[Solved] Penetration depth for sphere/AABB and sphere/OBB intersection correct but...

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-1 comments, last by Spa8nky 14 years, 5 months ago
Hello again, apologies for what may seem like a sudden influx of questions but this one had me curious. I have two working collision detection test for a sphere. One is for an AABB:

        private bool TestSphereAABB(CD_AxisAlignedBoundingBox aABB, ref Contact contact)
            // Find point (p) on AABB closest to Sphere centre
            Vector3 p = aABB.ClosestPtPointAABB(Centre);

            // Sphere and AABB intersect if the (squared) distance from sphere centre to point (p)
            // is less than the (squared) sphere radius
            Vector3 v = p - Centre;
            float distance_Squared = Vector3.Dot(v, v);

            if (distance_Squared <= Radius * Radius)
                if (v != Vector3.Zero)

                contact.normal = v;
                contact.penetration = aABB.DistPointAABB(Centre) - Radius;

                return true;

            // No intersection
            return false;

The other (very similar) is for an OBB:

        private bool TestSphereOBB(CD_OrientedBoundingBox oBB, ref Contact contact)
            // Find point (p) on OBB closest to Sphere centre
            Vector3 p = oBB.ClosestPtPointOBB(Centre);

            // Sphere and OBB intersect if the (squared) distance from sphere centre to point (p)
            // is less than the (squared) sphere radius
            Vector3 v = p - Centre;

            // Vector3.Dot(v, v) gives the square distance to point p
            float distance_Squared = Vector3.Dot(v, v);
            if (distance_Squared <= Radius * Radius)
                if (v != Vector3.Zero)

                contact.normal = v;
                contact.penetration = (float)Math.Sqrt(oBB.SqDistancePoint(Centre)) - Radius;

                return true;

            // No intersection
            return false;

If I have the usual sliding response collision resolution of: position_Projected += contact.normal * contact.penetration; then everything works fine. However, in both cases the collision normal is in the opposite direction to what it should be. How can I achieve a correct penetration depth with the normal reversed (-v)? Also, am I making things too complicated when trying to work out the penetration depth? Thank you. EDIT: Solved it, I just need to use: Radius - (float)Math.Sqrt(distance_Squared); for all cases. Please excuse my brain. [Edited by - Spa8nky on November 1, 2009 3:51:42 PM]

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