Problem loading .obj model. Please help.

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5 comments, last by Fase 15 years, 5 months ago
I am trying to create a simple program that displays models and such (Think of it as a game without any actual "game"). I'm using the Ne(w)He second lesson as my base, but I've managed to use SOIL for textures, and use a greatly modified readFile function to load custom files in perfectly. However, I am currently trying to load a .obj file created from Animator, and it's not working right. These are the structs I'm using:

struct Vertex
			float x, y, z;

			Vertex(float x, float y, float z)
				this->x = x;
				this->y = y;
				this->z = z;

		struct uv
			float u, v;

			uv(float u, float v)
				this->u = u;
				this->v = v;

		struct part
			std::vector<Vertex> m_Vertices; //We have a vector of vertices, each vertex with its 3 coordinates
			//std::vector<Vertex> m_Colors; //also 3 floats for colors, so we just use the Vertex-struct
			std::vector<Vertex> m_Normals; //also 3 floats for colors, so we just use the Vertex-struct
			std::vector<uv> m_uvcords; // vector of uv maps
			GLuint tex_2d;
			int vertices;



			//	this->m_Colors.clear();
				this->tex_2d = NULL;
				this->vertices = 0;


		std::vector<part> m_parts;

And this is the readFile function:

Lesson02::part Lesson02::readFile(const char *filename)
	Lesson02::part temp;
	Lesson02::part temp2;
	float x, y, z, u, v, r, g, b;
	int texpoints;
	int normals;
	int numfaces;
	int t1, t2 = 0;
	FILE *filein;
	char oneline[255];
	int faces[12][5][3];
	filein = fopen(filename, "rt");				// File To Load World Data From

	sscanf(oneline, "No. points %d:\n", &temp.vertices);

	cout << temp.vertices << endl;

	//sscanf(oneline, "TEX %d %d\n", &t1, &t2);
	temp2.tex_2d = SOIL_load_OGL_texture
			readTexName(0, 2).c_str(),

	cout << readTexName(t1, t2) << endl;

	//glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_2d );

	for (int i = 0; i < temp.vertices; i++)
			sscanf(oneline, "v %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
			cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
			temp.m_Vertices.push_back(Vertex( x, y, z)); 

	cout << "V  NORMAL MAP  V"<< endl;

	sscanf(oneline, "No. normals %d:\n", &normals);

	for (int i = 0; i < normals; i++)
			sscanf(oneline, "vn %f %f %f", &x, &y, &z);
			cout << x << "n" << y << "n" << z << endl;
			temp.m_Normals.push_back(Vertex( x, y, z)); 

	cout << "V  UV MAP  V"<< endl;

	sscanf(oneline, "No. texture coordinates %d:\n", &texpoints);

	for (int i = 0; i < texpoints; i++)
			sscanf(oneline, "vt %f %f", &u, &v);
			cout << u << " " << v << endl;
			temp.m_uvcords.push_back(uv(u, v)); 

	cout << "V  FACES MAP  V"<< endl;

	sscanf(oneline, "No. faces %d:\n", &numfaces);

	for (int i = 0; i < numfaces; i++)
			sscanf(oneline, "f %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d %d/%d/%d", &faces[0][0], &faces[0][1], &faces[0][2],
				&faces[1][0], &faces[1][1], &faces[1][2],&faces[2][0], &faces[2][1], &faces[2][2],
				&faces[3][0], &faces[3][1], &faces[3][2], &faces[4][0], &faces[4][1], &faces[4][2]);
			cout << "f " << faces[0][0] << "/" << faces[0][1]<< "/" <<faces[0][2]<< " " <<
				faces[1][0] << "/" << faces[1][1] << "/" << faces[1][2] << " " << faces[2][0] << "/" 
				<< faces[2][1] << "/" << faces[2][2] << " " << faces[3][0] << "/" << faces[3][1] << "/" << faces[3][2]
			<< " " << faces[4][0] << "/" << faces[4][1] << "/" << faces[4][2] << endl;
			//temp.m_uvcords.push_back(uv(u, v)); 

	temp2.vertices = temp.vertices;

	for (int i = 0; i < numfaces; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
			cout << "F Vert " << i << " " << j << ": " << faces[j][0] << endl;
			cout << "F Norm " << i << " " << j << ": " << faces[j][2] << endl;
			cout << "F Tex " << i << " " << j << ": " << faces[j][1] << endl;
			temp2.m_Vertices.push_back(temp.m_Vertices[(faces[j][0] - 1)]);
			temp2.m_uvcords.push_back(temp.m_uvcords[(faces[j][1] - 1)]);
			temp2.m_Normals.push_back(temp.m_Normals[(faces[j][2] - 1)]);
	return temp2;

