Scrolling and Obstacle Detection [PYTHON/PYGAME]

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15 comments, last by dustfilledhobo 14 years, 4 months ago
Quote:Original post by dustfilledhobo
I thought it might be because I use the center of my character's rectangle, or the fact that my character's left and right images have different widths than its up and down images, but I was unable to figure out how these problems affected my code, because no matter what I tried, my character still was able to go half-way through each wall.

Personally I'd use a predetermined rectangle instead of the bounding box of the current sprite. It's a bit more flexible, and you can be certain that your collision area never changes (e.g. it could suddenly become larger when you turn around, pushing you out of the wall, which may not be what you want when simply turning).

As for your collision test, the problem lies with the tile lookup code. Indeed, you're using only the center of the player, so only once the center comes into contact with a solid tile you're doing a rectangle-rectangle check. Those rectangles did already collide, but you skipped that test. If you're working with rectangles, you often need to check a range of tiles, not just one. For each corner, check what tile it is in. Those are the boundary tiles of the tile area that you need to perform collision tests on.

Say, you're controlling a huge elephant, and his left side just touches the 4th collumn. His right side touches the 8th collumn. That means he's touching tiles in 5 collumns! The same goes for the top and bottom. Let's say those are rows 6 - 9, 4 rows in total. The elephant is touching or overlapping 20 tiles. At the very least you will have to test against the border tiles of that area - not just one tile. The same applies to your game: even though the player is small, he can still touch 4 tiles at once.
Create-ivity - a game development blog Mouseover for more information.
Captain P, it worked perfectly. I had never used topleft, topright, etc. before. Your solution should have been obvious to me, but it wasn't. So, thanks again for helping a struggling (and sometimes dense) newbie.

No problem - we all have to learn things. :)

To come back to the IDE question, you may want to try some of the tools mentioned here. There are some cross-platform and Mac programs mentioned, maybe there's one that suits your needs.
Create-ivity - a game development blog Mouseover for more information.
Quote:Original post by Captain P

To come back to the IDE question, you may want to try some of the tools mentioned here. There are some cross-platform and Mac programs mentioned, maybe there's one that suits your needs.

I downloaded the TextMate trial, and I think that I fixed my mixing tabs and spaces problem (please let me know if I didn't).

Also, I have been trying to create the camera in my game based on Captain P's suggestions, just a few posts above this one.

My current code leaves the player centered with respect to the background, and the entire background shifts with the player, where I want the player to stay in the middle of the screen and have the background scroll. Sorry if my explanation is not clear. It seems like the scrolling is almost working in reverse.

If you would like, you can download my current code here:

