D3DXCreateEffectFromFile() - Failing To Compile

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0 comments, last by dave 14 years, 9 months ago
Evening, I have the following shader:
#include "Lights.fx"

//	Light properties.
int		LightType;
float4	LightDiffuseColour;
float4	LightSpecularColour;
float4	LightAmbientColour;

float3	LightPosition;
float3	LightDirection;
float	LightRange;
float	LightFalloff;
float	LightAttenuation0;
float	LightAttenuation1;
float	LightAttenuation2;
float	LightTheta;
float	LightPhi;

float3	CameraPosition;

float4 ClearColor = float4( 0,0,0,0 );

texture PosMapTexture;
texture NormalMapTexture;

sampler PosMapSampler = 
	Texture = PosMapTexture;

sampler NormalMapSampler = 
	Texture = NormalMapTexture;

struct VS_INPUT 
   float3 Pos:     POSITION;
   float3 Normal:  NORMAL;

struct VS_OUTPUT 
   float4 Pos:            POSITION;
   float2 TexCoord:       TEXCOORD0; 

struct PS_INPUT 
   float2 TexCoord:       TEXCOORD0; 

struct PS_OUTPUT 
   float4 Color    : COLOR0;

VS_OUTPUT vs_main( VS_INPUT In )

	Out.Pos           = float4(sign(In.Pos.xy),0.0,1.0);
	Out.TexCoord.x    = (Out.Pos.x+1.0) * 0.5;
	Out.TexCoord.y	  = 1.0 - ((Out.Pos.y-1.0) * 0.5);

	return Out;

PS_OUTPUT ps_main( PS_INPUT In )

	float4 Pos    = tex2D(PosMapSampler,In.TexCoord);   

	if (Pos.w==0.0) // If nothing is drawn at this pixel, just output clear color
		Out.Color = ClearColor;
	} // End if
		if ( LightType == 0 )	//Ambient
			Out.Color = LightAmbientColour;
		else if ( LightType == 1 )
			float3	Normal	= normalize( tex2D( NormalMapSampler, In.TexCoord ).xyz );
			Out.Color = Directional( Normal, normalize(LightPosition), LightAmbientColour, LightDiffuseColour );
		else if ( LightType == 2 )	//	Point
			float3	Normal	= normalize( tex2D( NormalMapSampler, In.TexCoord ).xyz );
			float4	FinalColour = Phong(Pos, 
										LightSpecularColour );
			float	Dist = length( LightPosition - Pos );
			float	Attenuation = 1 / ( LightAttenuation0 + LightAttenuation1 * Dist + LightAttenuation2 * pow(Dist, 2) );
			if ( Dist > LightRange )
				Attenuation = 0;
			Out.Color = FinalColour * Attenuation;
		else if ( LightType == 3 )
			float3	Normal	= normalize( tex2D( NormalMapSampler, In.TexCoord ).xyz );
			float4	FinalColour = Spot( Pos, 
										LightPhi );
			Out.Color = FinalColour;			
	return Out;

technique DefaultTechnique
	pass P0
      VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 vs_main();
      PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 ps_main();

that includes:
float4	Phong(	float3 Position, 
				float3 Normal, 
				float3 LightPosition, 
				float3 CameraPosition,
				float4 AmbientColour,
				float4 DiffuseColour,
				float4 SpecularColour )
	float3	ToLight = normalize( LightPosition - Position );
	float3	Reflect = normalize( 2.0f * Normal * saturate(dot( Normal, ToLight )) - ToLight );
	float3	View	= normalize( CameraPosition - Position );

	float	Dot = saturate(dot( Normal, ToLight ));
	float4	Ambient	= AmbientColour;
	float4	Diffuse	= DiffuseColour * Dot;
	float   SpecMod = saturate(pow(dot( Reflect, View ),8));
	float4	Specular = mul(SpecMod, SpecularColour );

	return Ambient + Diffuse + Specular * Dot;	

float4	Directional(float3 Normal,
					float3 DirectionToLight,
					float4 AmbientColour,
					float4 DiffuseColour )
	return AmbientColour + saturate(dot( Normal, DirectionToLight )) * DiffuseColour;

float4	Spot(	float3 Position, 
				float3 Normal, 
				float3 LightPosition,
				float3 LightDirection, 
				float3 CameraPosition,
				float4 AmbientColour,
				float4 DiffuseColour,
				float4 SpecularColour,
				float  Theta,
				float  Phi )
	float3	ToLight = normalize( LightPosition - Position );
	float3	Reflect = normalize( 2.0f * Normal * saturate(dot( Normal, ToLight )) - ToLight );
	float3	View	= normalize( CameraPosition - Position );

	float4 Ambient	= AmbientColour;
	float4 Diffuse	= DiffuseColour * saturate(dot( Normal, ToLight ));
	float4 Specular = SpecularColour * saturate(pow(dot( Reflect, View ),8));

	float4 Phong = Ambient + Diffuse + Specular;
	float3	LightToFragment = normalize( Position - LightPosition );
	float Dot = dot( LightDirection, LightToFragment );
	float Intensity = 0;
	if ( Dot <= Phi )
		Intensity = 0;
	else if ( Dot > Theta )
		Intensity = lerp(0,1, (Dot-Theta)/(1-Theta) );
		//Intensity = 0.5;//((cos(Dot) - cos(Phi/2))/(cos(Theta/2) - cos(Phi/2)));
	return Phong * Intensity;

When i compile it with:
HRESULT result = D3DXCreateEffectFromFileA( m_Device, rPath.GetFullPath().c_str(), NULL, NULL, D3DXSHADER_DEBUG | D3DXSHADER_NO_PRESHADER |
It compiles with no errors and runs as expected visually. No warnings other than redundant render states are given by D3D with full debugging on. If i compile it with:
HRESULT result = D3DXCreateEffectFromFileA( m_Device, rPath.GetFullPath
().c_str(), NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &NewEffect, &pErrorBuffer );
it fails compile with the following error:
../DeferredShadingPass.fx(140,21): ID3DXEffectCompiler::CompileEffect: There was an error compiling expression.
ID3DXEffectCompiler: Compilation Failed.
What's more, when running the application i get warnings like the following:
Direct3D9: (WARN) :Can not render to a render target that is also used
 as a texture. A render target was detected as bound, but couldn't detect if texture was actually used in rendering.
Which dont appear when the effect builds nor have they done for some time and my pipeline hasn't changed at all. EDIT: Please note it also fails if i make it PS & VS 3.0. EDIT2: I just tried dropping it back to PS & VS 2.0 and it compiled and ran fine. Any suggestions are welcome, thanks. [Edited by - Dave on July 22, 2009 4:51:08 PM]
Bump for a new day!

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