DialgoBox VC++ 2008 getting text

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1 comment, last by Fassbinderfan 15 years, 6 months ago
I'm using VC++ 2008 express edition with native and managed code. I added a CLR Windows Form to get some user input. Its starts fine. This is how I start it up. CGraphics_proj::StartUpDialog^ dlg = gcnew CGraphics_proj::StartUpDialog(); dlg->ShowDialog(); I thought I was going to retrieve/set info from the text by dlg->textBox1->Text = "newinfo"; userinput = dlg->textBox1->Text; That ain't working. What is a good way to get info from the dialogbox. Use a property, make a global variable that would get retireved. Or maybe just skip trying to use these winforms? Thanks in advance.
I don't have a solution to the CLR dialog box but ifyou want to use something other then Winforms you can use regualr win32 dialog boxs.

Just get a 3rd party resource editor and include the files the rest is pritty much standard.

you create your dialog box in the resource editor and then just include the files into your project.

ResEdit i think was a good one but you may have to play around to find one you like and that works for you.

Sorry i can't be of much more help.

Regards Jouei.
Made a global variable Latitude1 and added

private: System::Void textBox1_TextChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {

Latitude1 = this->textBox1->Text;

In calling program

String^ L = dlg->Latitude1;

But I still thought there was a more efficient way.

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