problem about write the back buffer

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2 comments, last by ET3D 15 years, 5 months ago
I meet a problem when I want to lock a back buffer under DXUT framework. I do change the present parameter flag to D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER, and in OnD3D9FrameRender I call :
[source lang = "c"]
	// test to modify the backbuffer
	IDirect3DSurface9* pSurface;
	D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect;


	int pitch = lockedRect.Pitch;
	DWORD* pBits = reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(lockedRect.pBits);

	for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
		int x = rand() % sd.Height;
		int y = rand() % sd.Width;
		*(pBits + y + x * pitch) = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(rand()%256,rand()%256,rand()%256);

when debuging, i check the sd(surface_desc),all data are all right. But the data pSurface pointing to are mistake:

-		pSurface	0x001ebee0 {Name=0x00000016 <Bad Ptr> Width=1 Height=67108865 ...}	IDirect3DSurface9 *
+		IDirect3DResource9	{...}	IDirect3DResource9
+		Name	0x00000016 <Bad Ptr>	const wchar_t *
		Width	1	unsigned int
		Height	67108865	unsigned int
		Usage	4	unsigned long
		MultiSampleType	640	_D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE
		MultiSampleQuality	480	unsigned long
		Priority	0	unsigned long
		LockCount	22	unsigned int
		DCCount	0	unsigned int
+		CreationCallStack	0x00000007 <Bad Ptr>	const wchar_t *

I think the value of width and height replace the value of MultiSampleType and MultiSampleQuality... Why there is an offset? and when i write the back buffer, it's overflow and the shutdown. Need help ,thx.
Quote:Original post by smile55
I meet a problem when I want to lock a back buffer under DXUT framework.

I do change the present parameter flag to D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER,
and in OnD3D9FrameRender I call :

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when debuging, i check the sd(surface_desc),all data are all right. But the data pSurface pointing to are mistake:

*** Source Snippet Removed ***
I think the value of width and height replace the value of MultiSampleType and MultiSampleQuality... Why there is an offset?

and when i write the back buffer, it's overflow and the shutdown.

Need help ,thx.
I really wouldn't trust the watch windows for D3D objects like that. You need to make sure you're running the debug runtimes, and you have the D3D_DEBUG_INFO preprocessor definition defined. If you want to check data for the backbuffer, use IDirect3DSurface9::GetDesc().

Have you actually verified that there's a problem here, aside from what's seen in the watch window?
thank you for reply.

i find the problem...I change the LockedRect.pBit to a DWORD* pointer, but forget to divide pitch by 4.

May be as you say, I can't believe the value in the watch window. The second time i trace pointer to the surface, the watch window didn't show so many fields as before...

Thank you.
I'd recommend against using a lockable back buffer, for performance reasons. You can update the back buffer with rendering (or a copy), and use GetRenderTargetData to get it.

What kind of use did you have in mind?

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