calculate sin and cos

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10 comments, last by Sc4Freak 14 years, 8 months ago
How do I calculate sin and cos in order to store the results in a lookup table. Is there any formula?
In general you'd just use the sin() and cos() functions of whatever programming language you're using. If for some reason those aren't available you can use the Taylor series for sin and cos.
Why are you building a lookup table?
So i don't call sin or cos on the fly. It might be faster. I should mention I am on a mobile phone arm9 processor.
Continuing on the Tayler series expansion and your remark about speed. The following might be interesting:

If you don't mind losing some accuracy over that speed.
Quote:Original post by bertc
The small angle approximation is accurate only for *extremely small* angles - i.e. in the limit as theta approaches 0.

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

Quote:Original post by Hotshot5000
So i don't call sin or cos on the fly. It might be faster. I should mention I am on a mobile phone arm9 processor.

you'd still use the normal sin and cos functions to generate the lookup table.

for example:
double sinTable[62832]; // (roughly 2PI * 1000)for (int i=0;i<62832];i++) {    sinTable = sin(i/1000.0);}//Then you can replacey = sin(x);//Withy = sinTable[(int)(x*1000))];//You want to ensure that x is in the range 0 to 2PI aswell though.

It might actually be slower though since you may need to do a multiplication and cast when accessing the table unless you can store the input in the right format and range and memory access is getting relatively slow these days. (Allthough i don't know how this applies to the ARM9)
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
A large lookup table could cost you in terms of cache misses. Taylor series are almost never a good solution for approximations, because they are "local" approximations. You should use "global" approximations, ones that are typically derived from least-squares fitting of integral norms. For example,

//----------------------------------------------------------------------------float FastSin0 (float angle){    // The input must be in [0,pi/2], max error 1.7e-04    float angleSqr = angle*angle;    float result = 7.61e-03f;    result *= angleSqr;    result -= 1.6605e-01f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 1.0f;    result *= angle;    return result;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------float FastSin1 (float angle){    // The input must be in [0,pi/2], max error 1.9e-08    float angleSqr = angle*angle;    float result = -2.39e-08f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 2.7526e-06f;    result *= angleSqr;    result -= 1.98409e-04f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 8.3333315e-03f;    result *= angleSqr;    result -= 1.666666664e-01f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 1.0f;    result *= angle;    return result;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------float FastCos0 (float angle){    // The input must be in [0,pi/2], max error 1.2e-03    float angleSqr = angle*angle;    float result = 3.705e-02f;    result *= angleSqr;    result -= 4.967e-01f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 1.0f;    return result;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------float FastCos1 (float angle){    // The input must be in [0,pi/2], max error 6.5e-09    float angleSqr = angle*angle;    float result = -2.605e-07f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 2.47609e-05f;    result *= angleSqr;    result -= 1.3888397e-03f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 4.16666418e-02f;    result *= angleSqr;    result -= 4.999999963e-01f;    result *= angleSqr;    result += 1.0f;    return result;}//----------------------------------------------------------------------------
It's interesting to note that every angle that it is an integral multiple of 3 degrees has a closed form solution in terms of primitive arithmetic operations sqrt, add, subtract, multiply, and divide. I don't have a more easily accessible reference for this other than E.W. Hobson's A Treatise on Plane and Advanced Trigonometry. In any case, it's not usually applicable in games since often 3 degrees is too coarse, but if 3 degrees granularity is fine enough, you can use this method combined with the famous "fast sqrt" implementation that uses a bitwise operator, then linearly interpolate between angles for computing values that are in between consecutive multiples of 3 degrees.

I only mention this because I think it's totally awesome that sin/cos/tan of integral multiples of 3 degrees are algebraic numbers and thus have explicit closed form solutions, and I've always wanted to find an actual use for the fact :)
this is what you need

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