glBlitFramebufferEXT vs. rendering to lower resolution fbo

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1 comment, last by IrYoKu1 14 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys! I need to downsample a texture to 1/2 of its size. Someone knows how glBlitFramebufferEXT is usually implemented? I assume it will be done using shaders and not a special and faster hardware mechanism for doing the copy. If someone has experience with this, maybe knows what will be faster, glBlitFramebufferEXT or simply rendering a quad binded with the texture to a framebuffer with the desired resolution? (via custom shader that only perform the necessary operations) Thanks!
what u do need a special shader for the second version?
just draw a texture at half the dimensions, this is the same as a blit to half the dimensions
because in a custom shader I can only perform the needed operations, and skip all the lighting, vertex color and material stuff.

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