[SlimDX] Particle Effect Alpha FadeOut

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1 comment, last by mdx 15 years, 4 months ago
I'm drawing a pointlist as sprite (renderstate Setup) with a Texture. In the VB6 Tutorial, the Texture fades out by changing the Colors Alpha. I'm doing the same thing, but changing Alpha takes no Effect. I'm using then System.color, not SlimDX.Color4. How can i easy change the Transparenz, to fade out the particle ? Thanx for Help !
You should be able to construct a color using an alpha value. Post your code that you think is incorrect.
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
First i create the VertexStructure
#Region "Custom Vertexformat Structure"    Private Structure PositionColored        Public position As Vector3        Public color As Color        Public Sub New(ByVal pos As Vector3, ByVal col As Color)            Me.position = New Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)            Me.color = col        End Sub        Public Shared ReadOnly Property SizeBytes() As Integer            Get                Return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(PositionColored))            End Get        End Property        Public Shared ReadOnly Property Format() As Direct3D9.VertexFormat            Get                Return (VertexFormat.Position Or VertexFormat.Diffuse)            End Get        End Property    End Structure#End Region

Then i create a particle list
Private _vertex() As PositionColoredPrivate _listOfParticle As New List(Of Particle)    Private Sub createListOfParticle()        For i As Integer = 0 To _particleCount            _listOfParticle.Add(New Particle)        Next    End Sub    Private Sub update()        For Each p As Particle In _listOfParticle            If p.Lifetime <= 0 Then                p.generateNewValues(0.01)            Else                p.update()            End If        Next        Dim i As Integer        For Each p As Particle In _listOfParticle            _vertex(i).position = p.Position            _vertex(i).color = p.Color            i += 1        Next    End Sub

if liftime <= 0 the particle is dead
else update particle position and color

The next for each:
get new positions and
get new colors for all particle

Thats the Updatepart from the Particle Class

      Public Sub update()        '#update position        _position.X += CSng(_speed.X * dxGametime.GameRendertime(400))        _position.Y += CSng(_speed.Y * dxGametime.GameRendertime(400))        _position.Z += CSng(_speed.Z * dxGametime.GameRendertime(400))        '#update speed        '_speed += _acceleration        '#update lifetime        _lifetime -= CSng(_decreasLifetime * dxGametime.GameRendertime(400))        If _lifetime < 0 Then _lifetime = 0        '#color Update        red = _color.R        green = _color.G        blue = _color.B        alpha = CInt(_lifetime * 255)        '#new Alpha Color        _color = Color.FromArgb(alpha, red, green, blue)    End Sub

Here is the render part
        dxTextures.AlphaBlending3 = True '#for AlphaBlending        dxDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.PointSpriteEnable, True)        dxDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.PointScaleEnable, True)        dxDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.PointSize, 0.04F)        dxDevice.SetTexture(0, _tex)        dxDevice.VertexFormat = PositionColored.Format        dxDevice.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.PointList, _vertex.Length - 1, _vertex)

That's it. Lights are turned off.
I've tried this
 dxDevice.SetTextureStageState(0, TextureStage.AlphaArg1, TextureArgument.Diffuse)

with no change...

I've changed all System.color to SlimDX.Color4. With same Code only the red channel works.

Thanx for Help

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