OOP design with 2D game

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10 comments, last by Lothia 15 years, 3 months ago
I have a problem with my OOP design for a 2D game. I have a screen object that holds the 2D list of images in the form of tiles and their location etc. The screen is made up of 2D images like grass,brick ,blank for air etc. I have an object for main player including a method to detect if the object collides into any tile on the screen. The problem is passing information from the screen object to the main player object to test for collisions. I can pass information via main program but that involves passing a whole lot of data . If I work out what tiles to pass then i need to calculate where i will move then get tiles to test and then if a collision roll back my intended movements which will require in my player object a method for moving and a method for collision for intended move and it is getting messy.
I'm not entirely sure on what you are asking here. But, it would be more helpful if you provided some codes or something-rather.

From what I gathered, it appears you have your main function and the player function? Something that may make it easier for you is to create a Tile class, and give it properties such as whether or not people can walk on it, or anything of that sort. That would shorten down the programming quite a bit for you, and would keep your code nice and managed. This would also allow for you to easily expand onto your tiles, and make them that damage people and everything of that sort.

That's all I could tell you until you provide more information on what you are trying to do :)
Jacob Foster
Software Engineering student at the Oregon Institute of Technology
we simply have 2 classes . one class needs to access a large data structure from the other class. Using the main program as a middle man makes it messy.

i can either

1- make the information i want public for all classes but that means havin a large 2D array in global memory.
2- have 2 methods for collisions where I have 1 for getting new value to move, and another to test collision . IN main program I can get tiles to test for collision based on where i want to move and then send these tiles to main
character class.
You aren't understanding the point here. You are doing everything in main it seems, which is very messy. You need to create the move functions and everything under the Player class, and then have them do the detection haha, for example:

class Player{ private: public:    bool Move(int x, int y);}bool Player::Move(int x, int y){     checkCollision();}

[Edited by - dalindeck on December 28, 2008 8:04:27 PM]
Jacob Foster
Software Engineering student at the Oregon Institute of Technology
Why not have the following classes:

Player: contains the player's stats and world coordinates.
World: contains information about the entire world (contains an array of tile indicies which can be retrieved given a world coordinate).
Screen: used to render what the player can see.

Then you can do something like this:

if(move_up){  m_player.Move(m_world, NORTH);}

And the Player::Move() method can use the world reference to check for collisions. Then for drawing:

m_screen.Draw(m_world, m_player);

And the Screen::Draw() method can use the player's world coordinates to draw what the player can see at any given time.

Your "main program" will need to act as the middle man. That's its purpose.
Should collisions be handled by the player object at all? I always figured it was something to be left to a physics section.
It can be, but I would think that you could have the CheckCollision() called in the Move function, so that it is all contained in that function. The collision may be in a physics class, or something like that, but the call to the check shouldn't be called in main if that makes any sense.
Jacob Foster
Software Engineering student at the Oregon Institute of Technology
you are not understanding what i am asking here.

the main program doesn't handle collisions .
the player program does and to detect collisions I need to know what background tile to test against.

getting the background tile to the player collisions is messy since both are in classes.
Create a class for tiles, and give them a property, that would be the easiest way to do things, for example:

class Tile{     private:         bool isSolid;     public:         bool CanPass(Tile &tile);};

Something like that, I think I did the function wrong, but the same general idea applies. It is the easiest thing I can see you doing.
Jacob Foster
Software Engineering student at the Oregon Institute of Technology
getTile() ?

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