cAudio 1.7.1 3d Audo Engine

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-1 comments, last by wildrj 14 years, 11 months ago
cAudio was created to be a good alternative to fmod,bass, and irrklang. Example code cAudio:

//Basic 2d audio
#include <iostream>
#include "../../include/IAudioManager.h"
#include "../../include/IAudio.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    cout <<"cAudio 1.7.1 Tutorial 1: 2DSound\n";

    cAudio::IAudioManager* manager = cAudio::getAudioManager();
    cAudio::IAudio* mysound = manager->createFromFile("bling","../../bin/bling.ogg",true);





    return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <irrKlang.h>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace irrklang;

int main(int argc, const char** argv)
	ISoundEngine* engine = createIrrKlangDevice();
	if (!engine)
	        printf("Could not startup engine\n");
		return 0; // error starting up the engine
	engine->play2D("../../media/getout.ogg", true);
	printf("\nHello World!\n");
	while(getch() != 'q');
	return 0;
The cAudio Engine is a c++ wrapper around openal to allow you to get sound and music into your games easily. current version 1.7.1 The main reason behind making cAudio was there wasn't a hole lot of choices for getting sound into your game. Basically there was audiere, fmod, bass, irrKlang,and SDL mixer. Also there was openal which cAudio is built on. The only problem with using openal is its hard to use in games. So cAudio was born. cAudio uses openal for controlling all aspects of the sound. Vorbis libary for decoding and playing .ogg files. Mikmod for the mod,xm,it,and s3d support. Special Thanks to Dark_Kilauea,KittyCat, Sudi, Rooly, and BloodInch Supports: ogg,wav Download at: Direct at: Features: * 2d Audio * 3d Audio * Pitch control * Directional control * Velocity control * Listener orientation control * Doppler control * Looping * Multiple streams * Load file into memory and play * Stream file * Play,pause,and stop controls * Easy to use Audio manager * Self contained *no longer need runtime installed* * Easy to extend License: zlib Fill free to ask any questions. There are currently binary builds for win32-gcc win32-visual and linux-x86
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