gluLookAt for in_game_world_objekts?

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3 comments, last by uncutno 22 years, 9 months ago
I have a 3D game world! I use gluLookAt to set the "camera" , so that i see the world from the right pos, in the right direction. In my world, i have a ship! It have a position, a facing_direction_vector, and a up_direction_vactor! How can i use these vectors to rotate and transforme the ship? I think i need to use glPushMatrix, and glPopMatrix to set and restore the world matrix, but what about the code betwen? Please help! :-) -Anders-Oredsson-Norway-
It depends on where the ship is pointing from the start without roatations. glRotate is used to rotate around any arbitary axis.
Why not give it a try before asking for help?
You can start by identify the axis you want to rotate around.
Thats my problem! I will not use degrees, but instead i use directional vectors! This is because of my physic engine!

Pull out a geometry or trigonometry book. If you know the two vectors, you can find the lenth of the arc within the circle/ellipse defined by those vectors.
It is probably easier to solve a less general problem. If you just want the rotation around the y axis can you calculate it from the x and z part of the direction vector.

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