Model space vs. world space

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11 comments, last by october121 22 years, 9 months ago
Did you remember to specify a depth buffer when you initialized?

If you are using glut, you need GLUT_DEPTH in glutInitDisplayMode()


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Call me crazy but it actually sounds to me like an incomplete model.

If the front shows through with culling disabled, and you see nothing with culling enabled then it is not a depth buffer issue. The front of the model would be completely ignored with culling enabled as far as the depth buffer is concerned.

Well. The only other thing that I can think of is maybe it is a clipping issue. How far away is your model when you view it?

It is possible that when you rotate it you are bringing the model closer than your near clipping plane and it is simply shearing off the back polygons.

Try setting your near clipping distance to 0.001 or something like that. Or try translating your model a little ways along the depth axis.

I''ve solved the problem, finally. Thanks for everyone''s help. I had missed a couple lines of code in the drawModel() function, where I was using a modelview matrix to do some calculations. After removing that line, it works fine. Thanks again.

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