variable counter gone wrong.

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3 comments, last by SiCrane 14 years, 12 months ago
I wanted to practice using C strings a bit so I started making a variable counter. It is a relatively simple program. The user types in a sentence (up to 500 characters) and the number of total vowels and the number of each individual vowel is shown. Though it is not the most accurate (capital letters are not yet counted) I seem to be having a major problem. The program is giving obscene numbers for the responses. Could someone help me understand what I did wrong. It is probably something simple but I cant seem to find it.

#include <iostream>    //include I/O and string functions
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

int main()//main function
    int vowel; //declare int's a e i o u and vowel
    int a;
    int e;
    int i;
    int o;
    int u;
    char sentence[500]; //declare cstring char with 499 spaces for text
    cout<<"Welcome to the vowel counter please input your sentence.:  ";//prompt user for text
    cout<< "\n\n";//spaces
    for(int p=0;p<=strlen(sentence);p++) // search through string sentence.
        if (sentence == 'a'){ //if mark if charactor a e i o or u are in the sentence and
            vowel += 1;                // add one to vowel
            a += 1;//add one to a e i o or u variables.
        if (sentence == 'e'){
            vowel += 1;
            e += 1;
        if (sentence == 'i'){
            vowel += 1;
            i += 1;
        if (sentence == 'o'){
            vowel += 1;
            o += 1;
        if (sentence == 'u'){
            vowel += 1;
            u += 1;
    cout<< "there are " << vowel <<" vowels in the sentence\n";              //display data
    cout<< "there are \n " << a << " a's,\n " << e << " e's\n "<< i << " i's\n " << o << " o's\n " << u << " u's \n ";
    return 0;

thanks to anyone who can help me.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise, eat right and be the best you can be!Translation: Play video games for finger streangth and eat lots of hot pockets to be at top programming efficiency.
Initializing your variables would probably help.
Hint: Variable values don't default to zero, you must explicitly give them an initial value if you don't want garbage. :)

Also, consider using switch statements and the increment ('++') operators. Less typing, more readable.

EDIT: Ninja'd.
clb: At the end of 2012, the positions of jupiter, saturn, mercury, and deimos are aligned so as to cause a denormalized flush-to-zero bug when computing earth's gravitational force, slinging it to the sun.
and it works. I knew it would be something stupid like usually is. :) Well thanks for the help. Now I have to build it using the string class.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise, eat right and be the best you can be!Translation: Play video games for finger streangth and eat lots of hot pockets to be at top programming efficiency.
You also might want to consider increasing the warning level of your compiler. For example, MSVC spits out "warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'a' used" (x5 for each of the vowels) for your code.

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