different between openGL and directX

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2 comments, last by Simian Man 15 years, 6 months ago
Hy guys, Im making atm an apprentice ship as programmer. I programmed in Visual Basic already with DirectX. In this apprentice ship i just learn C++. Now, i bought a book (Galileo Computing - Programming with DirectX9). Now i want to ask, whats better to use between Directx and openGL. And with which engine does the leading Companys of game programming program? and tbh, sorry for my english, im from switzerland ;D thx u guys alien
DirectX is more common in computer games, as well as on XBOX 360, it also has many more books and online resources.

I'm a DirectX guy, although i've dabbled in openGL and own an openGL book as well, but due to openGL's recent trouble, i think more people will be siding with DirectX, i've always found it easier, especially with it's huge amount of free online tutorials, and it's D3DX library

some people say DirectX is harder to learn, but i think alot of that is just left over prejudice from earlier versions, because to me, it's much easier for a beginner.
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In most cases your platform makes your choice for you and so most of the best engines are written to work with multiple APIs.

The XBox 360 uses a version of DirectX.
Mac OS uses OpenGL
Linux uses OpenGL
PS3 technically supports OpenGL, but from what I read almost no one uses it and instead uses the native API provided by Sony to registered developers.
Wii also seems to use some type of modified version of OpenGL.

It's really only on the PC where you have a choice between DirectX and OpenGL. At some point you should probably learn both directX and openGL. And because you already have a book on directX you might as well start there.

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It pains me to say this, but if you only want to support Windows, Direct3D is a better choice. With their continuing refinement of the API and the recent stagnation of OpenGL, Direct3D is a lot easier to get going with.

If, like me, you want cross-platform however, OpenGL is your only option.

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