[index][0];		resultBuffer[1] = vertices[index][1];		resultBuffer[2] = vertices[index][2];	}		void drawVertexAtIndex(unsigned index){		vector3f vertexToDraw;		vertexToDraw[0] = vertices[index][0];		vertexToDraw[1] = vertices[index][1];		vertexToDraw[2] = vertices[index][2];				glVertex3f(vertexToDraw[0], vertexToDraw[1], vertexToDraw[2]);			}		//TO BE COMPLETED!!!	void drawFaceAtIndex(unsigned index){		unsigned triangleVertexPositions[3];		triangleVertexPositions[0] = triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0];		triangleVertexPositions[1] = triangles[index].TriangleEdges[1];		triangleVertexPositions[2] = triangles[index].TriangleEdges[2];				unsigned triangleNormalPositions[3];		triangleNormalPositions[0] = triangles[index].TriangleNormals[0];		triangleNormalPositions[1] = triangles[index].TriangleNormals[1];		triangleNormalPositions[2] = triangles[index].TriangleNormals[2];				//cout << triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0] << " " << triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0] << " " << triangles[index].TriangleEdges[0] << '\n';				vector3f v1, v2, v3;		vector3f n1, n2, n3;		for(unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i){			v1 = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[0]];			v2 = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[1]];			v3 = vertices[triangleVertexPositions[2]];			n1 = vertexNormals[triangleNormalPositions[0]];			n2 = vertexNormals[triangleNormalPositions[1]];			n3 = vertexNormals[triangleNormalPositions[2]];		}				#define normalize(n) {float mag = sqrtf(n[0]*n[0]+n[1]*n[1]+n[2]*n[2]); for(unsigned i=0; i<3;++i)n/=mag;}		normalize(n1);		normalize(n2);		normalize(n3);				glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);		glNormal3fv(n1);		glVertex3fv(v1);		glNormal3fv(n2);		glVertex3fv(v2);		glNormal3fv(n3);		glVertex3fv(v3);		glEnd();	}		~OBJModel()	{		delete [] vertices;		delete [] vertexNormals;		delete [] textureVertices;		//		delete [] triangles;	}		unsigned numVertices(){return fileinfo.numVertices;}	unsigned numTriangles(){return fileinfo.numTriangles;}	unsigned numVertexNormals(){return fileinfo.numVertexNormals;}	unsigned numTextureVertex(){return fileinfo.numTextureVertex;}};//void firstPass(char *filename, OBJFileInfo& info);//void secondPass(char *filename, OBJModel *model);static inline void firstPass(char *filename, OBJFileInfo& info){	char buf[128];	FILE *filePointer = fopen(filename, "r");			while ( fscanf(filePointer, "%s", buf) != EOF){		switch (buf[0]) {			case 'v':				switch (buf[1]) {					case 't':						fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);						info.numTextureVertex++;						break;					case '\0':						fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);						info.numVertices++;						break;					case 'n':						fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);						info.numVertexNormals++;						break;					default:						break;				}				break;			case '#':				fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);				break;			case 'f':				info.numTriangles++;				//NSLog(@"not implemented yet! %i", info.numTriangles);				break;			default:				fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);				break;		}	}	fclose(filePointer);	info.numTriangles;//--;}static inline void secondPass(char *filename, OBJModel *model){	char buf[128];	FILE *filePointer = fopen(filename, "r");		unsigned currentVertexIndex = 0;	unsigned currentvertexNormalIndex = 0;	unsigned currentTextureVertexIndex = 0;	unsigned currentTriangleIndex = 0;		while ( fscanf(filePointer, "%s", buf) != EOF ) {		switch (buf[0]) {			case 'v':{				switch (buf[1]) {					case '\0':{						float a,b,c;						fscanf(filePointer, "%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);												model->vertices[currentVertexIndex][0] = a;						model->vertices[currentVertexIndex][1] = b;						model->vertices[currentVertexIndex][2] = c;						//cout << a << " " << b << " " << c << '\n';						currentVertexIndex++;					}						break;					case 'n':{						float a,b,c;						fscanf(filePointer, "%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);						cout << a << ' ' << b << ' ' << c << '\n';						model->vertexNormals[currentvertexNormalIndex][0] = a;						model->vertexNormals[currentvertexNormalIndex][1] = b;						model->vertexNormals[currentvertexNormalIndex][2] = c;						currentvertexNormalIndex++;					}						break;					case 't':{						float a,b,c;						fscanf(filePointer, "%f %f %f", &a, &b, &c);						model->textureVertices[currentTextureVertexIndex][0] = a;						model->textureVertices[currentTextureVertexIndex][1] = b;						model->textureVertices[currentTextureVertexIndex][2] = c;						currentTextureVertexIndex++;					}						break;					default:						break;				}			}				break;			case 'f':{				Triangle currentTriangle;				int v,t,n = 0;				fscanf(filePointer, "%s", buf);				if ( strstr(buf, "//") ) {					sscanf(buf, "%d//%d", &v, &n);					printf("%d %d\n", v, n);					--v; --n;					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0] = n;					fscanf(filePointer, "%d//%d", &v, &n);					printf("%d %d\n", v, n);					--v; --n;					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1] = v;					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[1] = n;					fscanf(filePointer, "%d//%d", &v, &n);					printf("%d %d\n", v, n);					--v; --n;					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2] = v;					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[2] = n;				}				else if (sscanf(buf, "%d/%d/%d", &v, &t, &n) == 3){					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;					currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[0] = t;					currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0] = n;					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1]);					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[1]);				}				else if (sscanf(buf, "%d/%d", &v, &t) == 2){					currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[0] = t;					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1]);					fscanf(filePointer, "%d/%d", &currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2], &currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[2]);				}				else {					sscanf(buf, "%d", &v);					currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] = v;					fscanf(filePointer, "%d", currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1]);					fscanf(filePointer, "%d", currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2]);				}				//cout << currentTriangleIndex << ": ";				//cout <<  "f " << currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] << "/" << currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[0] << "/" << currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0];				//cout << currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1] << "/" << currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[1] << "/" << currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0];				//cout << currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2] << "/" << currentTriangle.TriangleTextureCoords[2] << "/" << currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[2] << '\n';								//cout <<  "f " << currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[0] << "//" << currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[0] << " ";				//cout << currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[1] << "//" << currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[1] << " ";				//cout << currentTriangle.TriangleEdges[2] << "//" << currentTriangle.TriangleNormals[2] << "\n";				//				model->triangles[currentTriangleIndex++] = currentTriangle;				model->triangles.push_back(currentTriangle);				currentTriangleIndex++;			}				break;				default:				fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), filePointer);				break;		}	}}#endif

