c++ Recursive renaming of files/directories

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3 comments, last by CrimsonGT 14 years, 10 months ago
I am looking for a way in c++ to specify a directory, and then have it search through it, and all sub directories and rename the directories/files it finds. I found rename() in stdio.h but not sure how to search through each sub directory and file to rename them. Any help or code snippets would be appreciated :)
My implementation is win32 dependent and uses custom stuff (list , text processing)

Here are the main classes that you can use in order to manipulate files and directories , path , etc.

//--------------------------------------------------------------------------	enum PathObjectFlags	{		is_directory	= 1<<0,		is_file			= 1<<1,		is_loaded		= 1<<2,// if the object is dir , and all the subfolders and files are loaded	};	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------	class Path;	class PathObject		: public ListNode<PathObject>	{	public:		//----------------------------							PathObject();							PathObject(char* Name, unsigned int Flags);							PathObject(PathObject& other);		void				operator =(PathObject& other);							~PathObject();		//----------------------------		char*				getName()const;		int					isFile()const;		void				trimExt();		bool				hasCildren()const;		unsigned int		getFlags()const;		//----------------------------		bool				find(Path &out,const char *Name,unsigned int withFlags = is_file);		bool				depthFind(Path &out,const char *Name,unsigned int withFlags = is_file);	public:		char*				name;		unsigned int		flags;		List<PathObject>	subs;	private:		bool				__find(Path & out , char *name,unsigned int Flags);// breadfirst	private:		friend class Path;	};	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------	class Path	{	public:						Path();						Path(const char* name);						Path(Path& other);		void			operator =(Path& other);		//-------------------------------------------------------------------		char*			getPath() const;		char*			trim();// trim the last object from the path		void			operator +=(const char* path);		bool			isEmpty()const;		void			clear();		//-------------------------------------------------------------------		void			ls(List<PathObject>& output, bool files = true, bool dirs = true);		void			scan(PathObject& rezult, bool files = true, bool dirs = true);		void			mkdir(char* name, bool recursive = false);		hddStream		mkfile(const char* name, const char* mode = "wb");	private:		char			location[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];		unsigned int	length;	};	//--------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basic usage:
Path p("directory") or Path p("c:\\home");
Path p(0); - curent path of the file starting with the drive.. eg: c:\blab la\...
PathObject o; represents a file , or a folder;
p.scan(o); - will search trough all the structure starting from path P;
o- now holds the structure of folders and files; with it you can search inside for stuff, get exact location , etc;

Ps: send a PM if you want the rest of the code , there is to much to post it here.

The base code that can get all the files and folders from a folder is:
Node: only one folder , this will not search inside other folders
WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata;	HANDLE			dhandle;	{		char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];		text::append(buf, "\\*", text::append(buf, location));						if ((dhandle = FindFirstFile(buf, &fdata)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)		{			return;// error		}	}	while (true)	{		if (FindNextFile(dhandle, &fdata))		{			if (fdata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)			{//directory				if (dirs && !text::equal("..", fdata.cFileName))					output.add(new PathObject(fdata.cFileName,is_directory));			}			else			{// file				if (files)					output.add(new PathObject(fdata.cFileName,is_file));			}		}		else		{			if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES)			{				break;			}			else			{				FindClose(dhandle);				return;// some sort of an error			}		}/**/	}	//if(FindClose(dhandle) == 0) //error	FindClose(dhandle);
Boost version:
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>namespace fs = boost::filesystem;void recurse(const fs::path & p) {	fs::directory_iterator di(p);	fs::directory_iterator de;	while (di != de) {		try {			if (fs::is_directory(di->status())) {				recurse(di->path());				// fs::rename(di->path(), ....);			}			if (fs::is_regular_file(di->status())) {				// fs::rename(di->path(), ....);			}		} catch (const std::exception & e) {			std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;		}		++di;	}}int main(){	recurse("r:/root");}

Actual renaming and matching left as exercise.
Why do you want to use C++ for this? It's an especially poor fit here.
Because the games I do server modding for are done so with c++.

Thanks for the examples :)

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