[SOLVED] SDL Window Resize question

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2 comments, last by Bahdom 15 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I am trying to make an SDL window resizable, however, whenever I stretch the width, the height seems to randomly increase on its own. If I verify the resulting height value in resizeWindow its usually a number with more than 6 digits. Even if I "diagonally stretch" the window the result is the same. This does not happen if I only stretch the height. The event code:

            case SDL_VIDEORESIZE:
                    engine.graphics->resizeWindow(event.resize.w, event.resize.h);
                    engine.screenW = engine.graphics->getScreenW();
                    engine.screenH = engine.graphics->getScreenH();
As a side question: is it better to let the user drag&drop to a desired size and use that resolution when he goes fullscreen or limit the fullscreen resolutions to a set list (800x600, 1024x768, etc)? Also, I had a question about the resizing of the window itself. Is it possible to *test* the selected window settings? For example:

    SDL_Surface* tempScreen;

    if(tempScreen) screen = tempScreen;
That won't work since doing SetVideoMode would release the old screen value possibly leaving the application without a valid screen. Is the only way to do this storing the working settings and reinitializing in case the new settings don't work? [Edited by - Bahdom on January 26, 2009 1:12:07 PM]
A couple of quick questions/suggestions:

1. Have you tried setting a breakpoint in the debugger, and stepping through the code to see where the 'height' value is becoming corrupted?

2. To test whether a video mode is supported, take a look at SDL_VideoModeOK().

3. For fullscreen, you typically want to allow the user to select from the resolutions that are supported on his or her system. To get a list of these resolutions, use SDL_ListModes().
You can use SDL_VideoModeOK() to test the settings.

I cannot reproduce your issue. Here is the full test code:
#include "SDL.h"#include <sstream>int main(int, char **){	SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);	SDL_SetVideoMode(800,600,0,SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_RESIZABLE);	bool running = true;	while(running)	{		SDL_Event event;		SDL_WaitEvent(&event);		switch(event.type)		{		case SDL_QUIT:			running = false;			break;		case SDL_VIDEORESIZE:			{				SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(event.resize.w, event.resize.h, 0, SDL_ANYFORMAT  | SDL_RESIZABLE);				std::stringstream message;				message << "event: " << event.resize.w << ' ' << event.resize.h 						<< " screen: " << screen->w << ' ' << screen->h;				SDL_WM_SetCaption(message.str().c_str(),0);			}			break;		}	}	SDL_Quit();	return 0;}
I made a testScreenSettings method to verify the validity of w/h/bpp/etc to test the settings before applying them and now everything seems to work fine (even the random height issues).

Thanks alot =]

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