For your facilitation, I include a .obj file that represents a solid cone using only a few vertices. It is simpler to debug.

g objectusemtl Texturev -21.2132 0 21.2132v -21.2132 0 21.2132v -15.9099 0 15.9099v -30 0 2.62268e-06v -30 0 2.62268e-06v 3.57746e-07 0 30v 3.57746e-07 0 30v -18.5616 7.5 18.5616v -22.5 0 1.96701e-06v 2.6831e-07 0 22.5v -10.6066 0 10.6066v -26.25 7.5 2.29485e-06v 3.13028e-07 7.5 26.25v -15.9099 15 15.9099v 1.78873e-07 0 15v -15 0 1.31134e-06v -5.3033 0 5.3033v -22.5 15 1.96701e-06v -7.5 0 6.55671e-07v 8.94366e-08 0 7.5v 2.6831e-07 15 22.5v -13.2582 22.5 13.2583v 15.9099 0 15.9099v 21.2132 0 21.2132v 21.2132 0 21.2132v 10.6066 0 10.6066v -21.2132 0 -21.2132v -10.6066 0 -10.6066v 0 0 -0v -5.3033 0 -5.3033v 5.3033 0 5.3033v -15.9099 0 -15.9099v -21.2132 0 -21.2132v -18.75 22.5 1.63918e-06v 2.23592e-07 22.5 18.75v 18.5616 7.5 18.5616v -18.5616 7.5 -18.5616v 7.5 0 -0v -3.27835e-07 0 -7.5v -10.6066 30 10.6066v 5.3033 0 -5.3033v 15.9099 15 15.9099v -15 30 1.31134e-06v -15.9099 15 -15.9099v -6.55671e-07 0 -15v 15 0 -0v 1.78873e-07 30 15v 10.6066 0 -10.6066v -7.95495 37.5 7.95495v 13.2582 22.5 13.2583v -9.83506e-07 0 -22.5v -13.2583 22.5 -13.2583v 22.5 0 -0v -11.25 37.5 9.83506e-07v 1.34155e-07 37.5 11.25v 10.6066 30 10.6066v -1.31134e-06 0 -30v -1.31134e-06 0 -30v -10.6066 30 -10.6066v 30 0 -0v 30 0 -0v 15.9099 0 -15.9099v -1.14742e-06 7.5 -26.25v 26.25 7.5 -0v -5.3033 45 5.3033v 7.95495 37.5 7.95495v -9.83506e-07 15 -22.5v -7.5 45 6.55671e-07v -7.95495 37.5 -7.95495v 8.94366e-08 45 7.5v 22.5 15 -0v -8.19589e-07 22.5 -18.75v 18.75 22.5 -0v 21.2132 0 -21.2132v 21.2132 0 -21.2132v 18.5616 7.5 -18.5616v 5.3033 45 5.3033v -6.55671e-07 30 -15v -5.3033 45 -5.3033v 15 30 -0v 15.9099 15 -15.9099v -2.65165 52.5 2.65165v -3.75 52.5 3.27835e-07v -4.91753e-07 37.5 -11.25v 4.47183e-08 52.5 3.75v 11.25 37.5 -0v 13.2583 22.5 -13.2583v 10.6066 30 -10.6066v -2.65165 52.5 -2.65165v -3.27835e-07 45 -7.5v 2.65165 52.5 2.65165v 7.5 45 -0v 7.95495 37.5 -7.95495v 5.3033 45 -5.3033v -1.63918e-07 52.5 -3.75v 3.75 52.5 -0v 2.65165 52.5 -2.65165v 0 60 -0vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn 0 -1 -0vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0 -1 -0vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn 0 -1 -0vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn -0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn -0.894427 0.447214 7.81933e-08vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn 1.06659e-08 0.447214 0.894427vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn -0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn 0.632455 0.447214 0.632456vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn -3.90967e-08 0.447214 -0.894427vn 0.894427 0.447214 -0vn 