I am not fully understanding the Vec2(0,0) part of Captain P's suggestion. I created the class below, but I believe that I am still using a list where it was suggested that a vector would be better.
import pygameclass CameraVector:    def __init__(self, resolution, map1):        self.bounding_rectangle = pygame.Rect(0, 0, resolution[0], resolution[1])#map1.numXTiles*map1.tilewidth, map1.numYTiles*map1.tileheight)        self.camera_vector = resolution        self.x = self.camera_vector[0]         self.y = self.camera_vector[1]        self.camera_rect = pygame.Rect(self.x, self.y,resolution[0], resolution[1])    def update(self, resolution, char):        self.x = char.rect.centerx - resolution[0]/2        self.y = char.rect.centery - resolution[1]/2        self.camera_rect.clamp(self.bounding_rectangle)
import pygame, mathfrom Map import ImageCacheclass Map():    def __init__(self, resolution, last_key_pressed):        self.tiles = []        self.images = []        self.collision = []         self.tilewidth = 40        self.tileheight = 40        self.resolution = resolution        self.last_key_pressed = last_key_pressed                 self.numXTiles = int(math.ceil(float(self.resolution[0]) / self.tilewidth)) + 1        self.numYTiles = int(math.ceil(float(self.resolution[1]) / self.tileheight)) + 1        self.tiledBG = pygame.Surface((self.numXTiles * self.tilewidth, self.numYTiles * self.tileheight)).convert()        self.wallsBG = pygame.Surface((self.numXTiles * self.tilewidth, self.numYTiles * self.tileheight)).convert()        def load(self, map_file, resolution, char):        self.char = char        cache = ImageCache.ImageCache()        self.images.append(cache.getImage('Images/Scenery/ocean.png'))        self.images.append(cache.getImage('Images/Scenery/pathway.png'))        self.images.append(cache.getImage('Images/Scenery/brick.png'))                self.tilewidth = self.images[0].get_width()        self.tileheight = self.images[0].get_height()                for line in open(map_file, 'r'):            characters = line.strip().split(',')                    if len(characters) > 0:                self.tiles.append([])                self.collision.append([])                            # Run through all the tile characters                for character in characters:                    if character == 'OCN':                        # [-1] means: the last element of                        # I'm pushing 0 here, because 'red' is the 0th element in self.images                        self.tiles[-1].append(0)                        self.collision[-1].append(True)                    elif character == 'PTH':                        self.tiles[-1].append(1)                        self.collision[-1].append(False)                    elif character == 'BRK':                        self.tiles[-1].append(2)                        self.collision[-1].append(True)                    else:                        # Right now this makes each row one tile shorter, because                        # we're not storing any data for this tile.                        print 'Wrong tile: [' + character + ']'                        #print "Max: (" +str(self.maxHorzScrollBounds)+ ", " +str(self.maxVertScrollBounds)+ ")"                def draw(self, screen, char, camera):        startXTile = int(math.floor(camera.x/self.tilewidth))        startYTile = int(math.floor(camera.y/self.tileheight))        #print "camera coords: (" +str(camera.x)+", "+str(camera.y)+")"        #print "start tiles: (" +str(startXTile)+", "+str(startYTile)+")"                for x in range(startXTile, self.numXTiles + startXTile):            for y in range(startYTile, self.numYTiles + startYTile):                self.tiledBG.blit(self.images[self.tiles[y][x]], ((x) * self.tilewidth, (y) * self.tileheight))        screen.blit(self.tiledBG, (startXTile*self.tilewidth, startYTile*self.tileheight))                #Did we hit a wall????                ### The following if/else block checks the topleft, topright, bottomleft, and bottomright coordinates of the character's        ### rectangle to see if they collide with any walls.  If they collide the player is not allowed to advance, if there is no        ### collision, then the char_old variables are reset to the current position of the charactcer.                            if self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.topleft[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.topleft[0])/self.tilewidth))] == True: #checking topleft coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)        elif self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.topright[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.topright[0])/self.tilewidth))] == True: #checking topright coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)        elif self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.bottomright[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.bottomright[0])/self.tilewidth))] == True: #checking bottomright coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)        elif self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.bottomleft[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.bottomleft[0])/self.tilewidth))] == True: #checking bottomleft coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)                        else:            #Didn't hit a wall            char_old_x = char.rect.centerx            char_old_y = char.rect.centery

Thanks in advance for any help.


I am still having trouble with the code in my previous post. I think that it might have something to do with the way I am attempting to snap to my bounding rectangle, but I can't figure it out. Sorry for the re-post, but I keep attempting to solve this and nothing I try seems to work. Thanks in advance for any help that you can offer.

I don't have much time now, but if you want to snap the camera to a certain rectangular area, you'll need to keep the size of the screen in mind as well. What it comes down to is keeping one rectangle inside another.

The logic is fairly easy: if the inner rectangle's left side is further to the left than the outer rectangle's left side, then set it's left side to the left side of the outer rectangle. Same goes for all four sides. In your case, the inner rectangle is the camera position combined with the screen dimension, and the outer rectangle is the map boundary.

As for vectors, using tuples or lists will work just as well, they're just a little more obscure (camera.x is more descriptive than camera[0]). Same goes for rectangles. The above approach is easier to implement when you've got a Rectangle class that provides left(), right(), top() and bottom() functions (besides just containing an x, y, width and height).
Create-ivity - a game development blog Mouseover for more information.
I'm still having trouble with the scrolling/obstacle detection of my game. Currently my game scrolls exactly how I want it to (the player stays in the center of the screen unless he reaches one of the outer bounds of the map). My problem lies in the obstacle detection. Here are some things I have tried:

(1) I have tried shifting the walls based on my camera's x and y coordinates, but this always allowed me to go partially into the wall, or it restricted me from passing when I was far away from a wall.

