GLSL linker info log garbled

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-1 comments, last by Geoff the Medio 15 years, 3 months ago
I'm testing out OpenGL shader programming, and am having trouble linking my shader program. I'm using this code:
        GLuint fragment_shader = glCreateShaderObjectARB(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_ARB);

        const char* shader_string =
            "void main() {"
            "    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.4, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0);"

        glShaderSourceARB(fragment_shader, 1, &shader_string, NULL);

        GLint fragment_shader_compiled = 0;
        glGetObjectParameterivARB(fragment_shader, GL_OBJECT_COMPILE_STATUS_ARB, &fragment_shader_compiled);

        if (!fragment_shader_compiled) {
            boost::scoped_array<char> fragment_compile_output(new char[512]);
            glGetInfoLogARB(fragment_shader, 512., NULL, fragment_compile_output.get());
            std::cerr << fragment_compile_output.get() << std::endl;

        glAttachObjectARB(blur_program, fragment_shader);

        GLint fragment_shader_linked = 0;
        glGetObjectParameterivARB(blur_program, GL_OBJECT_LINK_STATUS_ARB, &fragment_shader_linked);

        if (!fragment_shader_linked) {
            boost::scoped_array<char> fragment_link_output(new char[512]);
            glGetInfoLogARB(blur_program, 512, NULL, fragment_link_output.get());
            std::cerr << fragment_link_output.get() << std::endl;
When I run my program, I get this output on the console:
This seems to be coming from the linking step, as slightly modifying the shader code gets me this:
ERROR: 0:1: 'q' : syntax error parse error

Ç─6X¨ø☻:1: 'q' : syntax error parse error
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I'm not sure what to search for, since I'm not getting a usable error message. Searching for the various gl commands just gives me examples on how to use them, which I'm attempting to follow.

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