Bug In My Code? Help M Out

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1 comment, last by jake_Ghost 14 years, 4 months ago
hey!!! would someone please look over my code??!?!?! If you enter a char, it just puts an x and an O in all bottom row spots??!?!? HELP ME!!!
using namespace std;
void display();
bool check(int a, int b);
int drop(int b, char player);
char place[6][7];//available for whole program

int main(){
    for(int a =0;a <= 5; a++){        //fill place with whitespace
        for(int b = 0; b<=6; b++)    //
            place[a] = ' ';        //
    }                                //
    display();//Displays for first time so players can see the board
    int hold;//Will house user row choice
    int hold2 = 0;//will hold drop value
    int charsPlaced = 0;//Number of peices dropped so can end game if a draw
    bool gamewon = false;//Will be changed to true when game is won and will exit while loop
    char player = 15;//start as player 2 will change back 2 player 1
    while(!gamewon){//will stop when game is won, ! means NOT makes the oppisite be checked
        if(hold2 != -1){//check if there was a error in the last drop
            if(player == 15){//if player 2 lasted dropped a piece so its player 1s turn
                cout<<"player 1 drop where?";
                player = 254;//char of players piece
                cout<<"player 2 drop where?";
                player = 15;//char of player piece
        while(true){//will run untill 'break;'
            if(charsPlaced == 42) break;//if draw
            cin>>hold;//get user input
            hold--;//take off 1 to account for arrays starting at 0 not 1
            if(hold <=6 && hold>= 0) break;//if within valid range stop loop
            else cout<< "\nplease enter a value between 1 and 7 :";//ask for input and loop again
            if (cin.fail())    //catch a non number
            {                        //
                cin.clear();        //Stops cin trying to put its value in to hold
                char c;            //Try entering a non number without this, 2 see what this does
                cin>>c;            //
            }                        //Catch a non number

        if(charsPlaced == 42) break;//if draw
        hold2 = drop(hold,player);//drop the player store the row in hold2
        if(hold2 == -1)    cout<<"Colom is full\nPlease enter anothor number between 1 and 7:";//if error -1 row is full
            gamewon = check(hold2,hold);//check if game is run
            charsPlaced ++;//another character has been succesfully placed
            system("cls");//This clears the screen works with windows, not nesscery to run game
            display();//displayed updated board
    system("cls");//this clears the screen
    if(charsPlaced == 42){//if draw
        cout<<"No winner, Game was draw\n";
        return 0;
    if(player == 15)//if won by player 2
        cout<<"gamewon by : player 2\n";
    else cout<<"gamewon by : player 1\n";//Else won by player 1
    system("pause");//pauses before exit so players can see who won, works with windows
    return 0;//Exit application
void display(){
    cout<<" 1   2   3   4   5   6   7\n";
    for(int a = 0; a<= 5; a++)
        for(int b =0; b <= 6; b++) cout<<char(218)<<char(196)<<char(191)<<" ";
        for(int b =0; b <= 6; b++) cout<<char(179)<<place[a]<<char(179)<<" ";
        for(int b =0; b <= 6; b++) cout<<char(192)<<char(196)<<char(217)<<" ";
bool check(int a, int b){
    int vertical = 1;//(|)
    int horizontal = 1;//(-)
    int diagonal1 = 1;//(\)
    int diagonal2 = 1;//(/)
    char player = place[a];
    int i;//vertical
    int ii;//horizontal
    //check for vertical(|)
    for(i = a +1;place == player && i <= 5;i++,vertical++);//Check down
    for(i = a -1;place == player && i >= 0;i--,vertical++);//Check up
    if(vertical >= 4)return true;
    //check for horizontal(-)
    for(ii = b -1;place[a][ii] == player && ii >= 0;ii--,horizontal++);//Check left
    for(ii = b +1;place[a][ii] == player && ii <= 6;ii++,horizontal++);//Check right
    if(horizontal >= 4) return true;
    //check for diagonal 1 (\)
    for(i = a -1, ii= b -1;place[ii] == player && i>=0 && ii >=0; diagonal1 ++, i --, ii --);//up and left
    for(i = a +1, ii = b+1;place[ii] == player && i<=5 && ii <=6;diagonal1 ++, i ++, ii ++);//down and right
    if(diagonal1 >= 4) return true;
    //check for diagonal 2(/)
    for(i = a -1, ii= b +1;place[ii] == player && i>=0 && ii <= 6; diagonal2 ++, i --, ii ++);//up and right
    for(i = a +1, ii= b -1;place[ii] == player && i<=5 && ii >=0; diagonal2 ++, i ++, ii --);//up and left
    if(diagonal2 >= 4) return true;
    return false;
int drop(int b, char player){
    if(b >=0 && b<= 6)
        if(place[0] == ' '){
            int i;
            for(i = 0;place == ' ';i++)
                if(i == 5){place = player;
            return i;}
            place =player;
            return i;

            return -1;

        return -1;


After making your code cleaner to look at, the game worked. Try to pickup some better styling as your original code looked horrible which makes it hard to debug. The only thing I believe I changed is using std::endl instead of "\n" in your display function. This leads me to believe that the code was just being compiled wrong due to ugly code, though I may be wrong.