(2) I tried creating a list that contained rectangles for each tile that was not walkable, but failed when I didn't know how to determine which rectangle to test for a collision. Also, the way I was doing this I was still using the same list to look up for the collision as (1), so I think even if I got this to work I would have had similar results as (1)

(3) I even tried defining each pixel as being walkable or not. This was my last resort, and was way too slow (obviously) to do anything with.

My current code allows scrolling and it leaves the walls in their original position on the screen, so if Im in the top left portion of the map my upper and left walls work, but everything else does not, and I know this is because I don't have any code to allow the walls to shift. Captain P has given me many great suggestions, but I am not fully understanding how to implement them with my code. So, I am asking for help once again. Thank You!!!

You can download the full code here:

But I think this is all you will need:
#Change the version number and put your name after you edit#V Whatever#Whoever# KEEP THE CODE ORGANIZED# make changes in the right section# comments will help others (and YOU) understand# IDEA/ALTER model#I - Import and initializeimport pygameimport randomimport mathimport CharacterSpritesimport EnemySpritesimport ItemSpritesimport HUDsimport MapFunctionsimport ImagePathsimport Camerafrom Map import ImageCachefrom pygame.locals import *######initializing global variables###############initialize pygame#######pygame.init()#D - Display configurationresolution = (800,600)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution)last_key_pressed = "DOWN"charImages = ImagePaths.CharImagePaths()fps = 30######main game loop#######def main():#E - Entities (things moving about on screen)    pygame.display.set_caption("THE GAME")    background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())    background.fill((50,255,50)) # what color the background is in RGB    screen.blit(background, (0, 0))    last_key_pressed = "DOWN"    # Assign sprite classes and other classes to variables    char = CharacterSprites.Char(charImages, fps, resolution, last_key_pressed)    info = HUDs.HUD() = (100, 50)    map1 = MapFunctions.Map(resolution, last_key_pressed)    map1.load('Map/map.txt', resolution, char)    boundingRectangle = Camera.BoundingRectangle(map1)    camera = Camera.Camera(boundingRectangle, char)    wiz = EnemySprites.Wiz(screen)    wiz1 = EnemySprites.Wiz(screen)    wiz2 = EnemySprites.Wiz(screen)    gold = ItemSprites.Gold()    gold1 = ItemSprites.Gold()    gold2 = ItemSprites.Gold()    cache = ImageCache.ImageCache()        #A - Action (broken into ALTER steps)      #A Assign values to key variables    goodSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(char)    itemSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(gold, gold1, gold2)    badSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(wiz, wiz1, wiz2)    infoSprites = pygame.sprite.Group(info)        clock = pygame.time.Clock() #initializing the clock        keepGoing = True #initialally we want to Keep Going        # Main caption    pygame.display.set_caption("THE GAME")    #L - Set up main loop    while keepGoing:                #T - Timer to set frame rate        clock.tick(fps) #setting frame rate number = fps        #E - Event handling                #saving the old position, before we change it, just incase we hit a wall.        char.old_x = char.rect.centerx        char.old_y = char.rect.centery        # The above is for wall collisions                for event in pygame.event.get():            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                keepGoing = False                    elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:                    char.moveWest = True                    last_key_pressed = "LEFT"                elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:                    char.moveEast = True                    last_key_pressed = "RIGHT"                elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:                    char.moveNorth = True                    last_key_pressed = "UP"                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:                    char.moveSouth = True                    last_key_pressed = "DOWN"                     elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:          , {}))                 elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:                    char.moveWest = False                    char.image = char.charImages.character_images_left[0]                elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:                    char.moveEast = False                    char.image = char.charImages.character_images_right[0]                elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:                    char.moveNorth = False                    char.image = char.charImages.character_images_back[0]                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:                    