lambert shader help

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-1 comments, last by staticVoid2 14 years, 7 months ago
hi there, I'm trying to implement a per-pixel lambert shader but I don't know what the best/fastest way to do this is, I currently have:

        // c0 - worldViewProject
        // c4 - world
        // c8 - point light matrix

	def c13, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
	dcl_position v0
	dcl_normal v1
	dcl_texcoord v2

	m4x4 oPos, v0, c0
	mov oT0, v2

        ; convert normal to range 0 - 1
	mul r0, v1, c13
	add r0, r0, c13

        ; interpolate normal across triangle
	mov oT2, r0

        ; r5 - world position of vertex
	m4x4 r5, v0, c4
        ; convert position into lights space
	m4x4 oT1, r5, c8

the point light matrix converts the 3d position into light space i.e. between -1 and 1 anything outside this range lies outside the radius of the light, it also moves the range from -1 to 1 to 0 - 1 by dividing by two and adding 0.5.

        // c0 - light color
	tex t0
	texcoord t1
	texcoord t2
	dp3_sat r0, t1_bx2, t1_bx2
	mul r0, c0, 1-r0
	mul r0, r0, t0

the dp3_sat intruction gives me the attenuation factor and clamps the value to 0 - 1 so that any values > 1 will remain at 1. The problem is that I need to be able to dot the normal (t2_bx2) with the inverse direction of (t1_bx2) but I don't think ps.1.1 supports any normalization intructions such as rsq, rcp etc. how can I get the two normals (light and surface) per-pixel? and is there any way to get the actual surface normal rather than using the interpolated vertex normals?

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