Program to write c/c++?

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7 comments, last by PheonixDX 22 years, 9 months ago
Does anyone know where I can get a program to write c/c++?? If so post a reply. Thnx
You can write C/C++ code in a text editor if you want.

If you just want a good IDE, I can''t exactly give suggestions for free ones, but MSVC++ and CodeWarrior are good.

For compilers, the standerd free one is DJGPP.

Borland also has a command line compiler available for free.

The ones I usually use are MSCV++ (for IDE) with the Intel compiler, though you are talking about over $500, not usually what a beginner will want to start with.
You can buy a Game Developers kit at any computer store that has DirectX 7.0 and Microsoft VC++ Introductory ver, great for beginners. You can do just about anything but publish games using it.

If you''re looking for an IDE, and you are a complete beginner, I''d go with RHIDE, which I -think- comes with the DJGPP developement system.. You may want to check out "", as well as "" for RHIDE and the DJGPP developement kit.. They''re both free, but RHIDE is MS-DOS based, which means you''ll be programming in DOS. It''s still a great IDE to begin with, though.

Dont listen to these guys, if you are looking for free stuff get

Xemacs The IDE


mingw The Compiler

it can compile Console and Windows Programs so its not like djgpp where you can only compile console or DOS (console!=DOS), if you want to compile directx later, it comes with the 6.0 libs and headers (might be updated since they released an update this month) or you can get a port of 7 and 8a too.

see ya
Another free compiler that I found was very good is DEV C++. you can get it at

-The Jim
I''d also say the Dev C++ is the best free compiler. Acts much like MVC++
if(!You_Like_Game_Dev){ return Loser;}else{ return Cool;}
you fool yourselves guys
Bloodshed is the IDE, the compiler inside BloodShed IS mighty MINGW32 MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Thanks Mumit Khan!!!! God bless you

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