Need help with Mr.Pacman

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9 comments, last by tnutty 14 years, 10 months ago
I have hoping to finish this pacman clone before I smash and burn my computer. The way I wanted to implement it, is by have and AxB array that keeps track of Mr.Pacman,Food,and enimies position, so it would be easier for say collision detection,or just to keep track . But I am having problem with this part. MY screen is 500x500. Here is some relevant code :

	//Init Gamemap to none occupied map	
	//P = pacman
	//E = Enemy
	//* = Blank Space
	int Size = 35;
	//Initially set Size to 25x50


I guess I would have to have some type of conversion because the screen width/height does not match my vector size. So I have a not implemented function that returns index. and this function :

void GameScreen::UpdateMap(float *PacManPos, float *EnemiesPos)
	unsigned int i(0),j(0);

	int posX = PacManPos[POS_X];
	int posY = PacManPos[POS_Y];

	//I Need some conversion here,I guess

	//Reset Board

	GameMap[posX][posY] = 'P';

	for( i =0; i < GameMap.size(); i++)
		for( j = 0; j<GameMap.size(); j++)
		cout << GameMap[j];


I am not sure if I am going about this right. Any Help?
Our whole life is a opengl application.
My advise in general is to lay out the algorithms you plan to use in pseudo code in comments. Begin there and then work your way through the comments in order to derive your code.
A couple things...

1) Why are you storing the positions of Pacman and Enemies as arrays? I would assume structs with two variables (xPos and yPos) would be much simpler to use there, so you could then write

int posX = PacManPos.xPos;
int posY = PacManPos.yPos;

or something similar.

2) If I recall correctly, a 2d array works in the (y,x) orientation, so your array-printing function is going to be printing it out sideways. For instance, in a 5x5 array, the points at array[0][2] and array[4][1] would be

00x00 00000
00000 00000
00000 00000
00000 00000
00000 0x000


Hazard Pay :: FPS/RTS in SharpDX (gathering dust, retained for... historical purposes)
DeviantArt :: Because right-brain needs love too (also pretty neglected these days)

You know right now I am getting very frustrated with even displaying Food, via
glPoints. I tried debugging it but could not find any problem. Can you help.

Relevant code :

My Display List for food
void DisplayList::Render_Food(string *FoodCol, float Diameter){	cFood.dListIDFd[0] = glGenLists(3);		glNewList(cFood.dListIDFd[0],GL_COMPILE);					//Determine Color			if(FoodCol[0].compare("RED") == 0)					RED; else			if(FoodCol[0].compare("BLUE") == 0)					BLUE; else			if(FoodCol[0].compare("YELLOW") == 0)					YELLOW;			glPointSize(Diameter);							glBegin(GL_POINTS);				glVertex2f(0.0,0.0);			glEnd();	glEndList();	cFood.dListIDFd[1] = cFood.dListIDFd[0]+1;	glNewList(cFood.dListIDFd[1],GL_COMPILE);					//Determine Color			if(FoodCol[1].compare("RED") == 0)					RED; else			if(FoodCol[1].compare("BLUE") == 0)					BLUE; else			if(FoodCol[1].compare("YELLOW") == 0)					YELLOW;			glPointSize(Diameter);							glBegin(GL_POINTS);				glVertex2f(0.0,0.0);			glEnd();	glEndList();	cFood.dListIDFd[2] = cFood.dListIDFd[1]+1;		glNewList(cFood.dListIDFd[2],GL_COMPILE);					//Determine Color			if(FoodCol[2].compare("RED") == 0)					RED; else			if(FoodCol[2].compare("BLUE") == 0)					BLUE; else			if(FoodCol[2].compare("YELLOW") == 0)					YELLOW;			glPointSize(Diameter);							glBegin(GL_POINTS);				glVertex2f(10.0,-10.0);			glEnd();	glEndList();}

This gets called in the constructor :
FOOD::FOOD(){	//4 * Mr.Pacman Radius		Diameter = (SCREEN_W+SCREEN_H)/200;	//Set Food Color		FoodColor[0] = "RED";		FoodColor[1] = "BLUE";		FoodColor[2] = "YELLOW";//Render Food Display List	cFood.Render_Food(FoodColor,Diameter); }