char.moveSouth = False                    char.image = char.charImages.character_images_front[0]                     ######Check for sprites colliding with other sprites######        hitItem = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(char, itemSprites, False)        if hitItem:            for theItem in hitItem:                theItem.reset() #resets location       += 1 #adds one to gold        hitBad = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(char, badSprites, False)        if hitBad:            for theBad in hitBad:                char.reset()#resets location       -= 1# ads one to kills                if <= 0:                    keepGoing = False        #R - Refresh display "blit" means printing an image        ###Clear old sprite groups        goodSprites.clear(screen, background)        itemSprites.clear(screen, background)        badSprites.clear(screen, background)        infoSprites.clear(screen, background)        ###Update the sprite group positions, etc.        goodSprites.update(last_key_pressed, pygame.time.get_ticks(), camera, boundingRectangle)        itemSprites.update()        badSprites.update()        infoSprites.update()        camera.update(char, boundingRectangle, map1)        ###Draw new sprite groups        map1.draw(screen, char, camera)        goodSprites.draw(screen)        itemSprites.draw(screen)        badSprites.draw(screen)        infoSprites.draw(screen)        ####Switch the screen to the new information        pygame.display.flip()            # End main game loopif __name__ == "__main__":    main()
import pygame, mathfrom Map import ImageCacheclass Map():    def __init__(self, resolution, last_key_pressed):        self.tiles = []        self.images = []        self.collision = []         self.shift_wall_x = 0        self.shift_wall_y = 0        cache = ImageCache.ImageCache()        self.images.append(cache.getImage('Images/Scenery/ocean.png'))        self.images.append(cache.getImage('Images/Scenery/pathway.png'))        self.images.append(cache.getImage('Images/Scenery/brick.png'))        self.tilewidth = self.images[0].get_width()        self.tileheight = self.images[0].get_height()                 self.resolution = resolution        self.last_key_pressed = last_key_pressed        self.advanceVelocity_x = 0        self.advanceVelocity_y = 0                 self.numXTiles = int(math.ceil(float(self.resolution[0]) / self.tilewidth)) + 1        self.numYTiles = int(math.ceil(float(self.resolution[1]) / self.tileheight)) + 1        self.tiledBG = pygame.Surface((self.numXTiles * self.tilewidth, self.numYTiles * self.tileheight)).convert()        self.wallsBG = pygame.Surface((self.numXTiles * self.tilewidth, self.numYTiles * self.tileheight)).convert()        def load(self, map_file, resolution, char):        self.char = char        self.resolution = resolution                        for line in open(map_file, 'r'):            characters = line.strip().split(',')                    if len(characters) > 0:                self.tiles.append([])                self.collision.append([])                            # Run through all the tile characters                for character in characters:                    if character == 'OCN':                        # [-1] means: the last element of                        # I'm pushing 0 here, because 'red' is the 0th element in self.images                        self.tiles[-1].append(0)                        self.collision[-1].append(True)                    elif character == 'PTH':                        self.tiles[-1].append(1)                        self.collision[-1].append(False)                    elif character == 'BRK':                        self.tiles[-1].append(2)                        self.collision[-1].append(True)                    else:                        # Right now this makes each row one tile shorter, because                        # we're not storing any data for this tile.                        print 'Wrong tile: [' + character + ']'                        #print "Max: (" +str(self.maxHorzScrollBounds)+ ", " +str(self.maxVertScrollBounds)+ ")"                def draw(self, screen, char, camera):        self.startXTile = int(math.floor(float(camera.x) / self.tilewidth))        self.startYTile = int(math.floor(float(camera.y) / self.tileheight))                              for x in range(self.startXTile, self.startXTile + self.numXTiles):            for y in range(self.startYTile, self.startYTile + self.numYTiles):                #print map1.images[map1.tiles[y][x]]                            self.tiledBG.blit(self.images[self.tiles[y][x]], ((x - self.startXTile) * self.tilewidth, (y - self.startYTile) * self.tileheight))        screen.blit(self.tiledBG, (0, 0), (camera.x - (self.startXTile * self.tilewidth), (camera.y - (self.startYTile * self.tileheight))) + self.resolution)        #Did we hit a wall????                ### The following if/else block checks the topleft, topright, bottomleft, and bottomright coordinates of the character's        ### rectangle to see if they collide with any walls.  