[OpenGL/SDL] 3D Textures

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2 comments, last by MARS_999 14 years, 10 months ago
I want to use 3D textures for my terrain but didn't get the expected result so far. Here is what I've done: I loaded the address of the glTexImage3D function into the function pointer PFNGLTEXIMAGE3DPROC glTexImage3D; glTexImage3D = (PFNGLTEXIMAGE3DPROC) SDL_GL_GetProcAddress("glTexImage3D"); and stored the textures in different SDL_Surfaces. My problem is now how do I get the pixel data of the surfaces suitable for the last argument of glTexImage3D(... , const GLvoid *pixels )
SDL_surfaces I assume are 2d only
thus if u pass the info to glTexImage3D its gonna be wrong, youre gonna haveta create the 3d texture data yourself eg it can be multiple 2d textures stacked
Quote:Original post by zedz
SDL_surfaces I assume are 2d only
thus if u pass the info to glTexImage3D its gonna be wrong, youre gonna haveta create the 3d texture data yourself eg it can be multiple 2d textures stacked

yes, thats what I was trying to do. I stored 4 textures in 4 different surfaces but I don't know how I get this data suitable for glTexImage3D

I already tried to memcpy the surface->pixels to a char array, but this attempt ends up in garbage
unsigned char* image3D = new unsigned char[w*h*channels*depth];//depth can be the # of 2d textures//loop through first sdl 2d image and assign that data to image3D//loop through next image....glTexImage3D(..., image3D);

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