counting polys currrently on screen

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1 comment, last by ministe2003 15 years, 5 months ago
Hi all, I'm currently using ID3DXBaseMesh::GetNumFaces() to get the number of polys in my demo, however this is obviously just going to count every poly of everything. Is there a way that I can just count the number of polys on screen at that time without having to change my rendering method from DrawSubset() to something long winded like trianglelist? Thanks Ste
Assuming you are doing some form of spatial partitioning or frustum culling, the easist thing would be to count the number of polys on the models, billboards, etc. that you actually Draw() on during the frame. Obviously some will be partially or fully offscreen, but they still contribute to increasing reander time, so should be counted imho.

Now if you want the polys literally *on the screen*, as in, all triangles either fully or partially inside the frame buffer, that seems a bit more complex. =)
Yea thats what I meant, im currently getting the number of polys from what i draw but i wanted to know the number of polys on screen.

If that's a big job i wont bother then :p

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