C++/allegro tower defence question

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2 comments, last by TheBinaryMan 14 years, 12 months ago
I'm trying to place multiple towers with the same image, so far I managed to figure out how to place two. Also this is being done with the mouse pointer, here is some code I tried to test it out.
  BITMAP *tower = load_bitmap ("Data/square.bmp",NULL); BITMAP *tow[7];
   tow[1]=tower; 	while (!key[KEY_ESC])    
      	//check if mouse button one is clicked
		if (mouseclick == 1 && cursor_x <= 663 && cursor_x >= 623 && cursor_y >= 283 && cursor_y <= 323)
		else if (mouseclick == 1 && menu_towerclick == 1)
		}  if (placetower == 1)
          static int static_x=mouse_x,static_y=mouse_y;
		  draw_sprite(buffer, tow[0], static_x, static_y);
		if (placetower2 == 2)
          static int static_x=mouse_x,static_y=mouse_y;
		  draw_sprite(buffer, tow[1], static_x, static_y); if (menu_towerclick != 1) //only show mouse if no item selected
		draw_sprite(buffer, mouse_sprite, mouse_x, mouse_y); //!Alternate Mouse Draw to avoid graphics glitches!

		blit(buffer,screen,0,0,0,0,800,600);	 //DRAW BUFFER

		release_screen();		//RELEASE SCREEN
What exactly is your question?
I'm trying to place multiple towers with the same image, with a mouse pointer.
// A tower object can look like this.Class Tower{    int x,y; // X and Y position of the tower    BITMAP *img; // A pointer to the tower image.};/*If there is a max number of towers that can be placed then just declare an array of tower objects.*/Tower towers[MAX];/*If there is not a limit to how many towers can be placed or very many towers can be placed, then you can create new tower objects as they are needed, using a data structure of your choice, such as a vector.*/vector<Tower> towers;//Then in your drawing function just iterate through the vector and draw all the towers that are in it.for(int i=0;i<towers.size();i++)    draw_sprite(buffer,towers.img,towers.x,towers.y)

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