Buggy Shadow Volume / zfail

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18 comments, last by jezham 15 years, 6 months ago
to answer you question (missed them, sorry)

"The lines you describe, does every triangle of the cone produce them, or just the silhouette, or perhaps just the odd one here and there? And these lines are un-shadowed areas?"

picture one floor quad (for the shadow), 1 tall cone (the 'tree trunk'), with a bunch of other cones sticking out of that one ('tree branches'). The light is above it at the right, so it casts the shadow to the left.
The lines seem to originate from the overlapped areas, where 'branches spawn' (or the bases of the cones but they seem right..) the lines run NE-SW diagonally, displayed only in the surface of shadow (so the floor quad and tree itself). And the negate the shadow (so cancel shadow where there is, and vice versa) but are straight lines to infinity.....

"Another question, you say that two overlapping box's shadows never have this bug?"
i can place simple cubes and drag them around. their shadows went well, also when i dragged them inside eachother (but should verify this again to be real sure)

You should disable polygon offset before pass 2.

I'm not sure that will solve your problem though. Have a look through my code to see if anything lights up
		glCullFace( GL_BACK );								//draw only the front faces of the shadow volume		//clear the stencil buffer		glClear( GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT );		//store current OpenGL state		glPushAttrib( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_LIGHTING_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT );			//pass 1 (scene)			//draw scene with light(s) enabled			Draw...( true );			...			//pass 2 (volumes)			glDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );			//store current OpenGL state			glPushAttrib( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_POLYGON_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT );				glColorMask( 0, 0, 0, 0 );					//do not write to the color buffer				glDepthMask( 0 );							//do not write to the depth (Z) buffer				glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );				//enable stencil testing				glStencilFunc( GL_ALWAYS, 0, ~0 );			//set the reference stencil value to 0				//				glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_INCR, GL_KEEP );	//increment the stencil value on Z fail				glCullFace( GL_FRONT );						//draw only the back faces of the shadow volume				//draw walls (+ caps)				ShadowVolumes->Draw( shadowVolumes_shader, true );				//				glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_DECR, GL_KEEP );	//decrement the stencil value on Z fail				glCullFace( GL_BACK );						//draw only the front faces of the shadow volume				//draw walls (+ caps)				ShadowVolumes->Draw( shadowVolumes_shader, false );		//call VBO, shader extrudes correct quadrilaterals (plus animates ms3d:)			//restore OpenGL state			glPopAttrib();			//			//pass 3 (scene)			//re-draw scene with light(s) disabled,			glDepthFunc( GL_EQUAL );						//only where it has previously been drawn			glDepthMask( 0 );								//do not write to the depth (Z) buffer			//update the color only where the stencil value is NOT 0			glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST );			glStencilFunc( GL_NOTEQUAL, 0, ~0 );			glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP );			//			Draw...( false );			...			}		//restore OpenGL state		glPopAttrib();	}

edit: updated remark in pass 3, where color update happens only when value is NOT 0

[Edited by - jezham on October 13, 2008 9:04:17 PM]
I thought i had it when i saw the line
glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP );
for drawing the shadow

though, these two seem to produce the same results.
is that right ?? why ?


iirc it was when I decided that drawing lit areas first would require less fill-rate, so when the un-shadowed areas were skipped I would keep what was there rather than replace with light over shadow.

If I try to replace all, then future volumes cancel out previous ones.
still lines,
Ill recheck my geometry again I guess
thanx though
2 things

1) ensure all normals (per triangle) are the same face normal (not vertex)
2) you might like this one ;) a *single* axis-aligned-billboarded triangle, extruded to form a cones shadow volume (one of my better inventions: I name it the jezume! - also works similarly with boxes, spheres, capsules, and cylinders, and even oblate spheroids)
Im re-inspecting my normals now for the billionth time .... :)
I dont quite get what you mean by 2. but its sounds interesting.
Can you elaborate some maybe?

(You mean using only one triangle as volume for a cone, instead of edges et...??
that wont suffice for my goals i think)

Keep inspecting your code, as my optimal solution only works with basic primitives (sphere, capsule...). You will still need to define / calculate a silhouette for complex models (shaders are awesome at that), and even boxes.

Ok to elaborate on my 'single' extruded triangle, for your cone. I haven't knocked one up to show you (I will soon), but I've picked a scene which demonstrates it on cylinders and spheres:
jezham - optimized Cg shadow volumes
Pic 1, the desired effect - self shadowing
Pic 2, overlayed with the shadow volumes

Pic 3, a close up:
Note how the cylinder has 1 'box' for the volume - essentially a plane axis-alligned to face the light, and extruded away to whatever distance.
Note also the sphere's volume - just a disc, billboarded this time to face the light, again extruded away.

Now, for a cone you do the same as with a cylinder, except with a single triangle!
If you view your cone down it's Y-axis then you will have to apply a disc-volume to the cone's base...but as your tree's-trunk's-shadow will overlap then there's no need for the additional disc.

HTH, happy to answer all questions on this - perhaps I'll knock up a tutorial in the future :)

btw: can you spot the bug in pic 3 !?

[Edited by - jezham on October 18, 2008 11:08:51 AM]
Quote:Original post by jezham
Keep inspecting your code, as my optimal solution only works with basic primitives (sphere, capsule...).

I think this trick should work on all convex 3D model instead of just basic primitives.
Quote:Original post by ma_hty
I think this trick should work on all convex 3D model instead of just basic primitives.

Sure...if they're symmetrical convex* (like the 'egg' shape mentioned above for example), then it will indeed. But the shape needs to be round in nature, to allow rotation around 1+ axis. A box is convex but we know that isn't practical...saying that, a box volume can be drawn at the exact same speed as if my method was possible (with it). Even the cone method is only optimal without the base-disc, else a shader will be just as quick with edge-based-quadrilaterals.

* edit, needless to say it doesn't matter if convex or concave...only matters that they're symmetrical around at least 1 axis (example; a non translucent bottle).

[Edited by - jezham on October 19, 2008 5:51:49 AM]

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