Which .NET Framework is my software compiled for?

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1 comment, last by nobodynews 14 years, 6 months ago
Hi I want to find out for which version of .NET Framework my code gets compiled to. Id it the .NET version installed on the system or the version in VS Help->About? I'm leaning to the second, but just want to make sure. Thanks PS Tried googling this, but seemed to ask the wrong question, as "What version of .NET is my software compiled" or any alternative yields anything but what I want. And I can't seem to find the right keywords. PPS And for those wondering it is C#
Try, try and fucking try again.
Right click on your project in the Solution Explorer and choose properties. On the Application tab is a drop down for Target Framework. This will show you (and let you change) which version of the .NET framework you are targeting.
Regardless, basically all versions released since 2.0 have been binary compatible with each other. The only major difference is what is contained in each library. Because of this you can configure which version of the .NET framework you wish to compile against from your project properties page. In the Application 'tab' look at the 'target framework' field.

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