Scene management

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6 comments, last by Rompa 14 years, 5 months ago
hello again!~ I have to thank everyone again for the help getting me started on directx. I have just finally worked through all the basic msdn tutors, and not I'm ready to move on to the next step. I have a couple of questions that I am having a hard time dealing with, and if someone can give me a few pointers, or recommend a book that has these answer, it would be much appreciated!(Im lazy so answers>books =) lol but Ill take what I can get. I have a simple project, with mouse and keyboard input to move and look around a room with one point light in it. I want to add some more objects to it and do collision detection now. Can someone tell me the best structure for handling multiple objects in directx? Do I create a different vertex and index buffer for each object, or stick everything in one? Right now I have only one vertex buffer, and one index buffer, and I am using "D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA" to input initial data to be used throughout the scene. I then call dxdevice->DrawIndexed(36, 0, 0); once per scene to render the room. I don't see how this format will allow for multiple objects with separate textures in a practical way =/ If anyone could recommend a book, or just link me to something that has an example of this, it would be really helpful. thanks for any help.
There's an article here at gamedev that might be of some help to you, although it is rather naive about how we do vertex buffers in OpenGL (from reading it, you'd think we stick one triangle in a buffer then send it off).

Going by my own naive assumption that "vertex buffers aren't that much different in DirectX", you'll want to have multiple buffers. Yann L has some posts in certain threads of this forum that discuss various cache management strategies. NVidia once recommended something like 1MB to 4MB size per vertex buffer for OpenGL; it might be similar to DirectX. You don't want to make them too large or the driver won't be able to handle them efficiently, but at the same time you won't get much benefit out of using very small buffers since switching buffers costs time.
Thanks for the link, but I'm using directx 10 in this project..I know the theory is similar, but aside from it being the wrong version, I found that tutorial very complicated...

I just need a simple tutorial about how to organize and render multiple objects/meshes in directx 10
Does anyone have a link to a better or more simple tutorial on vertex buffers? I need something to help me create a dynamic vertex buffer, and organize two or three separate objects. Each object will have its own texture, and its own list of vertices and indices.
you know...someone could have just told me to read the intructions..
:P the answer was on like...the second

and! that's not a given anymore these days you know..with all the wizards and "Next" buttons..LOL
Eh, well, some independent thinking is required in programming :) I guess you figured out how to do what you want, then.
I can just use multiple vertex buffers, one for each object right? I think I read I can have a total of 4096 buffers or vert buffer for each object or group of small objects could be made efficiently no?
Sure, you can but you probably shouldn't. I allocate a number of 1 MB buffers and fill them as required. You can easily have geometry with different vertex formats in a single buffer, so there's no real reason not to share them.

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