Quick Direct X Graphics Query

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2 comments, last by Shadekf 14 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys, Simple question. If an object is drawn outside the current camera view is direct x graphics smart enough to not waste time drawing those objects. It's a simple act to limit what is drawn I know, but I don't want to waste processing time running a check if direct x is going to deal with it on its own. Thanks in advance guys and girls.
As far as I know it is still processed until the clipping stage in the pipeline.Thats why its common practice to implement frustum culling to discard objects that are not seen.
Clipping in DirectX is done at the triangle level, after vertices have been transformed. If you can determine that a large number of triangles will be off-screen with a simple AABB-frustum check, then you save all of those vertices being transformed and clipped.
Thanks for the advice guys I'll do a check to ensure only visible objects will be drawn.

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