0.632456 0.447214 -0.632456vn 0 1 -0f 98//98 96//96 97//97 f 98//98 97//97 95//95 f 98//98 95//95 89//89 f 98//98 89//89 83//83 f 98//98 83//83 82//82 f 98//98 82//82 85//85 f 98//98 85//85 91//91 f 98//98 91//91 96//96 f 96//96 92//92 94//94 f 96//96 94//94 97//97 f 97//97 94//94 90//90 f 97//97 90//90 95//95 f 95//95 90//90 79//79 f 95//95 79//79 89//89 f 89//89 79//79 68//68 f 89//89 68//68 83//83 f 83//83 68//68 65//65 f 83//83 65//65 82//82 f 82//82 65//65 70//70 f 82//82 70//70 85//85 f 85//85 70//70 77//77 f 85//85 77//77 91//91 f 91//91 77//77 92//92 f 91//91 92//92 96//96 f 92//92 86//86 93//93 f 92//92 93//93 94//94 f 94//94 93//93 84//84 f 94//94 84//84 90//90 f 90//90 84//84 69//69 f 90//90 69//69 79//79 f 79//79 69//69 54//54 f 79//79 54//54 68//68 f 68//68 54//54 49//49 f 68//68 49//49 65//65 f 65//65 49//49 55//55 f 65//65 55//55 70//70 f 70//70 55//55 66//66 f 70//70 66//66 77//77 f 77//77 66//66 86//86 f 77//77 86//86 92//92 f 86//86 80//80 88//88 f 86//86 88//88 93//93 f 93//93 88//88 78//78 f 93//93 78//78 84//84 f 84//84 78//78 59//59 f 84//84 59//59 69//69 f 69//69 59//59 43//43 f 69//69 43//43 54//54 f 54//54 43//43 40//40 f 54//54 40//40 49//49 f 49//49 40//40 47//47 f 49//49 47//47 55//55 f 55//55 47//47 56//56 f 55//55 56//56 66//66 f 66//66 56//56 80//80 f 66//66 80//80 86//86 f 80//80 73//73 87//87 f 80//80 87//87 88//88 f 88//88 87//87 72//72 f 88//88 72//72 78//78 f 78//78 72//72 52//52 f 78//78 52//52 59//59 f 59//59 52//52 34//34 f 59//59 34//34 43//43 f 43//43 34//34 22//22 f 43//43 22//22 40//40 f 40//40 22//22 35//35 f 40//40 35//35 47//47 f 47//47 35//35 50//50 f 47//47 50//50 56//56 f 56//56 50//50 73//73 f 56//56 73//73 80//80 f 73//73 71//71 81//81 f 73//73 81//81 87//87 f 87//87 81//81 67//67 f 87//87 67//67 72//72 f 72//72 67//67 44//44 f 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Any ideas?
Project Soulstorm -- Articles, Programs, Forums, 3D art, and many more.
maybe try even something simpler than a cone, a cube for instance, draw its vertices as billboard quads, draw the edges as lines as well as the polygons? this way you can visually see where the vert's should be.

This is what I did when loading in '.3ds' meshes for the first time once the cube worked so did everything else :D
Thank you all for your answers, you have been very helpful. I found the problem.

The problem was the one that superoptimo said. I fixed that, and I changed some other variables that concerned the way I have my OpenGL set up in my project. Sorry I could give you my entire project file, but I thought you would be using Xcode anyway...

Thanks a lot!
Project Soulstorm -- Articles, Programs, Forums, 3D art, and many more.

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