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3 comments, last by jpetrie 14 years, 4 months ago
Hello, was wondering if anyone could write some simple tutorials for SlimDX. I know it's just like DirectX but it's hard to figure out what's what because they changed all the method names etc etc. If someone could just get a simple tutorial that sets the device and draw a triangle... or maybe even make a list of MDX methods and their equivalent SlimDX versions so I know what's what.
If someone could just get a simple tutorial that sets the device and draw a triangle

The "MiniTri" samples in the SlimDX SDK illustrate exactly this.
hey jpetrie, do you know why that is the only tutorial that works? all of the rest use SampleFrameworks.dll and I cannot get it working..

But still, I think there should be a lil more documentation for SlimDX

Or even a small book! I would buy it
After searching around some more I found a page with some tutorials but still would like to see a small SlimDX bible or something similar come out.

hey jpetrie, do you know why that is the only tutorial that works? all of the rest use SampleFrameworks.dll and I cannot get it working..

The other samples compile and run fine. You probably have something misconfigured, but you're not going to get any useful help if your only description of the symptom is that it "doesn't work."

But still, I think there should be a lil more documentation for SlimDX

Writing good documentation is extremely difficult. Microsoft has dedicated teams producing documentation for the DirectX SDK, and they still routinely omit sections or create bugs. There are three people working on SlimDX.

Furthermore, it's not designed to be a "beginner-friendly" API, per se, so we're unlikely to ever have documentation beyond the API level or the occasional bit of detailed prose covers SlimDX-specific topics. It's just not worth the investment to produce when it's basically a carbon-copy of the documentation available in the native SDK. Most of the SlimDX interfaces are obvious logical transforms from the native interface names. If you cannot figure one out, a good technique is to go to the source viewer and type the name of the native interface you're interested in into the "search trunk" box, and search. That should show the code using that native interface in SlimDX, which should in turn show you the name of the managed interface you'll want to use.

or maybe even make a list of MDX methods and their equivalent SlimDX versions so I know what's what.

This would almost certainly not help you. The interfaces that more-or-less correspond have the same names in both APIs. The interfaces that don't correspond don't generally even exist; SlimDX is designed differently than MDX was and supported things that SlimDX did not support (as well as the other way around). It'd be like trying to learn French with just a French-English dictionary: it's only going to get you so far.

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