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1 comment, last by JackTheRapper 14 years, 6 months ago
Where I can find TBN generator? Is the big need to make similiar vectors? How work with attributes in GLSL? When I write glBindAttribLocationARB(...) before linking shaders ,after compiling there is no error in glGetError() and Attrib array is enabled but not throw the information by glVertexAttribPointerARB(...) ...
Wunderwerk Engine is an OpenGL-based, shader-driven, cross-platform game engine. It is targeted at aspiring game designers who have been kept from realizing their ideas due to lacking programming skills.
Hi, I investigated this the other day. Here's what I do, gathered from what I read in various articles and after experimenting:

For each triangle in the mesh, I calculate the face normal and call this function for the Tangent & BiTangent:

/************************************************************** Function    : CalculateTangentBiNormal** Description : Calculates the tangent and binormal for the *		supplied triangle and texture coordinate**		Triangle[3]  = 3 vertices of the tri*		TexCoords[3] = texture coords of above 3 verts*               Tangent      = calculated tangent stored here*               BiNormal     = calculated binormal stored here**************************************************************/void CalculateTangentBiNormal(const SVector3d Triangle[3], const STexCoord TexCoords[3], SVector3d &Tangent, SVector3d &BiNormal){	SVector3d v3dEdge1, v3dEdge2;	STexCoord uvEdge1, uvEdge2;        const SVector3d& v1 = Triangle[0];    const SVector3d& v2 = Triangle[1];    const SVector3d& v3 = Triangle[2];        STexCoord uv1 = TexCoords[0];    STexCoord uv2 = TexCoords[1];    STexCoord uv3 = TexCoords[2];    // Origin in tangent space is bottom-left of texture... if you're    // like me and treat the origin as top-left, uncomment this code to    // flip the origin for correct tangent space calculations    //uv1.v  = 1.0f - uv1.v;    //uv2.v  = 1.0f - uv2.v;    //uv3.v  = 1.0f - uv3.v;        // v2 - v2    v3dEdge1 = Triangle[1] - Triangle[0];    // v3 - v1    v3dEdge2 = Triangle[2] - Triangle[0];        uvEdge1 = uv2 - uv1;    uvEdge2 = uv3 - uv1;        float r = 1.0F / (uvEdge1.u * uvEdge2.v - uvEdge2.u * uvEdge1.v);    SVector3d v3dTangent((uvEdge2.v * v3dEdge1.x - uvEdge1.v * v3dEdge2.x) * r, (uvEdge2.v * v3dEdge1.y - uvEdge1.v * v3dEdge2.y) * r, (uvEdge2.v * v3dEdge1.z - uvEdge1.v * v3dEdge2.z) * r);    SVector3d v3dBiNormal((uvEdge1.u * v3dEdge2.x - uvEdge2.u * v3dEdge1.x) * r, (uvEdge1.u * v3dEdge2.y - uvEdge2.u * v3dEdge1.y) * r, (uvEdge1.u * v3dEdge2.z - uvEdge2.u * v3dEdge1.z) * r);        Tangent += v3dTangent;        BiNormal += v3dBiNormal;}

Then, I add the face normal and tangent to each vertex that is used in the tri. I don't add the bi-tangent as this will be calculated later on from the tweaked tangent and vertex normal.

Once the T and N have been calculated for each tri and added to each trie vert, I loop through the verts. I normalize each vert (to get the average per-vertex normals) then perform a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization on tangent. Once I have the averaged normal and corrected tangent, I find the bitangent by taking the cross product of the normal and tangent. The handidness of the BTN is checked and corrected.

for(UInt32 ctr = 0; ctr < numVerts; ctr++){	meshVertData[ctr].xyzNormal.Normalize();               // Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize	meshVertData[ctr].xyzTangent -= meshVertData[ctr].xyzNormal * meshVertData[ctr].xyzNormal.Dot(meshVertData[ctr].xyzTangent);	meshVertData[ctr].xyzTangent.Normalize();	// Calculate new BiNormal from the vertex Tangent and Normal	meshVertData[ctr].xyzBiNormal.Cross(meshVertData[ctr].xyzNormal, meshVertData[ctr].xyzTangent);	meshVertData[ctr].xyzBiNormal.Normalize();	// Handedness	SVector3d v3dHand;	v3dHand.Cross(meshVertData[ctr].xyzTangent, meshVertData[ctr].xyzBiNormal);	if(v3dHand.Dot(meshVertData[ctr].xyzNormal) < 0.0f)	{		// Make right-handed		meshVertData[ctr].xyzBiNormal *= -1;	}}

Take a look at the following articles for an explenation of whats going on:

I'm no expert but I hope that helps (and is correct :P)

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