And this is the drawing part of it

void Lesson02::draw()
	int parts = 1;

	glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);	// Clear Screen And Depth Buffer
	glLoadIdentity();					// Reset The Current Modelview Matrix
	glTranslatef(transX, 0.0f,transY);
	glRotatef(rotx, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
	//Now we need to tell OpenGL to use the arrays we filled with data
	glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);   //We want a vertex array
	//glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);    //and a color array
	glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);    //and a color array
	glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);    //and a color array

	for(int i = 0; i < parts; i++)
		glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_parts.tex_2d );
		glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &m_parts.m_Vertices[0]);   
		glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, &m_parts.m_Normals[0]);  
		//glColorPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &m_parts.m_Colors[0]);      
		glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, &m_parts.m_uvcords[0]);
		glDrawArrays(GL_POLYGON, 0, m_parts.vertices); 

	rotx += 0.05f;

	//glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex_2d);

	//Disable using the Vertex and Color array

I originally had the program so it would return "temp" from readFile and not "temp2" but that made it display a garbled mess of triangles, so now it returns temp 2 so that it is only drawing the face parts. It looks a lot better than what it did, but it's still not displaying the whole model. Here's the model:

# Created with Anim8or 0.95
# Object "object01":
# ComRec:

# ComRec:
#g mesh01
No. points 20:
v 0 0 12.7985
v 8.53229 0 9.53939
v -4.26615 7.38918 9.53939
v -4.26615 -7.38918 9.53939
v 9.53939 7.38918 4.26615
v 9.53939 -7.38918 4.26615
v -11.1689 4.5667 4.26615
v 1.62952 11.956 4.26615
v 1.62952 -11.956 4.26615
v -11.1689 -4.56677 4.26615
v 11.1689 4.56677 -4.26615
v 11.1689 -4.56677 -4.26615
v -9.53939 7.38918 -4.26615
v -1.62952 11.956 -4.26615
v -1.62952 -11.956 -4.26615
v -9.53939 -7.38918 -4.26615
v 4.26615 7.38918 -9.53939
v 4.26615 -7.38918 -9.53939
v -8.53229 0 -9.53939
v 0 0 -12.7985

No. normals 72:
vn 0.30353 0.52573 0.79465
vn -0.60706 0 0.79465
vn 0.30353 -0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.98225 0 0.18759
vn -0.49112 0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.49112 -0.85065 0.18759
vn 0.49112 0.85065 -0.18759
vn 0.49112 -0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.98225 0 -0.18759
vn 0.60707 0 -0.79465
vn -0.30353 0.52574 -0.79465
vn -0.30353 -0.52574 -0.79465
vn 0.30353 0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.30353 -0.52573 0.79465
vn -0.60706 0 0.79465
vn 0.30353 0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.98225 0 0.18759
vn 0.30353 -0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.30353 0.52573 0.79465
vn -0.49112 0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.60706 0 0.79465
vn -0.60706 0 0.79465
vn -0.49112 -0.85065 0.18759
vn 0.30353 -0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.30353 0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.49112 0.85065 -0.18759
vn 0.98225 0 0.18759
vn 0.30353 -0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.49112 -0.85065 -0.18759
vn 0.98225 0 0.18759
vn -0.60706 0 0.79465
vn -0.98225 0 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 0.85065 0.18759
vn 0.30353 0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.49112 0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 0.85065 0.18759
vn 0.30353 -0.52573 0.79465
vn 0.49112 -0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 -0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.60706 0 0.79465
vn -0.98225 0 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 -0.85065 0.18759
vn 0.98225 0 0.18759
vn 0.60707 0 -0.79465
vn 0.49112 0.85065 -0.18759
vn 0.98225 0 0.18759
vn 0.60707 0 -0.79465
vn 0.49112 -0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.30353 0.52574 -0.79465
vn -0.98225 0 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.30353 0.52574 -0.79465
vn 0.49112 0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 -0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.30353 -0.52574 -0.79465
vn 0.49112 -0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.49112 -0.85065 0.18759
vn -0.30353 -0.52574 -0.79465
vn -0.98225 0 -0.18759
vn 0.49112 0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.30353 0.52574 -0.79465
vn 0.60707 0 -0.79465
vn 0.49112 -0.85065 -0.18759
vn -0.30353 -0.52574 -0.79465
vn 0.60707 0 -0.79465
vn -0.98225 0 -0.18759
vn -0.30353 -0.52574 -0.79465
vn -0.30353 0.52574 -0.79465
vn 0.60707 0 -0.79465
vn -0.30353 -0.52574 -0.79465
vn -0.30353 0.52574 -0.79465

No. texture coordinates 20:
vt 0.30902 0.80902
vt 0.57295 1
vt 0.92705 0.80902
vt 0.88197 0.50000
vt 0.50000 0.50000
vt 0.30902 0.19098
vt 0 0.30902
vt 0 0.69098
vt 0.92705 0.19098
vt 0.57295 0
vt 1 0.69098
vt 1 0.30902
vt 0.07295 0.80902
vt 0.42705 1
vt 0.42705 0
vt 0.07295 0.19098
vt 0.69098 0.80902
vt 0.69098 0.19098
vt 0.11803 0.50000
vt 0.50000 0.50000

