State without pushattribs in GL3?

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4 comments, last by Prune 15 years, 5 months ago
How do I quickly save and restore state in GL3? The push/popattribs is marked as deprecated D:
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" --Mark Twain

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Looking for a high-performance, easy to use, and lightweight math library? (note: I'm not associated with that project; just a user)
Uhm...don't use GL 3 then?
Why do you need it?
an open source GLU replacement library. Much more modern than GLU.
float matrix[16], inverse_matrix[16];
glhTranslatef2(matrix, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
glhRotateAboutXf2(matrix, angleInRadians);
glhScalef2(matrix, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
glhQuickInvertMatrixf2(matrix, inverse_matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation1, 1, FALSE, matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation2, 1, FALSE, inverse_matrix);
Surely the powers that be deprecated it for a reason.
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" --Mark Twain

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Looking for a high-performance, easy to use, and lightweight math library? (note: I'm not associated with that project; just a user)
Push/Pop attribs is only there for debugging, it needlessly complicates/bloats the driver, hence the reason theyre gonna remove it.

u easily can workaround it, after all its only something like (performance is much better with version B as well)

set X to 121
push attib();
change X
pop attrib();

set X to 121
int oldX = X;
change X
set X to oldX;
Quote:Original post by Prune
Surely the powers that be deprecated it for a reason.

Are you going to use GL3 or not? If you are not, then don't worry about it.
an open source GLU replacement library. Much more modern than GLU.
float matrix[16], inverse_matrix[16];
glhTranslatef2(matrix, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
glhRotateAboutXf2(matrix, angleInRadians);
glhScalef2(matrix, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
glhQuickInvertMatrixf2(matrix, inverse_matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation1, 1, FALSE, matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation2, 1, FALSE, inverse_matrix);
Yes. I've been going through removing all deprecated stuff from my code. The system I'm working on is in alpha and intended to be used over several years.
"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" --Mark Twain

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Looking for a high-performance, easy to use, and lightweight math library? (note: I'm not associated with that project; just a user)

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