[SlimDX]Problem With Index Buffers [New Problem]

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4 comments, last by jdub 15 years, 3 months ago
I am really new to SlimDX and I am learning about indices/index buffers. My code below throws a InvalidCall exception when it runs. I could really use some help with this as I have no clue as to what is wrong:

void RenderCube()
            IndexBuffer indexBuff;
            VertexBuffer vertexBuff;

            vertexBuff = new VertexBuffer ( device,
                                            D3DX.GetFVFVertexSize ( UntransformedVertex.FVFFormat ) * 8,
                                            Pool.Default );

            indexBuff = new IndexBuffer ( device, sizeof(short) * 36, Usage.WriteOnly, Pool.Default, true );

            DataStream dStream = vertexBuff.Lock ( 0, 0, LockFlags.None );

            UntransformedVertex[] verts = new UntransformedVertex[8];
            //front lower left corner
            verts[0] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0, 0, 1f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );

            //front lower right corner
            verts[1] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 1f, 0f, 1f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );

            //front upper left corner
            verts[2] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 1f, 1f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );

            //front upper right corner
            verts[3] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 1f, 1f, 1f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );

            //back lower left corner
            verts[4] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 0f, 2f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );

            //back lower right corner
            verts[5] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 1f, 0f, 2f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );

            //back upper left corner
            verts[6] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 1f, 2f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );

            //back upper right corner
            verts[7] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 1f, 1f, 2f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );

            dStream.WriteRange ( verts );

            vertexBuff.Unlock ();

            dStream.Dispose ();

            dStream = indexBuff.Lock ( 0, 0, LockFlags.None );

            short[] indices = new short[36];

            //front face
            indices[0] = 0; indices[1] = 1; indices[2] = 2;
            indices[3] = 3; indices[4] = 2; indices[5] = 1;

            //left face
            indices[6] = 4; indices[7] = 6; indices[8] = 0;
            indices[9] = 7; indices[10] = 2; indices[11] = 0;
            //bottom face
            indices[12] = 4; indices[13] = 5; indices[14] = 1;
            indices[15] = 0; indices[16] = 4; indices[17] = 5;

            //right face
            indices[18] = 1; indices[19] = 3; indices[20] = 7;
            indices[21] = 5; indices[22] = 3; indices[23] = 7;

            //top face
            indices[24] = 6; indices[25] = 7; indices[26] = 3;
            indices[27] = 2; indices[28] = 3; indices[29] = 6;

            //back face
            indices[30] = 6; indices[31] = 7; indices[32] = 4;
            indices[33] = 5; indices[34] = 7; indices[35] = 4;

            indexBuff.Unlock ();
            dStream.Dispose ();

            device.Indices = indexBuff;
            device.SetStreamSource ( 0, this.vertBuffer, 0, D3DX.GetFVFVertexSize ( UntransformedVertex.FVFFormat ) );
            //Exception thrown right here
            device.DrawIndexedPrimitives ( PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, 8, 0, 12 );

Thanks, jdub [Edited by - jdub on December 22, 2008 1:19:22 AM]
Do you set the vertex format on the device anywhere?
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
in the indices lock part, you are not actually writing to the buffer... you are though at the vertex part.

DataStream dStream = vertexBuff.Lock ( 0, 0, LockFlags.None );
dStream.WriteRange ( verts );

vertexBuff.Unlock ();

but at the indices:

dStream = indexBuff.Lock ( 0, 0, LockFlags.None );
indexBuff.Unlock ();

so my guess is that there's something wrong?
Thanks a ton guys! I feel really stupid because those were both very obvious errors. I fixed the exception and got the cube to render.

I still have a problem though. When I try to rotate the cube around the X axis, it rotates around fine. However, when I try to rotate it around the Y or Z axis, it won't render properly. Based on the amount of rotation, it either shows a thin sliver of the shape or doesn't draw at all.

I turned off culling to see if that might be a problem but still nothing

I went through the indices and vertices and checked to make sure that I had the right values and I could find nothing wrong.

