Infix to postfix, and evaluate

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1 comment, last by Zahlman 15 years, 6 months ago
I'm writing a program to take an infix expression, covert it to postfix, and then evaluate it. I have a stack already created. I'll put my code below. I know I have the concept down, I'm just having trouble placing things where they need to be and such. Any help would be great.
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Eval
  public static void main( String args[] )
      String expression = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter expression: " );
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Expression: " + expression );
      String postfix = toPostfix( expression );
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Postfix: " + postfix );
      Integer result = evaluate( postfix );
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Result: " + result.toString() );
    catch( Exception e )
      JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Error: " + e.getMessage() );

  // The evaluate method is called with the string representing the
  // infix expression.  The first thing it needs to do is call the
  // toPostfix method to create a postfix version of the expression. Then,
  // use the algorithm from the text to evaluate the postfix expression.
  public static Integer evaluate( String postfix ) throws Exception
    //StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(postfix);
    ObjStack1 s = new ObjStack1();
    Integer result;
      Integer x = (Integer) s.pop();
      Integer y = (Integer) s.pop();
      result = calculate(y,postfix,x);
    return result;
  // This function simply takes a string representing an infix expression 
  // and creates a new string that is the postfix representation.
  public static String toPostfix( String infix ) throws Exception
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(infix);
    ObjStack1 s = new ObjStack1();
    String output, postfix;
        postfix = st.nextToken();
        else if (isOperator(postfix))
          if(precedenceValue(postfix) <= precedenceValue())
            postfix = postfix + "" + s.pop();
        else if (postfix.equals(")"))
          if(s.peek() != ("("))
            postfix = postfix + "" + s.pop();
          postfix = postfix + "" + s.pop() + ("(");
          postfix += postfix + "";
    return postfix;
  // This method takes two Integer objects and an operator (which is a string)
  // and returns a new Integer which is the result of applying the operation
  // to the two Integer parameters.
  public static Integer calculate( Integer n1, String op, Integer n2 )
  { if( op.equals( "+" ) )
    { return new Integer( n1.intValue() + n2.intValue() );
    else if( op.equals( "-" ) )
    { return new Integer( n1.intValue() - n2.intValue() );
    else if( op.equals( "*" ) )
    { return new Integer( n1.intValue() * n2.intValue() );
    else if( op.equals( "&#47;" ) )
    { return new Integer( n1.intValue() / n2.intValue() );
    else if( op.equals( "%" ) )
    { return new Integer( n1.intValue() % n2.intValue() );
    else // op.equals( "^" )
    { return new Integer( ( int )Math.pow( n1.intValue(), n2.intValue() ) );

  // Takes a string as a parameter and determines if it is an operator.
  public static boolean isOperator( String s )
  { return ( s.equals( "^"  ) || s.equals( "%"  ) ||
             s.equals( "*"  ) || s.equals( "&#<span class="java-number">47</span>;"</span>  ) ||
             s.equals( <span class="java-literal">"+"</span>  ) || s.equals( <span class="java-literal">"-"</span>  ) );

  <span class="java-comment">// Determiens if the first operater has lower or equal precedence </span>
  <span class="java-comment">// than the second operator.</span>
  <span class="java-visibilitymodifier">public</span> <span class="java-storageclasses">static</span> <span class="java-primitives">boolean</span> precedence( String op1, String op2 )
  { <span class="java-keyword">return</span> ( precedenceValue( op1 ) &lt;= precedenceValue( op2 ) );
  <span class="java-comment">// Returns an appropriate integer value as the precedence of the operator.</span>
  <span class="java-visibilitymodifier">public</span> <span class="java-storageclasses">static</span> <span class="java-primitives">int</span> precedenceValue( String op )
  { <span class="java-keyword">if</span>( op.equals( <span class="java-literal">"^"</span> ) )
    { <span class="java-keyword">return</span> <span class="java-number">3</span>;
    <span class="java-keyword">else</span> <span class="java-keyword">if</span>( op.equals( <span class="java-literal">"*"</span> ) || op.equals( <span class="java-literal">"&#<span class="java-number">47</span>;"</span> ) || op.equals( <span class="java-literal">"%"</span> ) )
    { <span class="java-keyword">return</span> <span class="java-number">2</span>;
    <span class="java-keyword">else</span> <span class="java-keyword">if</span>( op.equals( <span class="java-literal">"+"</span> ) || op.equals( <span class="java-literal">"-"</span> ) )
    { <span class="java-keyword">return</span> <span class="java-number">1</span>;
    <span class="java-keyword">else</span>
    { <span class="java-keyword">return</span> <span class="java-number">0</span>;

You have a lot of subtle logical problems. Most notably, you aren't using 'output' at all in toPostfix(), and reuse 'postfix' in a way that can't possibly be right. Also, evaluate() is receiving the entire postfix String, and then tries to check if it consists of just an operator token. Also, it creates its own, empty ObjStack1 (BTW, don't use numbers to "version" your classes; use a real version control system), and then tries to pop() from that.

You aren't modelling enough things to make the task easy to understand. Make a class to represent a Token, and give it methods like .evaluate(Stack) (if it represents a number, push self onto the provided stack; otherwise, do the appropriate calculation), .toString() (i.e., override Object#toString) and so on. Then make a representation of an Expression (it should be some kind of sequence of Tokens), and give it a .evaluate() (which will iterate over the Tokens, using a local Stack to calculate the final value).

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