Need a little help with a Fresnel Shader.

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0 comments, last by Viik 15 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone, I'm trying to write a fresnel shader for water reflections, but i'm being unable to be sure whether what i've written is a proper fresnel shader. Would you guys mind to take a look at my shader source, and tell me if i'm "doing it right"?
//vertex shader
varying float FresnelFactor;
varying vec4 TexCoord;
uniform vec4 vViewPosition;

void main(void)
   vec3 Normal = normalize(gl_Normal * gl_NormalMatrix);
   TexCoord = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
   vec3 EyeVector = normalize(vViewPosition - gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
   FresnelFactor = dot(Normal, EyeVector);

   gl_Position = ftransform();

//fragment shader
varying float FresnelFactor;
varying vec4 TexCoord;
uniform sampler2D Texture0;

void main(void)
   vec3 NonReflective = texture2D(Texture0,;
   vec3 Reflective = vec3(1, 1, 1);

   gl_FragColor = vec4(NonReflective * (1.0 - FresnelFactor) + Reflective * FresnelFactor, 1);

Thank you for your time regarding this message, and have a nice day!
Good Fresnel term would be more complex than simple dot product and it's better to calculate per pixel as yur water might have a normal map for small bumps. Check this article:

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