Undeclared identifier in a function

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3 comments, last by TGS 15 years, 4 months ago
Hi Guys, I am pretty new at programming and I have been trying to write a program with functions to be used for currency exchange. When I wrote it without the functions it worked fine but I am finding it a bit hard to implement functions correctly. Below is the script:
Quote:/*This program will convert Currencies*/ #include <stdio.h> float exchangerate(float rate) { return r; } float euroconversion(float P) { return r*P; } float poundconversion(float E) { return (E/r); } int main(void) { float r,P,E,X1,X2; int menu; printf("Currency Conversion Program\n"); printf("-------- ---------- -------\n"); printf(" Enter the euro exchange rate for 1 pound:\n"); scanf("%f",&r); printf("Menu\n"); printf("1= Convert Pounds to Euros\n"); printf("2= Convert Euros to Pounds\n"); printf("3= Exit\n"); printf("Choose any of the above choices\n");/*Asks the user to choose one of the menu options*/ scanf("%d", &menu); switch (menu) { case 1: { printf("Choice: 1\n"); printf("Enter your currency in pounds:\n"); scanf("%f",&P); X1= euroconversion(r); /*Formula converts pounds to Euros*/ printf("%.2f pounds = %.2f euros today\n",P,X1); break; } case 2: { printf("Choice: 2\n"); printf("Enter your currency in euros:\n"); scanf("%f",&E); X2= poundconversion(r); /*Formula converts Euros to Pounds*/ printf("%.2f euros = %.2f pounds today\n",E,X2); break; } case 3: { printf("You have chosen to Exit\n"); break ;/*The Program Ends!*/ } } return 0; }
This is what is displayed when I try to compile it:
Quote: 1>------ Build started: Project: Lab 5 part A, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>CURRENCYEXCHANGE.c 1>c:\users\rodney\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\lab 5 part a\lab 5 part a\currencyexchange.c(8) : error C2065: 'r' : undeclared identifier 1>c:\users\rodney\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\lab 5 part a\lab 5 part a\currencyexchange.c(8) : warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'int' to 'float', possible loss of data 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\Rodney\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Lab 5 part A\Lab 5 part A\Debug\BuildLog.htm" 1>Lab 5 part A - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s) ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Thanks in advance for your help.
you need to look at the scope of r.

Look where it is declared and analyse if the places where you use it is part of his scope.

The r variable is declared in the main function, and this means that only the code there is able to 'see' it (use it). Either make it global or pass it as a parameter to the function.
Here are a few examples to show you how functions work. Please study them very carefully.

int twice(int x) {  // You CANNOT use 'y' or 'z' here, because they do not belong to this  // function, but instead to the main function.  return x * 2;}int main() {  int y, z;  y = 10;  z = twice(y);  // the variable 'y' gets copied into the function parameter 'x',  // twice() does its work, and the returned value is assigned to 'z'.  // It does not matter that the name 'y' in main() does not match the function  // parameter's name. There is no correspondence there. You can pass anything  // you like (as long as the type is correct).  // At this point, y == 10 and z == 20.  y = twice(15);  // Now y == 30. Can you see why?  // Bonus question. Why didn't I call the function "double"? :)}

You need to communicate to a function all the information that is needed to perform its task. In this case, the exchange rate is part of that; and the work done by the functions is so simple that nothing is really gained by using them (except for practice, of course).

Also, did you not notice the heading "For Beginners" at the top of the forum list? We have a whole separate forum for new programmers so they don't interrupt the discussion of more serious difficulties (and can be treated more nicely while we're at it).
Sorry, I didn't see the beginner's forum. Thanks again for all your help.

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