No. faces 12:
f 1/5/13 2/4/16 5/3/25 8/2/34 3/1/19
f 1/5/15 3/1/21 7/8/31 10/7/40 4/6/22
f 1/5/14 4/6/24 9/10/37 6/9/28 2/4/18
f 2/4/17 6/9/30 12/12/46 11/11/43 5/3/27
f 3/1/20 8/2/36 14/14/52 13/13/49 7/8/33
f 4/6/23 10/7/42 16/16/58 15/15/55 9/10/39
f 5/3/26 11/11/45 17/17/61 14/14/54 8/2/35
f 6/9/29 9/10/38 15/15/57 18/18/64 12/12/48
f 7/8/32 13/13/51 19/19/67 16/16/60 10/7/41
f 11/11/44 12/12/47 18/18/66 20/20/70 17/17/63
f 13/13/50 14/14/53 17/17/62 20/20/72 19/19/69
f 15/15/56 16/16/59 19/19/68 20/20/71 18/18/65

Please help me figure out whats wrong. I'm nearly at my wits end with this. Thank you for your help in advance.
[size=12pt]SoraCross Development"A website dedicated to bringing you high quality games and web designs."
Quote:Original post by Robo-Link
However, I am currently trying to load a .obj file created from Animator, and it's not working right.
Your major problem is that your .obj file contains quads, not triangles. Check and see if Anim8or has an option to trianglulate meshes on export.

			~part()			{				this->m_Vertices.clear();			//	this->m_Colors.clear();				this->m_uvcords.clear();				this->m_Normals.clear();				this->tex_2d = NULL;				this->vertices = 0;			}
Two stylistic comments:
  • There is no need to clear() a std::vector in your destructor, as the vector does that itself in its own destructor.
  • You only need to use the this-> syntax for accessing member variables if the member variable has the same name as a function parameter, otherwise the compiler will deduce the this-> automatically.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Okay, I am not able to find any way to triangulate meshs on anim8or. I am currently looking for a model development program that can. I also tried changing GL_POLYGON to GL_QUADS and it looked even worse. I tried that with both temp and temp2. Also the model is actually one of those hexigon ball things. It looked to me like it'd have 5/6 point faces, and not quads. Am I missing something?
[size=12pt]SoraCross Development"A website dedicated to bringing you high quality games and web designs."
Okay, I am now using Blender as my 3D modeler. I have created a triangulated mesh that is a .obj file (a simple block) and when I run that and return temp I get 2 random triangles, but when I return temp2 I get 1 of the 6 faces. The only change I made to the code above is that my faces array is now a [12][3][3], and other changes to reflect that. Anyway, I still have no idea how to make this thing load properly. Please help.

Here is the new .obj file
# Blender3D v248 OBJ File: # www.blender3d.orgNo. points 8:v 1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000v 1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000v -1.000000 -1.000000 1.000000v -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000v 1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000v 0.999999 1.000000 1.000001v -1.000000 1.000000 1.000000v -1.000000 1.000000 -1.000000No. normals 8:vn 0.000000 0.000000 -1.000000vn -1.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000vn -0.000000 -0.000000 1.000000vn -0.000001 0.000000 1.000000vn 1.000000 -0.000000 0.000000vn 1.000000 0.000000 0.000001vn 0.000000 1.000000 -0.000000vn -0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000No. texture coordinates 4:vt 0.000000 0.000000vt 1.000000 0.000000vt 1.000000 1.000000vt 0.000000 1.000000No. faces 12:f 5/1/1 1/2/1 4/3/1f 5/1/1 4/3/1 8/4/1f 3/1/2 7/2/2 8/3/2f 3/1/2 8/3/2 4/4/2f 2/1/3 6/2/3 3/4/3f 6/2/4 7/3/4 3/4/4f 1/1/5 5/2/5 2/4/5f 5/2/6 6/3/6 2/4/6f 5/1/7 8/2/7 6/4/7f 8/2/7 7/3/7 6/4/7f 1/1/8 2/2/8 3/3/8f 1/1/8 3/3/8 4/4/8
[size=12pt]SoraCross Development"A website dedicated to bringing you high quality games and web designs."
Doesn't the OBJ spec (such as it is...) restrict n>3-gons to be coplanar and convex? In which case you can triangulate them by pretending they're a triangle fan and making a triangle using the 0-1-2, 0-2-3, 0-3-4, etc. vertices.
Quote:Original post by GenPFault
Doesn't the OBJ spec (such as it is...) restrict n>3-gons to be coplanar and convex?
The spec might, but I don't know offhand of a modelling tool or exporter that enforces this.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I recently made my own opengl obj renderer, and GenPFault is right.
If there are more than 3 face elements, construct new triangles by treating the faces as a triangle fan.

f 4 3 2 1 5

new f = 4 3 2 4 2 1 4 1 5

Look at all the pretty colours!

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