XNA question

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4 comments, last by itsdbest 15 years, 6 months ago
What is everyones general thought on creating games with XNA, if you have little to no experiance in programming? Is it a wise choice, is it a good system to use entering into the making of games, or is the approach of going straight into C++ and learning that system a better choice. Generally im asking is XNA a good place to start or should one look elsewhere for a better starting point Thanks
XNA Game Studio and C# is a great place to start learning game development. C# simplifies a lot of the "beginner pains" you'll find in languages like C/C++ such as memory management which can make it a lot easier to get going. In addition, C# has a decently similar syntax to C++ so if you decide to ever move to C++, the C# syntax won't be a total waste.

Beyond that, game programming is game programming. 99% of what you learn as a beginner should be language and framework independent. As a beginner you should focus on learning concepts rather than worrying about which language or framework to use. I think XNA GS and C# are great because they do simplify lots of things (such as taking care of creating and monitoring your graphics device and game loop) so you can get right down to making your game.
thanks for the reply, i have heard alot about starting with C#, what other sorts of things can one do to better himself in developing a skill in this language, since XNA is purely designed to make games
Quote:Original post by motionl2
thanks for the reply, i have heard alot about starting with C#, what other sorts of things can one do to better himself in developing a skill in this language, since XNA is purely designed to make games

You no need to deal with CoCreateInstance and other COM stuff, as in DX & Cpp , C# is managed language. This is quite scary, aint it?
HRESULT CoCreateInstanceEx(  REFCLSID rclsid,  IUnknown * punkOuter,  DWORD dwClsCtx,  COSERVERINFO * pServerInfo,  ULONG cmq,  MULTI_QI * pResults);
I know there is quite a few tutorials on using XNA, from your personal opinion are they useful do you actually learn what your doing or does it just make you copy paste
Most of the tutorials for XNA do explain the code and are not just copy-paste.

I would recommend the following:

XNA Development
Riemer's 2D series

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