[java] Input From User Movement and Collison Detection...

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0 comments, last by Xzibit 22 years, 9 months ago
I am working on a game and im having some difficulties. I cant figure out how to get input from the keyboard (up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow) then make the image move on the screen also if i can get this to work i would like to know how you detect if 2 objects collide thanks for any replys
--------------------------- X to da Z!

1. To get input from the keyboard, you can implement the KeyListener Interface, in (I assume) your applet (or app):
  import java.awt.event.*;import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;public class MyCoolApplet extends Applet implements KeyListener {    Rectangle r1;     public void init() {        addKeyListener(this); // add the listener to your applet        requestFocus(); // so your applet can recieve key events        // other init stuff :)         // x,y starting Pos of your object        // width - width of your object        // height - height of your object        r1 = new Rectangle(x,y,width,height);     }    // when the key is pressed this method is called     public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){          switch(e.getKeyCode()) {              case KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT:                  // move object/player to the left                  r1.x += amount_to_move;                  break;              case KeyEvent.VK_LEFT:                  // move left                  r1.x -= amount_to_move;                  break;              case KeyEvent.VK_UP;                  // up, inverted cause the screen is                  r1.y -= amount_to_move;                   break;              case KeyEvent.VK_DOWN;                  // down                   r1.y += amount_to_move;                  break;           }          repaint();     }       public void paint(Graphics g) { update(g);}     public void update(Graphics g) {         // draw your object/player at r1.x,r1.y     }     public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}     public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}}  

2. Collision detection, this is a really easy way, it uses bounding boxes. Around each object in your game you should have box that defines it''s boundaries:
  // using r1 from above// other obj (enemy possibly)Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(x2,y2,width2,height2);// to test if r1 has collided with r2 :if(r1.intersects(r2)) {   // they have collided!!!}  

I hope that helped.

Cheers, JP.

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