Fullscreen mode

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4 comments, last by jordansa 22 years, 10 months ago
I know this is probably a stupid question, but I''ve been wrestling with making a window in fullscreen mode for use with Direct3D for months. Can anyone help?
The DirectX documentation has a tutorial for doing such things

Mutex, thank you very much for your reply.

Now, at risk of looking like a complete idiot, I have been looking at the tutorials and other sources on the net for a long time now. I''ve tried several things, but nothing seems to work. What I would love to have someone explain is how to take Tutorial #1 from the DirectX 8 D3D SDK and show me how to make it go full screen by default. After all, how many games do you play in a window these days?

For instance, what should the "HWND hWnd = CreateWindow..." in WinMain look like? What about all the "d3dpp" settings? Anyone out there ever done this?
The third tutorial on my site covers this among other things. Link is in my siggy. (NeXe)

NeXe: NeHe DirectX-style.

Follow the orange rabbit.

The first tutorial in my D3D8 section covers opening the window in full-screen vs. windowed mode. I hope it helps. (click my sig or go to www.drunkenhyena.com)

Stay Casual,

Drunken Hyena
Stay Casual,KenDrunken Hyena
SeanHowe, PERFECT!!! Thank you so very much. I''ll let you know how it goes.


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