ID3DXAnimationController Problems...

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2 comments, last by Burz666 15 years, 3 months ago
Greetings to all! How to me to find out, animation has come to the end or not? I have found one method: D3DXEVENTHANDLE GetCurrentTrackEvent(); But by its call there is a mistake: D3DXEVENT_TYPE CurEvent; D3DXEVENTHANDLE hEvent; ZeroMemory(&hEvent,sizeof(D3DXEVENTHANDLE)); hEvent = g_pAnimController->GetCurrentTrackEvent(iTrack,&CurEvent); It cannot will address to CurEvent though it is static structure... How still it is possible to make it? In advance thanks!
that would be the period i believe.

The period gives where the track is in an animation set.
Hove can i get this period?

ID3DXAnimationController::ValidateEvent(D3DXEVENTHANDLE hEvent)
Checks whether a specified event handle is valid and the animation event has not yet completed.

this is that i need... but it doesn't wo

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