C++ deletion from vector

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3 comments, last by Zahlman 14 years, 8 months ago
I don't understand where this code doesn't work, I know that isDead() returns true when I hit the enemy but the destructor for the object never gets called. for ( int i=0; i<mEntityList.size(); ++i ) { mEntityList->update(); if ( mEntityList->isDead() ) { mEntityList.erase(mEntityList.begin()+i);//Delete dead people. //delete mEntityList; } } I commented out my other way of deleting cause it didn't work either.
What exactly is mEntityList?
You are erasing the element from the vector, then deleting a (unrelated) entity.

Instead, either delete first, or save the pointer and delete afterwards:
for ( int i = 0 ; i < mEntityList.size() ;  ){    Entity *entity = mEntityList;    entity->update();    if ( entity->isDead() )    {          mEntityList.erase(mEntityList.begin()+i);//Delete dead people.          delete entity;    }    else    {        ++i;    }}

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I forgot to make the increment conditional. I usually use std::remove_if() which is a better algorithm to use:
#include <algorithm>struct UpdateAndDeleteDeadEntities{    bool operator()(Entity *entity)    {          entity->update();          bool dead = entity->isDead();          if(dead)          {             delete entity;          }          return dead;    }};// whereever your code wasmEntityList.erase(     std::remove_if(mEntityList.begin(), mEntityList.end(), UpdateAndDeleteDeadEntities()),     mEntityList.end() );
Two problems I see:
1. Assuming the elements in the vector are objects created with new, you need to delete them.
2. You're erasing elements in the vector as you iterate through it - you'll miss elements in the vector.

This should work:
for (std::vector<Entity*>::iterator it=mEntityList.begin(); it!=mEntityList.end();){   Entity* pEntity = *it;   pEntity->update();   if(pEntity->isDead())   {      it = mEntityList.erase(it);  // Remove from the vector      delete pEntity; // Delete the entity and free memory   }   else      ++it;}
std::for_each(mEntityList.begin(), mEntityList.end(), std::mem_fun(&Entity::update));mEntityList.erase(std::remove_if(mEntityList.begin(), mEntityList.end(), std::mem_fun(&Entity::isDead)), mEntityList.end());

That doesn't do any deletion, though. Consider using smart pointers instead. You'll need to make wrapper functions to call the update and isDead functions (since std::mem_fun is expecting a raw pointer), but the basic logic is the same.

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