Here is the Draw food Func:
 void DrawFood(float PosX, float PosY,int colNum) {                                                    glTranslatef(PosX,PosY,-1.0);														                                                                       glCallList(dListIDFd[colNum]); 														                                                     };

void LEVELS::DrawLevel1(){		srand(0);	cLevel.DrawFood((rand()%SCREEN_W)-Line_width,rand()%SCREEN_H-Line_width,cLevel.dListIDFd[(rand()%3)]);}

and in this func :
void StateFunc::GameState(){	//Draw our blue borders 		RED;		cScreen.DrawBorders(SCREEN_W,SCREEN_H);	glPushMatrix();		//Determine Level Number		switch(cLevel.GetLevel())		{			case 1:  cLevel.DrawLevel1(); break;			default: cLevel.DrawLevel1();break;		}	glPopMatrix();		//Move Mr. Pacman		cPacman.Move_Pacman(cPacman.Direction,cPacman.vec2DPos,cPacman.Speed);	//Rotate Mr.pacman accordingly				glRotatef(cPacman.GetAngle(),0,0,1);	//Render Mr.Pacman by switching between D-lists		cPacman.Animate_Pacman(cPacman.AnimateChange);		//Handle Wall to pacman Collision		cHandle_collision.CheckWallToObjectCollision(cPacman.vec2DPos[POS_X],cPacman.vec2DPos[POS_Y],cPacman.vec2DPos,cPacman.Speed);		//cout<<"X : "<<cPacman.vec2DPos[POS_X]<<","<<"Y :  "<< cPacman.vec2DPos[POS_Y]<<endl;}

Its been a while since I first tried to fix this problem. So its not like
I did not try. I am at the point of starting all over, if that. And also this
level1 is just a test

Our whole life is a opengl application.
Pacman has some suprisingly tricky things to deal with for a first time project. Rather than trying to get everything working all at once, I suggest you focus on individual pieces first. Try taking it in a few steps like these (or whatever you think works best for you):

1. Get pacman on an empty screen.
1a. Move him around freely on the screen.

2 Use an array to define and draw a maze.
2a. Get pacman to appear and move around the maze (no wall collision checking).
2b. Add wall collision checking.

3. Add food.
3a. Add functionality so when everything has been eaten you move to next level.
3b. Add scoring.

4. Add enemies (no collision with pacman checking).
4a. Develop a simple enemy movement AI.
4b. Add pacman collision checking and death.
4c. Enhance enemy movement if desired.

I have some code on my website for a pacman clone that you could look at but it isn't openGL. It's also a bit buggy in places.
QUOTE : 1. Get pacman on an empty screen.


QUOTE : 1a. Move him around freely on the screen.


QUOTE : 2 Use an array to define and draw a maze.

Not Done...

This was the OP question.

If it would help, I could zip my project to anyone willing to help.
Our whole life is a opengl application.
Use a couple of for loops to go through your array. If an element of the array indicates a wall, display the wall similarily as you would display a pacman (if not do nothing). As you go through the array, change the x,y destination of where the wall might be displayed on the screen. For example
for (y=0;y<MAZEYARRAYSIZE;y++){	for (x=0;x<MAZEXARRAYSIZE;x++)	{		if (TheMaze[x][y] == 1) //We have a wall.		{				PaintWall(x*TILEXSIZE,y*TILEYSIZE);		}	}}

PaintWall() takes screen co-ordinates where you want the section of wall to be displayed.
To represent a multi-dimensional array that is rectangular but not of known-ahead-of-time size, use boost::multi_array.

To compare std::string instances, don't bother with .compare() except for very specialized purposes (almost never applicable); instead, just use its operator== overload.

Don't hide code in macros like 'RED;'. Call a function. And don't repeat the colour-checking logic; do it inside the function. Actually, don't use strings for that purpose, either; use an enumeration to specify one of a finite, predetermined set of values.

It is possible in C++ to pass arrays by reference, which gives you a little better type-checking.

I suspect that you can't just call glGenLists once and use successive values after that. The function is doing more than giving you an integer handle; it's allocating memory behind the scenes.

And for heavens' sake, don't repeat code when you can use a simple looping construct.

So for example:

enum Colour { RED, BLUE, YELLOW };// The parentheses around the '&' here cause the type to be interpreted as// a reference to an array, instead of an array of references (which is// illegal anyway; you'd think they'd have made it simpler... anyway)void DisplayList::Render_Food(Colour (&) FoodCol[3], float Diameter) {	float coordinates[3][2] = {{0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0}, {10.0, -10.0}};	// Did you really mean for the first two to be the same?	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {		cFood.dListIDFd = glGenLists(3);		glNewList(cFood.dListIDFd,GL_COMPILE);		doColorLogicFor(FoodCol);		glPointSize(Diameter);				glBegin(GL_POINTS);		glVertex2f(coordinates[0], coordinates[1]);		glEnd();		glEndList();	}}

Quote:Original post by tnutty
I have hoping to finish this pacman clone before I smash and burn my computer.

So -- how much time is that? (^_^)
Sorry, couldn't resist.

-- Tom Sloper --

Quote:Original post by Tom Sloper
Quote:Original post by tnutty
I have hoping to finish this pacman clone before I smash and burn my computer.

So -- how much time is that? (^_^)
Sorry, couldn't resist.

[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe

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