DirectPlay 7 addresses

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1 comment, last by explodingrabbit 22 years, 9 months ago
Hi Does anybody know the exact format of DirectPlay addresses in DirectX 7, so I can override the service providers? I''ve tried what making addresses from what it says in the documentation, but it doesn''t work, and the documentation seems to be incomplete. The addresses returned by EnumConnections seem as though they shouldn''t work, but they do. Any ideas?
Are you trying to make some up or just eliminate the ones you don''t want?

Are you using dpconnect.cpp?

if eliminating and using dpconnect:

in the function DPConnect_EnumConnectionsCallback

// Found a good connection, so put it in the listbox
// if((LPARAM)pName->lpszShortNameA==-2044487340)
iIndex = SendMessage( hWndListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pName->lpszShortNameA );

(LPARAM)pName->lpszShortNameA returns a number
pName->lpszShortNameA returns a string.

Log them into a text file to figure out what numbers represent which function. Then add the if statement and place the values you want in the list box in place of the one that''s there to limit what is shown.

I''m not sure how static they are though. They may differ from computer to computer.

I just let it list everything except for the lobby. I may care enough later to mess with it so it automatically does TCP/IP.

Thanks for your reply. I''m actually trying to make some addresses up. I see what you mean - that I could enumerate the connections and change the TCP/IP connection data that is returned to hide the dialog, but surely you don''t need to for TCP/IP and IPX. When examining the connections that are enumerated, the total size chunk has a value of 80, which makes no sense (not divisible by size of each chunk), and my own attempts to make addresses have failed.

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