#include <iostream>using namespace std;void display();bool check(int a, int b);int drop(int b, char player);char place[6][7]; //available for whole programint main(){	//fill place with whitespace	for(int a = 0; a <= 5; a++)		for(int b = 0; b <= 6; b++)			place[a] = ' ';	display();	//Displays for first time so players can see the board	int hold;	//Will house user row choice	int hold2 = 0;	//will hold drop value	int charsPlaced = 0;	//Number of peices dropped so can end game if a draw	bool gamewon = false;	//Will be changed to true when game is won and will exit while loop	char player = 15;	//start as player 2 will change back 2 player 1	//will stop when game is won, ! means NOT makes the oppisite be checked	while(!gamewon)	{		//check if there was a error in the last drop		if(hold2 != -1)		{			//if player 2 lasted dropped a piece so its player 1s turn			if(player == 15)			{				cout << "player 1 drop where?";				player = 254;	//char of players piece			}			else			{				cout << "player 2 drop where?";				player = 15;	//char of player piece			}		}		//will run untill 'break;'		while(true)		{			if(charsPlaced == 42) 				break;	//if draw			cin >> hold;	//get user input			hold--;		//take off 1 to account for arrays starting at 0 not 1			if(hold <= 6 && hold >= 0) 				break;	//if within valid range stop loop			else 				cout<< "\nplease enter a value between 1 and 7 :";	//ask for input and loop again			if (cin.fail())	//catch a non number			{				cin.clear();	//Stops cin trying to put its value in to hold				char c;		//Try entering a non number without this, 2 see what this does				cin >> c;			}	//Catch a non number		}		if(charsPlaced == 42) 			break;	//if draw		hold2 = drop(hold, player);	//drop the player store the row in hold2		if(hold2 == -1)			cout << "Colom is full\nPlease enter anothor number between 1 and 7:";	//if error -1 row is full		else		{			gamewon = check(hold2, hold);	//check if game is run			charsPlaced++;	//another character has been succesfully placed			system("cls");	//This clears the screen works with windows, not nesscery to run game			display();	//displayed updated board		}	}	system("cls");	//this clears the screen	//if draw	if(charsPlaced == 42)	{		cout << "No winner, Game was draw\n";		system("pause");		return 0;	}	if(player == 15)	//if won by player 2		cout << "gamewon by : player 2\n";	else 		cout << "gamewon by : player 1\n";	//Else won by player 1	system("pause");	//pauses before exit so players can see who won, works with windows	return 0;	//Exit application}void display(){	cout << " 1   2   3   4   5   6   7\n";	for(int a = 0; a <= 5; a++)	{		for(int b = 0; b <= 6; b++)			cout << char(218) << char(196) << char(191) << " ";		cout << endl;		for(int b = 0; b <= 6; b++)			cout << char(179) << place[a] << char(179) << " ";		cout << endl;		for(int b = 0; b <= 6; b++)			cout << char(192) << char(196) << char(217) << " ";		cout << endl;	}}bool check(int a, int b){	int vertical = 1;	//(|)	int horizontal = 1;	//(-)	int diagonal1 = 1;	//(\)	int diagonal2 = 1;	//(/)	char player = place[a];	int i;	//vertical	int ii;	//horizontal	//check for vertical(|)	for(i = a + 1; place == player && i <= 5; i++, vertical++);	//Check down	for(i = a - 1; place == player && i >= 0; i--, vertical++);	//Check up	if(vertical >= 4)		return true;	//check for horizontal(-)	for(ii = b - 1; place[a][ii] == player && ii >= 0; ii--, horizontal++);	//Check left	for(ii = b + 1; place[a][ii] == player && ii <= 6; ii++, horizontal++);	//Check right	if(horizontal >= 4)		return true;	//check for diagonal 1 (\)	for(i = a - 1, ii = b - 1; place[ii] == player && i >= 0 && ii >= 0; diagonal1++, i--, ii--);	//up and left	for(i = a + 1, ii = b + 1; place[ii] == player && i <= 5 && ii <= 6; diagonal1++, i++, ii++);	//down and right	if(diagonal1 >= 4) 		return true;	//check for diagonal 2(/)	for(i = a - 1, ii = b + 1; place[ii] == player && i >=0 && ii <= 6; diagonal2++, i--, ii++);	//up and right	for(i = a + 1, ii = b - 1; place[ii] == player && i <=5 && ii >= 0; diagonal2++, i++, ii--);	//up and left	if(diagonal2 >= 4) 		return true;	return false;}int drop(int b, char player){	if(b >= 0 && b <= 6)	{		if(place[0] == ' ')		{			int i;			for(i = 0; place == ' '; i++)			{				if(i == 5)				{					place = player;					return i;				}			}			i--;			place = player;			return i;		}		else			return -1;	}	else		return -1;}

Eugene Alfonso
GTP | Twitter | SFML | OS-Dev
So the problem was with this line


When you get enter a character other than a number it will return -somebignumber;

So by replacing that line with this

			char GET;			cin>>GET;//get user input			hold = atoi(&GET);			hold--;//take off 1 to account for arrays starting at 0 not 1

That'll fix the problem


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