It would be great if I could get some more help with this.

updated source:
void RenderCube()        {            IndexBuffer indexBuff;            VertexBuffer vertexBuff;            vertexBuff = new VertexBuffer ( device,                                            D3DX.GetFVFVertexSize ( UntransformedVertex.FVFFormat ) * 8,                                            Usage.WriteOnly,                                            UntransformedVertex.FVFFormat,                                            Pool.Default );            indexBuff = new IndexBuffer ( device, sizeof(short) * 36, Usage.WriteOnly, Pool.Default, true );            DataStream dStream = vertexBuff.Lock ( 0, 0, LockFlags.None );            UntransformedVertex[] verts = new UntransformedVertex[8];            camera.LookAt ( Vector3.Zero );            camera.Position = new Vector3 ( 5, 5, 5 );            //front lower right corner            verts[0] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0.5f, 0f, 0f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );            //front lower left corner            verts[1] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 0f, 0f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );            //front upper left corner            verts[2] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 0.5f, 0f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );            //front upper right corner            verts[3] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );            //back lower left corner            verts[4] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 0f, 1f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );            //back lower right corner            verts[5] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0.5f, 0f, 1f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );            //back upper left corner            verts[6] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0f, 0.5f, 1f ), Color.Green.ToArgb () );            //back upper right corner            verts[7] = new UntransformedVertex ( new Vector3 ( 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f ), Color.Red.ToArgb () );            dStream.WriteRange ( verts );            vertexBuff.Unlock ();            dStream.Dispose ();            dStream = indexBuff.Lock ( 0, 0, LockFlags.None );            short[] indices = new short[36];            //front face            indices[0] = 1; indices[1] = 0; indices[2] = 2;            indices[3] = 3; indices[4] = 2; indices[5] = 0;            //left face             indices[6] = 4; indices[7] = 6; indices[8] = 1;            indices[9] = 6; indices[10] = 2; indices[11] = 1;                        //bottom face            indices[12] = 4; indices[13] = 5; indices[14] = 0;            indices[15] = 1; indices[16] = 4; indices[17] = 5;            //right face            indices[18] = 0; indices[19] = 3; indices[20] = 7;            indices[21] = 5; indices[22] = 0; indices[23] = 7;            //top face            indices[24] = 6; indices[25] = 7; indices[26] = 3;            indices[27] = 2; indices[28] = 3; indices[29] = 6;            //back face            indices[30] = 6; indices[31] = 7; indices[32] = 4;            indices[33] = 5; indices[34] = 7; indices[35] = 4;            dStream.WriteRange ( indices );            indexBuff.Unlock ();            dStream.Dispose ();            device.Indices = indexBuff;            device.SetStreamSource ( 0, vertexBuff, 0, D3DX.GetFVFVertexSize ( UntransformedVertex.FVFFormat ) );            device.VertexFormat = UntransformedVertex.FVFFormat;            device.SetRenderState ( RenderState.Lighting, false );            device.SetRenderState ( RenderState.CullMode, Cull.None );            Matrix mat = device.GetTransform ( TransformState.World );            mat *= Matrix.RotationY ( MathHelper.ToRadians ( 45 ) );            device.SetTransform ( TransformState.World, mat );            device.DrawIndexedPrimitives ( PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, 8, 0, 12 );        }

Thanks again, jdub.
Your method of using GetTransform each frame is rather unorthodox, and I'm not sure that it's guaranteed to work properly. The usual method would be to have a variable somewhere that holds the rotation, and then update it each frame. After it's updated, build a fresh rotation matrix from that angle.
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX
So I changed these lines:

Matrix mat = device.GetTransform ( TransformState.World );

mat *= Matrix.RotationY ( MathHelper.ToRadians ( 45 ) );

Matrix mat;
mat = Matrix.RotationY ( MathHelper.ToRadians ( 45 ) );

device.SetTransform ( TransformState.World, mat );

It still produces the same results.

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