problem with function [return value]

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2 comments, last by sheep19 15 years, 1 month ago
I am designing an AnimatedSprite class with SDL. AnimatedSprite contains a vector of vectors of pointers to Sprite objects (that's because Sprite doesn't define the copy-constructor).

std::vector<std::vector<Sprite*>> spr_vec;
The AnimatedSprite class contains these 2 functions (now):

// creates an new Sprite set and returns its index
Uint16 CreateSet(Uint16 initialSize = 0);

// add a sprite to a SpriteSet
Uint16 AddSprite(Uint16 spriteSetOffset, const std::string &spriteFileName);
I am using a 2D vector because let's say I want to create an animated dog sprite.
// dog is an AnimatedSprite object
Uint16 dogMoveForwardOffset = dog.CreateSet();
Uint16 dogMoveBackwardsOffset = dog.CreateSet();
This way I have the forward and backward Sprites in different places, so I can easily access them. The problem is with AddSprite.

Uint16 AnimatedSprite::AddSprite(Uint16 spriteSetOffset, const string &spriteFileName)
	// if the offset exists in the vector
	if(spriteSetOffset < spr_vec.size() )
		spr_vec[spriteSetOffset].push_back(new Sprite(spriteFileName));
		return spr_vec[spriteSetOffset].size() - 1;

If spriteSetOffset is a valid vector position of spr_vec, everything is cool. But what if it isn't? I can't make it return 0 because 0 is valid offset. I was thinking of changing the return value to: a) Sint16 or b) const Sint16 (force a constant int to avoid changes) so I can return -1. Another idea was to use a single vector and the user would have to keep himself the offset of where forward Sprites begin and end. I think my current design is better. What do you think? Thanks in advance. Better?

int AnimatedSprite::CreateSet(int initialSize)
	if(initialSize < 0)
		return -1;

	// add a new set
	spr_vec.push_back(vector <Sprite*>() );
	// initial size

	// return index
	return spr_vec.size() - 1;

int AnimatedSprite::AddSprite(int spriteSetOffset, const string &spriteFileName)
	// if the offset exists in the vector
	if(spriteSetOffset >= 0 && spriteSetOffset < spr_vec.size() )
		spr_vec[spriteSetOffset].push_back(new Sprite(spriteFileName));
		return spr_vec[spriteSetOffset].size() - 1;

	return -1;

Using 16-bit values is a bit strange considering the current architectures available, but anyway you could do what std::basic_string usually does:
- use unsigned int (or uint16 in your case) for the type
- cast -1 for a static member uint16 npos
edit: and obviously you could just do bool func( ..., uint16 & index )
Thanks for the reply! I'll take the last option!
Actually I did something else. It's much better I think.

class SpriteSet	{		// AnimatedSprite can modify SpriteSet		friend class AnimatedSprite;		unsigned offset;	};//////////////////void AnimatedSprite::CreateSet(SpriteSet &spr_set, unsigned initialSize){	// reserve size for the Sprite vector	if(initialSize != 0) spr_vec.reserve(initialSize);	spr_set.offset = spr_vec.size() - 1;}bool AnimatedSprite::AddSprite(const SpriteSet spr_set, const std::string &spriteFileName){	const unsigned &offset = spr_set.offset;	// if the offset exists in the vector	if(offset < spr_vec.size() )	{		spr_vec[offset].push_back(new Sprite(spriteFileName));		return true;	}	return false;}

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