If they collide the player is not allowed to advance, if there is no        ### collision, then the char_old variables are reset to the current position of the charactcer.        if self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.topleft[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.topleft[0])/self.tilewidth))]: #checking topleft coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)            camera.x = camera.old_x            camera.y = camera.old_y        elif self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.topright[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.topright[0])/self.tilewidth))]: #checking topright coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)            camera.x = camera.old_x            camera.y = camera.old_y        elif self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.bottomright[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.bottomright[0])/self.tilewidth))]: #checking bottomright coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)            camera.x = camera.old_x            camera.y = camera.old_y        elif self.collision[int(math.floor((char.rect.bottomleft[1])/self.tileheight))][int(math.ceil((char.rect.bottomleft[0])/self.tilewidth))]: #checking bottomleft coordinate for collision   = (char.old_x, char.old_y)            camera.x = camera.old_x            camera.y = camera.old_y        else:            #Didn't hit a wall            char_old_x = char.rect.centerx            char_old_y = char.rect.centery            camera.old_x = camera.x            camera.old_y = camera.y
import pygame, mathclass BoundingRectangle:    def __init__(self, map1):        self.max_right_bound = map1.tilewidth * len(map1.tiles[0]) - map1.resolution[0] - 1        self.max_left_bound = 0        self.max_top_bound = 0        self.max_bottom_bound = map1.tileheight * len(map1.tiles) - map1.resolution[1] - 1                   def right(self):        return self.max_right_bound        def left(self):        return self.max_left_bound        def top(self):        return self.max_top_bound        def bottom(self):        return self.max_bottom_boundclass Camera:    def __init__(self, boundingRectangle, char):        self.x = 0          self.y = 0        self.advanceVelocity_x = 0        self.advanceVelocity_y = 0        self.scrollVelocity = char.speed        self.wall_shift_x = 0        self.wall_shift_y = 0        self.old_x = self.x        self.old_y = self.y        self.max_bound = False    def update(self, char, boundingRectangle, map1):        #Snap scrolling window to the Bounding Rectangle        max_bound = False        if self.x <= boundingRectangle.left():            self.x = boundingRectangle.left()            self.max_bound = True        if self.x >= boundingRectangle.right():            self.x = boundingRectangle.right()            self.max_bound = True        if self.y <=            self.y =            self.max_bound = True        if self.y >= boundingRectangle.bottom():            self.y = boundingRectangle.bottom()            self.max_bound = True                #shift wall positions (x,y)        self.wall_shift_x = int(math.floor(self.x / map1.tilewidth))        self.wall_shift_y = int(math.floor(self.y / map1.tileheight))        #print "wall shifts: (" +str(self.wall_shift_x)+ ", " +str(self.wall_shift_y)+ ")"         #print "Camera Coordinates: (" +str(self.x)+ ", " +str(self.y)+ ")"
import pygame, math, Map, ImagePathsfrom Map import ImageCacheclass Char(pygame.sprite.Sprite):    def __init__(self, charImages, fps, resolution, last_key_pressed):        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)        self.charImages = charImages        self.start = pygame.time.get_ticks()        self.delay = 1000 / fps        self.last_update = 0        self.frame = 0        self.last_key_pressed = last_key_pressed        self.image = self.charImages.character_images_front[self.frame]                if self.last_key_pressed == "UP":            self.image = self.charImages.character_images_back[self.frame]        if self.last_key_pressed == "DOWN":            self.image = self.charImages.character_images_front[self.frame]        if self.last_key_pressed == "RIGHT":            self.image = self.charImages.character_images_right[self.frame]        if self.last_key_pressed == "LEFT":            self.image = self.charImages.character_images_left[self.frame]        self.resolution = resolution                self.image = self.image.convert()        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()        self.rect.centerx = 400        self.rect.centery = 300        self.speed = 7        self.old_x = self.rect.centerx        self.old_y = self.rect.centery        self.start_x = self.rect.centerx        self.start_y = self.rect.centery        self.moveNorth = False        self.moveSouth = False        self.moveEast = False        self.moveWest = False             def reset(self):        self.rect.centerx = self.start_x        self.rect.centery = self.start_y    def update(self, last_key_pressed, t, camera, boundingRectangle):     # Put the player in the new spot        self.last_key_pressed = last_key_pressed        #if abs(self.start_x - self.rect.centerx) < self.speed:            #self.rect.centerx = self.start_x                            if self.moveNorth:            self.animate(self.charImages.character_images_back, t)            if camera.y == or self.rect.centery > self.start_y:                self.rect.centery -= self.speed            if self.rect.centery == self.start_y:                camera.y -= self.speed                                                if self.moveSouth:            self.animate(self.charImages.character_images_front, t)            if camera.y == boundingRectangle.bottom() or self.rect.centery < self.start_y:                self.rect.centery += self.speed            if self.rect.centery == self.start_y:                camera.y += self.speed                                                if self.moveEast:            self.animate(self.charImages.character_images_right, t)            if camera.x == boundingRectangle.right() or self.rect.centerx < self.start_x:                self.rect.centerx += self.speed            if self.rect.centerx == self.start_x:                camera.x += self.speed                                                if self.moveWest:            self.animate(self.charImages.character_images_left, t)            if camera.x == boundingRectangle.left() or self.rect.centerx > self.start_x:                self.rect.centerx -= self.speed            if self.rect.centerx == self.start_x:                camera.x -= self.speed                                if self.moveNorth == False and self.moveSouth == False and self.moveEast == False and self.moveWest == False:            if self.last_key_pressed == "UP":                self.image = self.charImages.character_images_back[0]            if self.last_key_pressed == "DOWN":                self.image = self.charImages.character_images_front[0]            if self.last_key_pressed == "RIGHT":                self.image = self.charImages.character_images_right[0]            if self.last_key_pressed == "LEFT":                self.image = self.charImages.character_images_left[0]            self.frame = 0        #print "Frame: " + str(self.frame)        #print "last_key_pressed: " + self.last_key_pressed        #print self.image = (self.rect.centerx, self.rect.centery)       def animate(self, image_array, t):                if t - self.last_update > self.delay:                self.frame += 1                if self.frame >= len(image_array):                    self.frame = 0                self.image = image_array[self.frame]                self.colorkey = self.image.get_at((0, 0))                self.image.set_colorkey(self.colorkey)                self.last_update = t        #map1.vpCoordinate_x += map1.advanceVelocity_x            #map1.vpCoordinate_y += map1.advanceVelocity_y            #if map1.vpCoordinate_x < map1.minHorzScrollBounds:             #   map1.vpCoordinate_x = map1.minHorzScrollBounds                #print "minHorz"            #if map1.vpCoordinate_x > map1.maxHorzScrollBounds:             #   map1.vpCoordinate_x = map1.maxHorzScrollBounds                #print "maxHorz"            #if map1.vpCoordinate_y < map1.minVertScrollBounds:             #   map1.vpCoordinate_y = map1.minVertScrollBounds                #print "minVert"            #if map1.vpCoordinate_y > map1.maxVertScrollBounds:             #   map1.vpCoordinate_y = map1.maxVertScrollBounds                #print "maxVert"           # if last_key_pressed == "LEFT":            #    if map1.vpCoordinate_x == map1.minHorzScrollBounds:             #       char.rect.centerx -= char.speed              #  if map1.vpCoordinate_x == map1.maxHorzScrollBounds:               #     if char.rect.centerx > char.start_x:                #        char.rect.centerx -= char.speed                                                    #if last_key_pressed == "RIGHT":             #   if map1.vpCoordinate_x == map1.maxHorzScrollBounds:              #      char.rect.centerx += char.speed               # if map1.vpCoordinate_x == map1.minHorzScrollBounds:                #    if char.rect.centerx < char.start_x:                 #       char.rect.centerx += char.speed                                   # if last_key_pressed == "UP":            #    if map1.vpCoordinate_y == map1.minVertScrollBounds:             #       char.rect.centery -= char.speed              #  if map1.vpCoordinate_y == map1.maxVertScrollBounds:               #     if char.start_y < char.rect.centery:                #        char.rect.centery -= char.speed                                                        #if last_key_pressed == "DOWN":             #   if map1.vpCoordinate_y == map1.maxVertScrollBounds:              #      char.rect.centery += char.speed               # if map1.vpCoordinate_y == map1.minVertScrollBounds:                #    if char.start_y > char.rect.centery:                 #       char.rect.centery += char.speed

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